


句首强调there be




So that 结构so 提前

承前肯否 Neither/ so


The great wall is ahead of us

A head of us  is the Great wall


There  is a river

Between two hills is a river


Only at night does he feel  panic



b)系动词be 用全部倒装。

1)_Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.


so ,such ,well ,often ,only 置于句首需用部分倒装

A) Only加状语/状从在句首

1)I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened

I have ever felt frightened only on one occasion

He realized that he was wrong only then (直到那时)

Only then did he realize that he was wrong

you can trust only me

Only me can you trust

He eats only vegetables

Only vegetables does he eat

We can succeed in doing anything only by working hard

Only by working hard can we succeed in doing anything

Only  when you get 200 will you feel better

(Only在句首 修饰主语不倒装)

Only you can go with me to the western heaven

Only you understand me

so +adj 全倒

Monkey king is so handsome that I rion fan princess favored him

So handsome is Mk that Iron fan princess favored him

The weather was so fine that we all went out lying in the sun

So fine the weather that we all went out lying in the sun

So +adv 部分倒装

He studied  so diligently that he got a high score

So diligently did he study that he got a high score


You can do it

So can I


Neither can I

Nor can I

Nor do I care

We often see each other

Often do we see each other


not / no / neither /nor /hardly /scarely /barely /rarely /seldom /never /not only /little /few /nowhere /by no means / no sooner ..than /

Never has my brother been aboard before

Never have I  seen such a good movie

_ Jack can't swim

_ Neither can I

No sooner had I got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead

Hardly had I got back to the kitchen when the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead

表示方向的副词置于句首,谓语是表示运动状态的词( in /up /out /down )

In  came the teacher and the class began


On the very top of the hill lives a hermit .

here /there /now /then

Here comes the bus

There goes the bell

here  it comes (代词用正常语序)

Now is the hour when they say goodbye ---The hour (when they say goodbye )is now

Then came the order -----the order came then

There comes a time in every person's life when she realizes  that she is responsible  for her own happiness ,not other people


1)Only when you have obtained sufficient date ____________ come to a sound conclusion

A  can you        B  you can       C would you            D  you would

2) ____________ that this region was so rich in natural resourese

A) Little he knew   B ) Little did he know     C   Little he did know   D Little he had know

3)____________that they may eventually  reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent

A  Such construction robots  B  so clever the construction robots are

C so clever are the  construction robots . D   Such clever construction robots are

4)Not until all the fish died in the river ___________ How serious  the pollution  was

A ) did the villagers  realize   B ) the villagers realized

C ) The villagers  did realize     D didn't the villagers realize

5)I finally  got a job I dreamed about. never in all my life __________ so happy

A) did I feel  B ) I felt   C  I had felt    D   had I left

6)Not until  I began to work ________ how much time I had wasted

A) didn't realize  B)  Did I realize    c) I didn't realize   D) I realize

7) The old couple married for 40 years and never once _______with each other

a ) they  had quarreled  b)  they have quarreled c ) have they quarreled d ) had they quarreled


8) Never in my wildest dreams ___________ these people are living in such poor conditions

A )couldn't I imagine  B)  I could imagine  c) could I imagine D) I couldn't  imagine

9) _How was the television debate last night ?

_Super ! Rarely _____________ so much media attention

a) a debate  attractive         b)  did a debate attract

c )  a debate  did attract     d ) attracted a debate

10) We don't need air conditioning ,___________

a )nor  can we afford it

b)and nor we can afford it

c) neither can offord it

d )  and we can neither afford it


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