python filter

Python filter() function is used to filter the elements of an iterable based on a function. This function returns filter object that is an iterator.

Python filter()函数用于基于函数过滤可迭代的元素。 此函数返回作为迭代器的 filter对象。

Python filter() (Python filter())

Python filter() function syntax is:

Python filter()函数语法为:

filter(function, iterable)

function will be called on iterable elements and if it returns True then they will be part of the returned iterator.


We can also pass the function as None, in that case, standard truth testing rules will be followed to determine if the iterable elements are True or False. You can get more details about them in Python bool example.

我们还可以将函数传递为None ,在这种情况下,将遵循标准的真相测试规则来确定可迭代元素是True还是False。 您可以在Python bool示例中获取有关它们的更多详细信息。

Python filter()示例 (Python filter() example)

Let’s define a function to check if the input number is even or not. It will return True if the number is even, else False.

让我们定义一个函数来检查输入数字是否为偶数。 如果数字为偶数,它将返回True,否则返回False。

We will also define a utility function to print elements of the iterator.


def is_even(x):if x % 2 == 0:return Trueelse:return Falsedef print_filter_items(my_filter):for item in my_filter:print(item, end=' ')print()

Let’s use filter() function to get an iterator of even numbers only from the input iterable of integers. We will use tuple and list for our example, both of them are iterable.

让我们使用filter()函数仅从输入的可迭代整数中获取偶数的迭代器。 我们将在示例中使用元组和列表 ,它们都是可迭代的。

l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fl = filter(is_even, l1)
print_filter_items(fl)t = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
fl = filter(is_even, t)



<class 'filter'>
2 4
2 4

带有None函数的Python filter()示例 (Python filter() example with None function)

t = (True, False, 1, 0, 0.0, 0.5, '', 'A', None)
fl = filter(None, t)



True 1 0.5 A

Notice that zero, empty string, False and None are filtered out because their boolean value is False.


GitHub Repository.GitHub存储库中检出完整的python脚本和更多Python示例。

Reference: Official Documentation

参考: 官方文档


python filter

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