本文翻译自:Creating an instance using the class name and calling constructor

Is there a way to create an instance of a particular class given the class name (dynamic) and pass parameters to its constructor. 有没有一种方法可以给定类名称(动态)来创建特定类的实例,并将参数传递给其构造函数。

Something like: 就像是:

Object object = createInstance("mypackage.MyClass","MyAttributeValue");

Where "MyAttributeValue" is an argument to the constructor of MyClass . 其中"MyAttributeValue"MyClass的构造函数的参数。




If class has only one empty constructor (like Activity or Fragment etc, android classes): 如果class只有一个空的构造函数(例如Activity或Fragment等,android类):

Class<?> myClass = Class.forName("com.example.MyClass");
Constructor<?> constructor = myClass.getConstructors()[0];


when using (ie) getConstructor(String.lang) the constructor has to be declared public. 使用(即) getConstructor(String.lang) ,必须将构造方法声明为public。 Otherwise a NoSuchMethodException is thrown. 否则,将引发NoSuchMethodException

if you want to access a non-public constructor you have to use instead (ie) getDeclaredConstructor(String.lang) . 如果要访问非公共构造函数 ,则必须使用getDeclaredConstructor(String.lang)代替。


You can also invoke methods inside the created object. 您也可以在创建的对象内调用方法。

You can create object instant by invoking the first constractor and then invoke the first method in the created object. 您可以通过调用第一个承包商然后在创建的对象中调用第一个方法来立即创建对象。

    Class<?> c = Class.forName("mypackage.MyClass");Constructor<?> ctor = c.getConstructors()[0];Object object=ctor.newInstance(new Object[]{"ContstractorArgs"});c.getDeclaredMethods()[0].invoke(object,Object... MethodArgs);


Another helpful answer. 另一个有用的答案。 How do I use getConstructor(params).newInstance(args)? 如何使用getConstructor(params).newInstance(args)?

return Class.forName(**complete classname**).getConstructor(**here pass parameters passed in constructor**).newInstance(**here pass arguments**);

In my case, my class's constructor takes Webdriver as parameter, so used below code: 就我而言,我的类的构造函数将Webdriver作为参数,因此在以下代码中使用:

return Class.forName("com.page.BillablePage").getConstructor(WebDriver.class).newInstance(this.driver);


Very Simple way to create an object in Java using Class<?> with constructor argument(s) passing: 使用Class<?>在Java中创建对象的非常简单的方法,并传递构造函数参数:

Case 1:- Here, is a small code in this Main class: 情况1:-这是此Main类中的一小段代码:

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;public class Main {public static void main(String args[]) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {// Get class name as string.String myClassName = Base.class.getName();// Create class of type Base.Class<?> myClass = Class.forName(myClassName);// Create constructor call with argument types.Constructor<?> ctr = myClass.getConstructor(String.class);// Finally create object of type Base and pass data to constructor.String arg1 = "My User Data";Object object = ctr.newInstance(new Object[] { arg1 });// Type-cast and access the data from class Base.Base base = (Base)object;System.out.println(base.data);}}

And, here is the Base class structure: 并且,这是Base类结构:

public class Base {public String data = null;public Base() {data = "default";System.out.println("Base()");}public Base(String arg1) {data = arg1;System.out.println("Base("+arg1+")");}}

Case 2:- You, can code similarly for constructor with multiple argument and copy constructor. 情况2:您可以为具有多个参数的构造函数类似地编写代码,并复制构造函数。 For example, passing 3 arguments as parameter to the Base constructor will need the constructor to be created in class and a code change in above as: 例如,将3个参数作为参数传递给Base构造函数将需要在类中创建该构造函数,并且上面的代码更改如下:

Constructor<?> ctr = myClass.getConstructor(String.class, String.class, String.class);
Object object = ctr.newInstance(new Object[] { "Arg1", "Arg2", "Arg3" });

And here the Base class should somehow look like: 在这里,基类应该以某种方式看起来像:

public class Base {public Base(String a, String b, String c){// This constructor need to be created in this case.}

Note:- Don't forget to handle the various exceptions which need to be handled in the code. 注意:- 不要忘记处理代码中需要处理的各种异常。


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