• 原文地址:http://www.wklken.me/posts/2015/05/23/elasticsearch-issues.html

今天惯例看统计报表, 才发现es集群悲剧了......昨天下午到今天早上, 持续报错, 写了1G的错误日志>_<#(暂无监控....)

当前状态: 单台机器, 单节点(空集群), 200W 数据, 500+shrads, 约3G大小


大量unassigned shards

其实刚搭完运行时就是status: yellow(所有主分片可用,但存在不可用的从分片), 只有一个节点, 主分片启动并运行正常, 可以成功处理请求, 但是存在unassigned_shards, 即存在没有被分配到节点的从分片.(只有一个节点.....)

.当时数据量小, 就暂时没关注. 然后, 随着时间推移, 出现了大量unassigned shards

curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health\?pretty
{"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch","status" : "yellow","timed_out" : false,"number_of_nodes" : 2,"number_of_data_nodes" : 1,"active_primary_shards" : 538,"active_shards" : 538,"relocating_shards" : 0,"initializing_shards" : 0,"unassigned_shards" : 558,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0

处理方式: 找了台内网机器, 部署另一个节点(保证cluster.name一致即可, 自动发现, 赞一个). 当然, 如果你资源有限只有一台机器, 使用相同命令再启动一个es实例也行. 再次检查集群健康, 发现unassigned_shards减少, active_shards增多.

操作完后, 集群健康从yellow恢复到 green

status: red


这次检查发现是status: red(存在不可用的主要分片)

curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health\?pretty
{"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch","status" : "red",    // missing some primary shards"timed_out" : false,"number_of_nodes" : 4,"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,"active_primary_shards" : 538,"active_shards" : 1076,"relocating_shards" : 0,"initializing_shards" : 0,"unassigned_shards" : 20,  // where your lost primary shards are."number_of_pending_tasks" : 0

fix unassigned shards



curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards


curl -s "http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards" | grep UNASSIGNED
pv-2015.05.22                 3 p UNASSIGNED
pv-2015.05.22                 3 r UNASSIGNED
pv-2015.05.22                 1 p UNASSIGNED
pv-2015.05.22                 1 r UNASSIGNED


curl 'localhost:9200/_nodes/process?pretty'{"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch","nodes" : {"AfUyuXmGTESHXpwi4OExxx" : {"name" : "Master",...."attributes" : {"master" : "true"},

执行reroute(分多次, 变更shard的值为UNASSIGNED查询结果中编号, 上一步查询结果是1和3)

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -d '{"commands" : [ {"allocate" : {"index" : "pv-2015.05.22","shard" : 1,"node" : "AfUyuXmGTESHXpwi4OExxx","allow_primary" : true}}]}'

批量处理的脚本(当数量很多的话, 注意替换node的名字)

#!/bin/bashfor index in $(curl  -s 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards' | grep UNASSIGNED | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq); dofor shard in $(curl  -s 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards' | grep UNASSIGNED | grep $index | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq); doecho  $index $shardcurl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -d "{            'commands' : [ {                  'allocate' : {                      'index' : $index,
                      'shard' : $shard,
                      'node' : 'Master',
                      'allow_primary' : true
        }"sleep 5done

“Too many open files”



curl http://localhost:9200/_nodes/process\?pretty


"max_file_descriptors" : 4096,


Make sure to increase the number of open files descriptors on the machine (or for the user running elasticsearch). Setting it to 32k or even 64k is recommended.

而此时, 可以在系统级做修改, 然后全局生效

最简单的做法, 在bin/elasticsearch文件开始的位置加入

ulimit -n 64000

然后重启es, 再次查询看到

"max_file_descriptors" : 64000,


es大量unassigned shards相关推荐

  1. ES 的 unassigned shards 核心处理方案

    背景:管理过数百个集群,使用方式千变万化,出现过各种各样的shards分配不了的情况,趁此假期做一些unassigned处理方案的总结: 先总结一下:所有的unassigned都可以通过explain ...

  2. es unassigned shards 解决

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  3. [unassigned_shards]Fix issue: elasticsearch unassigned shards

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  4. Elasticsearch unassigned shards的解决之道

    出现这种提示,说明你的集群状态是亚健康的,status是yellow,至少有一个副本分片没有成功创建,集群是能正常工作的,只是有丢失数据的风险. 一,问题定位 解决思路,首先查清楚问题所在,es提供一 ...

  5. How to resolve unassigned shards in Elasticsearch——写得非常好

    How to resolve unassigned shards in Elasticsearch 转自:https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/elasticsearch-un ...

  6. ES shard unassigned的解决方法汇总

    ES shard unassigned的解决方法汇总 参考文章: (1)ES shard unassigned的解决方法汇总 (2)https://www.cnblogs.com/bonelee/p/ ...

  7. Reroute Unassigned Shards——遇到主shard 出现的解决方法就是重新路由

    Red Cluster! 摘自:http://blog.kiyanpro.com/2016/03/06/elasticsearch/reroute-unassigned-shards/ There a ...

  8. Recovering unassigned shards on elasticsearch 2.x——副本shard可以设置replica为0在设置回来...

    Recovering unassigned shards on elasticsearch 2.x 摘自:https://z0z0.me/recovering-unassigned-shards-on ...

  9. Diagnose unassigned shards

    Diagnose unassigned shards Diagnose unassigned shards | Elasticsearch Guide [8.6] | Elastic


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