


二、方法二,读取Android 的system/build.prop文件("ro.product.cpu.abilist64")



    public static final String CPU_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE_32 = "32";public static final String CPU_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE_64 = "64";/** ELF文件头 e_indent[]数组文件类标识索引 */private static final int EI_CLASS = 4;/** ELF文件头 e_indent[EI_CLASS]的取值:ELFCLASS32表示32位目标 */private static final int ELFCLASS32 = 1;/** ELF文件头 e_indent[EI_CLASS]的取值:ELFCLASS64表示64位目标 */private static final int ELFCLASS64 = 2;/** The system property key of CPU arch type */private static final String CPU_ARCHITECTURE_KEY_64 = "ro.product.cpu.abilist64";/** The system file path */private static final String SYSTEM_LIB_C_PATH = "/system/lib/";private static final String SYSTEM_LIB_C_PATH_64 = "/system/lib64/";private static final String PROC_CPU_INFO_PATH = "/proc/cpuinfo";private static boolean LOGENABLE = false;/*** Check if the CPU architecture is x86*/public static boolean checkIfCPUx86() {//1. Check CPU architecture: arm or x86if (getSystemProperty("ro.product.cpu.abi", "arm").contains("x86")) {//The CPU is x86return true;} else {return false;}}/*** Get the CPU arch type: x32 or x64*/public static String getArchType(Context context) {if (getSystemProperty(CPU_ARCHITECTURE_KEY_64, "").length() > 0) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############getSystemProperty","CPU arch is 64bit");}return CPU_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE_64;} else if (isCPUInfo64()) {return CPU_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE_64;} else if (isLibc64()) {return CPU_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE_64;} else {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############getArchType()","return cpu DEFAULT 32bit!");}return CPU_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE_32;}}private static String getSystemProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {String value = defaultValue;try {Class<?> clazz= Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");Method get = clazz.getMethod("get", String.class, String.class);value = (String)(get.invoke(clazz, key, ""));} catch (Exception e) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("getSystemProperty", "key = " + key + ", error = " + e.getMessage());}}if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("getSystemProperty",  key + " = " + value);}return value;}/*** Read the first line of "/proc/cpuinfo" file, and check if it is 64 bit.*/private static boolean isCPUInfo64() {File cpuInfo = new File(PROC_CPU_INFO_PATH);if (cpuInfo != null && cpuInfo.exists()) {InputStream inputStream = null;BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;try {inputStream = new FileInputStream(cpuInfo);bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream), 512);String line = bufferedReader.readLine();if (line != null && line.length() > 0 && line.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("arch64")) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############isCPUInfo64()", PROC_CPU_INFO_PATH + " contains is arch64");}return true;} else {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############isCPUInfo64()", PROC_CPU_INFO_PATH + " is not arch64");}}} catch (Throwable t) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############isCPUInfo64()","read " + PROC_CPU_INFO_PATH + " error = " + t.toString());}} finally {try {if (bufferedReader != null) {bufferedReader.close();}} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}try {if (inputStream != null) {inputStream.close();}} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}return false;}/*** Check if system is 32 bit or 64 bit*/private static boolean isLibc64() {File libcFile = new File(SYSTEM_LIB_C_PATH);if (libcFile != null && libcFile.exists()) {byte[] header = readELFHeadrIndentArray(libcFile);if (header != null && header[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############isLibc64()", SYSTEM_LIB_C_PATH + " is 64bit");}return true;}} File libcFile64 = new File(SYSTEM_LIB_C_PATH_64);if (libcFile64 != null && libcFile64.exists()) {byte[] header = readELFHeadrIndentArray(libcFile64);if (header != null && header[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.d("###############isLibc64()", SYSTEM_LIB_C_PATH_64 + " is 64bit");}return true;}}return false;}/*** ELF文件头格式是固定的:文件开始是一个16字节的byte数组e_indent[16]* e_indent[4]的值可以判断ELF是32位还是64位*/private static byte[] readELFHeadrIndentArray(File libFile) {if (libFile != null && libFile.exists()) {FileInputStream inputStream = null;try {inputStream = new FileInputStream(libFile);if (inputStream != null) {byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[16];int count =, 0, 16);if (count == 16) {return tempBuffer;} else {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.e("readELFHeadrIndentArray", "Error: e_indent lenght should be 16, but actual is " +  count);}}}} catch (Throwable t) {if (LOGENABLE) {Log.e("readELFHeadrIndentArray", "Error:" + t.toString());}} finally {if (inputStream != null) {try {inputStream.close();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}}return null;}


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