chrome 由某组织管理

Google Chrome says it’s “managed by your organization” if system policies are controlling some Chrome browser settings. This can occur if you’re using a Chromebook, PC, or Mac that your organization controls—but other applications on your computer can set policies, too.

Google Chrome表示,如果系统策略控制某些Chrome浏览器设置,则“由您的组织管理”。 如果您使用组织控制的Chromebook,PC或Mac,则可能会发生这种情况,但是计算机上的其他应用程序也可以设置策略。

Chrome中的管理是什么? (What Is Management in Chrome?)

Management is a feature that lets administrators control Chrome browser settings. If you use a Chromebook or just the Chrome browser on a workplace computer, your employer can set hundreds of policies that control how Chrome functions.

管理功能使管理员可以控制Chrome浏览器设置。 如果您使用Chromebook或仅在工作场所计算机上使用Chrome浏览器,则您的雇主可以设置数百个策略来控制Chrome的功能。

For example, an organization can use policies to set a homepage you can’t change, control whether you can print, or even blacklist specific web addresses. On a Chromebook, policies can control everything from the screen lock delay to which USB devices can be accessed from web apps. Organizations can force-install Chrome browser extensions via policy, too.

例如,组织可以使用策略来设置您无法更改的主页,控制是否可以打印或什至将特定网址列入黑名单。 在Chromebook上,策略可以控制一切,从屏幕锁定延迟到可以从Web应用程序访问USB设备。 组织也可以通过策略强制安装Chrome浏览器扩展程序。

Chrome isn’t the only application that can be managed in this way. For example, admins can manage Windows itself by using group policy and even iPhones by using mobile device management (MDM) software.

Chrome不是唯一可以通过这种方式进行管理的应用程序。 例如,管理员可以使用组策略来管理Windows本身,甚至可以使用移动设备管理(MDM)软件来管理iPhone。

但是我没有组织! (But I Don’t Have an Organization!)

In some cases, you may see this message even when Chrome isn’t managed by an organization. This is thanks to a change in Chrome 73. If a software program on your system has set enterprise policies that affect how Chrome works, you’ll see this message—even if it’s not fully managed by an organization.

在某些情况下,即使Chrome不是由单位管理的,您也可能会看到此消息。 这要归功于Chrome 73的更改 。如果系统上的软件程序设置了影响Chrome工作方式的企业策略,即使您未完全由组织管理,也会看到此消息。

This message may be caused by legitimate software. As of April 3, 2019, it seems quite a few people are seeing the message due to software on their systems. Of course, it’s also possible that malware on your system could be modifying Chrome’s browser settings. There’s no need to panic, but Google is showing you this message so you’re aware that something is going on and can look into it.

该消息可能是由合法软件引起的。 截至2019年4月3日,由于系统上的软件,似乎有很多人正在看到此消息。 当然, 您系统上的恶意软件也可能会修改Chrome的浏览器设置。 无需惊慌,但Google会向您显示此消息,以便您知道有什么事情在发生,可以调查一下。

如何检查Chrome是否受管理 (How to Check Whether Chrome is Managed)

You can check whether Chrome is managed in several places. If you simply open Chrome’s menu, you’ll see a “Chrome is Managed by Your Organization” message at the very bottom of the menu—under the “Exit” option—if it’s managed.

您可以检查Chrome是否在多个位置进行管理。 如果您只是打开Chrome的菜单,则如果菜单是托管的,则在菜单的最底部(“退出”选项下)会显示“ Chrome由您的组织管理”消息。

This message also appears on Chrome’s about page, accessible at menu > Help > About Google Chrome. You’ll see a “Your browser is managed by your organization” message if it is.

此消息也会显示在Chrome的关于页面上,可通过菜单>帮助>关于Google Chrome访问。 如果是的话,您会看到“您的浏览器由您的组织管理”消息。

You can find some more information at chrome://management —just type that address into Chrome’s location bar.


If this page says Chrome isn’t managed by an administrator on this page even while Chrome says it’s managed elsewhere in Chrome’s interface, that suggests you have software managing one or more of Chrome’s settings via policy.


如何查看要管理的设置 (How to See Which Settings Are Managed)

To check which policies are applied in your Chrome browser, head to the chrome://policy page—just type or copy and paste that address into Chrome’s location box.


This will show you both policies set by software on your system and policies set by your organization. You can click the name of each policy to view technical information about it on Google’s website. If you see the “No policies set” message here, that means no policies are managing Chrome on your system.

这将显示由系统上的软件设置的策略和由组织设置的策略。 您可以单击每个策略的名称,以在Google网站上查看有关该策略的技术信息。 如果您在此处看到“未设置策略”消息,则表明没有策略在您的系统上管理Chrome。

In the screenshot below, we can see that the “ExtensionInstallSources” policy is set, but with no visible policy value—that should mean it isn’t doing anything, so it’s odd that it’s even here. We probably shouldn’t worry about it, but the message is rather annoying.

在下面的屏幕截图中,我们可以看到已设置“ ExtensionInstallSources”策略,但是没有可见的策略值,这应该意味着它没有执行任何操作,所以很奇怪,即使在这里也是如此。 我们可能不必担心,但是消息很烦人。

Hopefully, Google will make this message more informative and provide an easy way to remove software-applied policies in Chrome.


“Product experts” in Chrome’s support community seem frequently to recommend downloading a “Chrome Policy Remover” to eliminate these policies, but we can’t recommend downloading and running strange files from random Google Drive accounts. Some Chrome users have reported it didn’t fix their problem, anyway.

Chrome支持社区中的“产品专家”似乎经常建议下载“ Chrome策略删除器”以消除这些策略,但是我们不建议您从随机的Google云端硬盘帐户下载并运行奇怪的文件。 一些Chrome用户报告说,无论如何,它不能解决他们的问题。


chrome 由某组织管理

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