NIOS II 软核中EPCS配置芯片的存储操作

EPCS4配置芯片除了存储FPGA配置信息和NIOS II程序外,还有很多存储空间剩余未使用,可以用来做用户配置信息存储。


一个老外写的关于NIOS II下CPCS器件操作的帖子,他是花了一个多月才摸索到怎么操作,然后给出了一个简单的例子。


#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include "system.h"

#include "alt_types.h"

#include "sys/alt_flash.h"

#include "sys/alt_flash_dev.h"

alt_u8 epcsbuf[32];

int ret_code;

flash_region *regions;
int number_of_regions;

alt_flash_fd* my_epcs;//定义句柄



my_epcs = alt_flash_open_dev("/dev/epcs_controller");//打开FLASH器件,获取句柄

ret_code = alt_epcs_flash_get_info (my_epcs, &regions, &number_of_regions);//获取配置芯片信息

if(my_epcs) //信息获取成功


//example application, read general data from epcs address 0x70000

ret_code = alt_epcs_flash_erase_block(my_epcs, regions->offset+0x70000);//擦除第8块

ret_code = alt_epcs_flash_write(my_epcs, regions->offset+0x70000, epcsbuf, 32); //写32字节

ret_code = alt_epcs_flash_read(my_epcs, regions->offset+0x70000, epcsbuf, 32); //读32字节







alt_epcs_flash_erase_block(my_epcs, regions->offset+0x70000);//擦除第8块


alt_epcs_flash_write(my_epcs, regions->offset+0x70000, epcsbuf, 32); //写32字节


alt_epcs_flash_read(my_epcs, regions->offset+0x70000, epcsbuf, 32); //读32字节





#include "system.h"

#include "alt_types.h"

#include "sys/alt_flash.h"

#include "sys/alt_flash_dev.h"



1)First of all init the flash device and possibly get extra info about the flash device, like block size:

flash_region *regions;
int numRegions;
int error = 0;
pFlashDevice = alt_flash_open_dev(FLASH_CONTROLLER_NAME);
if (pFlashDevice <= 0)
error = -1;
if (!error)
error = alt_epcs_flash_get_info(pFlashDevice, &regions, &numRegions);
if (!error)

{flash_block_size = regions->block_size;
flash_max_addr = regions->region_size;
This is for erasing a single block:
alt_epcs_flash_erase_block(pFlashDevice, block_address);
This is for writing any data to a previously erased area:
int buf[10] = { 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };
rv = alt_epcs_flash_write_block(pFlashDevice, block_address,
data_offset_inside_block , buf, 10);
Then, read back data with:
alt_epcs_flash_read(pFlashDevice, addr, buf, len);



First of all init the flash device and possibly get extra info about the flash device, like block size:

flash_region *regions;
int numRegions;
int error = 0;
pFlashDevice = alt_flash_open_dev(FLASH_CONTROLLER_NAME);
if (pFlashDevice <= 0)
error = -1;
if (!error)
error = alt_epcs_flash_get_info(pFlashDevice, &regions, &numRegions);
if (!error) {
flash_block_size = regions->block_size;
flash_max_addr = regions->region_size;

i am using cfi, is it the same? besides, my pFlashDevice is <= 0. i dunno why. is it sth to do with reset vector as my reset vector is sdram.

This is for writing any data to a previously erased area:
int buf[10] = { 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };
rv = alt_epcs_flash_write_block(pFlashDevice, block_address,
data_offset_inside_block , buf, 10);

why need rv when write data?

Then, read back data with:
alt_epcs_flash_read(pFlashDevice, addr, buf, len);

where is the data when we read it from the flash? like i want to print out the data.
please help me with the ques in bold. thanks!


why need rv when write data?
This is not mandatory, but recommended to check if data has been written correctlywhere is the data when we read it from the flash? like i want to print out the data.
What's the problem? The buf array contains your data.
Maybe this way is clearer:
int buf[10];
alt_flash_read(pFlashDevice, addr, buf, 10);Remark:
remove epcs_ from the previous post. I copied and pasted from a project using epcs instead of parallel flash and forgot to change function names.


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