
Skipping optimization due to error while loading function libraries:
Invalid argument: Functions '__inference___backward_cudnn_gru_973_1109_specialized_for_SGD_gradients_bidirectional_StatefulPartitionedCall_1_grad_StatefulPartitionedCall_at___inference_keras_scratch_graph_2955' and '__inference___backward_standard_gru_1969_2558' both implement 'gru_fd36615e-65df-4b45-9bd7-8903b889b94c'
but their signatures do not match.


apparently seems like the issue (which I had too) is correlated with the activation function of the LSTM/GRU/RNN layer. By changing activation from default 'tanh' to 'sigmoid' the warning disappeared. Hope this will help fixing the problem.
似乎该问题(我也遇到过)与LSTM / GRU / RNN层的激活功能有关。
通过将激活从默认的“ tanh”更改为“ Sigmoid”,警告消失了。


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