Recently, I have read a passage about CG—computer game. The

companies aim at enriching people’s lives and letting people relax

themselves. All these games, not only PC games but also online games,

are intelligence games and are helpful to develop intelligence.

Meanwhile, to some extend, computer games provide a good chance to

communicate with others as people like.

However, this is not the case. Obviously, there are still so many

young people even adults be addicted into computer games. Therefore,

if we can not set up a correct understanding of the games’ substance

and make a good use of those games, we will suffer from adverse


To begin with, taking to CG too much impair players’ health

especially their eyes. The nowadays students’ tasks become heavier and

heavier. Due to the social competition and employment pressure, they

have to study harder and harder though the academic goal is not high.

Thus, those students study a long time in order to finish their tasks.

Their eyes have a mass work to do. What’s more, When they are playing

games, they have to focus on the computer’s screen without any wink.

Surely, it dose harm to their eyes.

On the other hand, the growing number of students neglect their

studies, idle away their time and even commit crimes thanks to

computer games especially those online games, which is threatening

situation we are unwilling to see. No better illustration of this idea

can be thought than the example as mentioned below, a student, who had

wanted to play computer games but had little money, made a reckless

move to waylay and rob.

Computer game, in some sense, is just like Pandora’s box, which

gives rise to some undesirable results unexpectedly. From what have

been argued above, it is necessary that some effective steps be

carried out to check computer game. Only by undergoing these measures,

can we make our youths live in healthy life style, which has just gone

to the heart of building up the cordial society.

这是一篇关于computer game利弊的文章,你可以借鉴一下,修改来用.



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