



My dream in the eyes of others may be a distant dream, but I have been trying for the realization of the dream, because the more difficult to achieve the dream, when the implementation is more a sense of accomplishment. My dream is to be a happy every day, when heard the dream, someone will laugh, happy How is it possible? Everyone has trouble from time to time. But I don't think so, I think, now is to finish my dream.

Before I have this dream, I thought about why mom and dad every day seems to be not happy, I also often go to tease mom and dad. Because I know, human life the most happy thing is "happy". If a person is not happy, that will be his biggest regret. In fact everyone should have a happy every day, isn't it? Even if again big of difficulties, I always believe that with a smile in the face of difficulties, like a wisp of warm sunshine dark, this is my idea. I believe that not only is a dream, it will achieve!

How can I realize my dream, it is starting early in the morning, I think up every day with a smile, this is the origin of happiness. Smile all the time, is full of happiness and joy in the heart, no matter what kind of difficulties in the future, I also use an optimistic attitude to face it.

I think that "happiness" is not a distant dream. Dream is not a dream, dream will come true after all. "The world is difficult if you put your heart into it" I am confident that with this sentence. Happiness not only from the smiles, laughter, but also from the heart smile. As long as the happiness, all the things on the earth will be as you are happy, have happy life, our life will never regret, life will become colorful.

I never want to live a happy, happy, my dream has not the end of that day of, my dream will always continue!


On the way of life, we are not going to have some working twists and turns. However, please keep in mind that we can't be overthrown, because we have a dream!

Dream is a very distant things... Who dare to think, want to? Dream, is a goal, some people only dream, dare not to think; But some people? They are dare to think and dream. We only have constantly working towards this goal, will realize own dream... And the only way to achieve your dream, only hard, only constant efforts, will succeed!

When we encounter setbacks, please think about our dreams. When we fall down, please think about our dreams. When we are being laughed at, please think about our dreams... Dream is Paramount, it would not let the people go casually trampled!

Dream, is unreachable, but it is within easy reach. Perhaps, some people do not take your dream, that in this case, why do they still have a dream? Maybe it's just their dream......

When the world there is no dream, they all just meaningless, what is that the world would be like? Without the progress...

Remember, we have a dream, is the courage to dream!


Ideal is to take the first step on the road to the success of people, the ideal is the seed of success, spread in everyone's heart, that the seeds of success after hard efforts and sweat water begins to take root, sprout will bear the fruits of success.

The ideal of everyone is different, some people quite soldiers guarding the border, some people want to be a purify the soul of people's teacher, some people want to be a thorough service for the people the police... And my ideal is to want to be a there will be a "magic" pianist.

Since I was young, I liked to play the piano, because I think music is like a "magic", can change a person's mood, for example, an impatient to listen to a song happy slowly, oneself will be taken to another world, the vast sky, the vast grassland, let the mood to relax, there will be a refreshing feeling, so I want to be the players, I know that to be the players don't know how much to pay hard, leave how many sweat, but I am not afraid of my to Beethoven did not afraid of difficulties do not bow to difficulties, dare to challenge the fate.

I admire Beethoven's indomitable willpower, his childhood hearing loss, deafness, then slowly grow up eyes blind, but he did not give up, not to difficultly lowers the head, he dared to challenge the fate, I remember when Beethoven piano, practice scalding hot fingers but he had to soak in cold water and continue to practice, he does not fear the difficulty, not to difficultly lowers the head, noble quality is very worthy of our learning.

If I became a pianist, I want to use that wonderful tweedle destroy all worry, no more irascible this kind of mood, I want to let the world is full of joy happiness sweet smell.

I know there's a phrase, called aspirants, a way, I want to study well I'll towards my ideal work hard.

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