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Welcome to General Intelligence, OneZero’s weekly dive into the A.I. news and research that matters.

欢迎来到 General Intelligence OneZero 每周都会深入探讨重要的AI新闻和研究。

Rite Aid stores have been using facial recognition software on customers in 200 stores, according to a Reuters investigation published this week.

路透社本周公布的一项调查显示,Rite Aid商店已经在200家商店中的顾客身上使用了面部识别软件。

These cameras were rolled out over the course of eight years and reportedly placed in lower-income and predominantly Black and Latinx neighborhoods, according to Reuters. They have also frequently misidentified people of color: A man stopped while shopping at Rite Aid even filed a complaint about algorithmic racial profiling with the California Department of Public Affairs in 2016.

据路透社报道,这些摄像机在八年的时间里被投放市场,据报道它们被安置在低收入地区,主要是黑人和拉丁裔居民区。 他们还经常误认有色人种:2016年,一名男子在Rite Aid购物时停下脚步,甚至向加利福尼亚公共事务部提出了关于算法种族分析的投诉。

The Reuters story paints a dark picture of an intrusive and flawed technology being developed, tested, and implemented in relative secrecy, and then quietly foisted onto customers in hundreds of locations across the country.


And private facial recognition in the United States doesn’t end with Rite Aid. Walmart uses facial recognition in more than 1,000 stores, 7-Eleven Australia uses facial recognition in 700 stores, and KFC and McDonald’s have tested the technology in China and Japan. There are likely many more examples of facial recognition being used in businesses across the United States, including algorithms used to track people in real time.

而且在美国,私人面部识别并没有以礼仪援助结束。 沃尔玛在1000多家商店中使用面部识别,澳大利亚7-11在700家商店中使用面部识别, 肯德基和麦当劳已在中国和日本测试了该技术。 在美国各地的企业中,可能会有更多的面部识别示例,包括用于实时跟踪人员的算法。

For instance, while facial recognition giant NEC told OneZero last year that it doesn’t sell real-time facial recognition to the U.S. government, it does have private customers in the United States that use the tech. The company would not disclose who.

例如,面部识别巨头NEC去年告诉OneZero ,它没有向美国政府出售实时面部识别,但它确实在美国拥有使用该技术的私人客户。 该公司不会透露谁。

The United States is maddeningly behind the pace of regulating this technology’s proliferation. Activists have won hard-fought victories against the government’s use of facial recognition in cities like San Francisco, Oakland, and Boston, and New York might ban it in schools. But that does nothing to stop companies like Walmart and Rite Aid.

美国疯狂地落后于调节这项技术扩散的步伐。 活动家赢得了反对政府在旧金山 , 奥克兰和波士顿等城市中使用面部识别的艰苦努力的胜利,纽约可能在学校禁止使用面部识别。 但这并不能阻止沃尔玛和Rite Aid等公司。

In every state except Illinois, which has a strong privacy law protecting against the collection of facial recognition data, footage of your face can be stored, used, and sold without your consent or knowledge.


Rite Aid ostensibly holds data on millions of people who have walked through its stores, and what the company does with that information is up to its imagination. Though there are no public plans to do so, Rite Aid could conceivably spin off a business of selling its shoplifting blacklist to other stores.

Rite Aid表面上拥有数以百万计经过其商店的人的数据,而公司对该信息的处理取决于其想象力。 尽管没有公共计划这样做,但可以想象Rite Aid可以剥离将其入店行窃黑名单出售给其他商店的业务。

Portland, Oregon, is the only city that has proposed a ban of the private use of facial recognition, which would mean projects like Rite Aid’s would be illegal. It’s a move that tech giant Amazon is working hard to oppose.

俄勒冈州波特兰市是唯一提议禁止私人使用面部识别的城市,这意味着像礼拜式援助这样的项目将是非法的。 科技巨头亚马逊正在努力反对这一举措。

Other tech giants also would like to see their own hand in crafting facial recognition legislation, and their suggestions for new laws leave large cutouts for continuation of facial recognition in private businesses. A Microsoft employee who is also state senator in Washington wrote the state’s proposed bill on regulating the technology, and as you might expect, it was not very harsh on his employer’s business prospects.

其他科技巨头也希望看到自己在制定人脸识别立法方面的贡献,他们对新法律的建议为私营企业继续人脸识别留下了很大的缺口。 微软的一名雇员同时也是华盛顿的州参议员, 写了该州提议的有关技术规范的法案 ,正如您所期望的那样,这对他的雇主的业务前景并不十分苛刻。

Banning government use of facial recognition prevents the most obvious sci-fi dystopia of towns and cities under constant state surveillance. But without also banning the private use of the technology, we’d just be trading government surveillance for corporate surveillance, with even less transparency and oversight.

禁止政府使用面部识别功能可以防止在持续的国家监督下,最明显的科幻反乌托邦。 但是,在不还禁止私有使用该技术的情况下,我们只是将政府监视换成了公司监视,而透明度和监督则更少。

And now let’s check in on some of the most interesting A.I. papers of the week.


谷歌的新大鸟 (Google’s new Big Bird)

Researchers propose a new way for text-analyzing algorithms to be able to read and retain more information—useful for question-answering algorithms and maybe even genomic analysis.


视频中的3D模型 (3D models from videos)

Motion capture is becoming easier and easier, as Adobe and Stanford research shows how an algorithm can create a realistic, animated 3D model from a simple video.


杀死蚊子的算法 (An algorithm to murder mosquitoes)

By automating the analysis of aerial footage, researchers hope to kill mosquitoes that spread disease faster and more efficiently. You gotta love it.

通过自动化对航拍画面的分析,研究人员希望能够更快,更有效地杀死传播疾病的蚊子。 你必须爱上它。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/rite-aids-secret-facial-recognition-system-is-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-f5839beeb0ab




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