Pidgin这段时间一直出现"The certificate for could not be validated. The certificate chain presented is invalid."错误,无法登陆MSN。






UPDATE 2010-11-19 #2 (not tested per­son­all, but it's the solu­tion that has been uploaded for Pidgin's next update)
Down­load two files (no1 and no2) and copy them this time into your Pid­gin instal­la­tion folder, under "ca-certs" (prob­a­bly "C:\Program Files\Pidgin\ca-certs" on Win­dows, or /usr/share/purple/ca-certs/ on Linux).

UPDATE 2010-11-19
Seems like Microsoft changed the SSL cer­tifi­cate again… Or I don't know, but the sit­u­a­tion looks more like there's a dif­fer­ent SSL cer­tifi­cate depend­ing on the con­nec­tion?! I uploaded a sec­ond one that peo­ple can try. At this moment, I use one cer­tifi­cate on one com­puter, and the sec­ond cer­tifi­cate on another com­puter (another Inter­net con­nec­tion). You can thus try with the 2nd cer­tifi­cate.




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