1026 Table Tennis Python实现


def stot(w:str):h=int(w[:2])m=int(w[3:5])s=int(w[6:])return (h*60+m)*60+s
def ttos(x:int):res=""h=str(x//3600)res+="0"+h+":" if len(h)==1 else h+":"x%=3600m=str(x//60)res+="0"+m+":" if len(m)==1 else m+":"s=str(x%60)res += "0" + s if len(s) == 1 else sreturn res
def next():min = [-1, 22 * 3600]for x in range(m):if table[x] == []:min = [x, 8 * 3600]breakelif table[x][-1] < min[1]:min = [x, table[x][-1]]return min
def nextVip():min = [-1, 22 * 3600]for x in range(m):if table[x] == [] and x in tvip:min = [x, 8 * 3600]return minelif table[x] == [] and min[0]==-1:min = [x, 8 * 3600]if min[0]!=-1:return minfor x in range(m):if table[x][-1] < min[1]:min = [x, table[x][-1]]return min
for _ in range(n):atime,p,tag=input().split()atime=stot(atime)p=int(p)*60ordq.append(atime)if tag=="1":vip.append(atime)play[atime]=p if p<=7200 else 7200
m,vm=[int(x) for x in input().split()]
tvip=[int(x)-1 for x in input().split()]
for _ in range(m):table.append([])
while len(ordq)!=0:if ordq[0] in vip:min=nextVip()else:min=next()if min[0] in tvip and (vip==[] or vip[0]>min[1]):atime=ordq.pop(0)if atime in vip:vip.remove(atime)elif min[0] in tvip and vip[0]<=min[1]:atime=vip.pop(0)ordq.remove(atime)else:atime=ordq.pop(0)if atime in vip:vip.remove(atime)stime=min[1] if min[1]>atime else atimewtime=(stime-atime)/60+0.5etime = stime + play[atime]if stime>=21*3600:breakprint(ttos(atime),ttos(stime),str(int(wtime)))table[min[0]].append(etime)
print(" ".join([str(len(x)) for x in table]))

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