
 提高综合素质:enhance comprehensive quality 树立全局观:adopt an overall point of view 增强相互合作:strengthen mutual cooperation    增长见识: widen one's knowledge 坚守目标:stay with an objective    争取机会:strive for a good opportunity    减压:reduce/relieve pressure/stress 保持身心健康:keep/stay physical and psychological health 激发自我潜能:stimulate one's potential 有效管理自己的时间:manage one's time effectively 不抱怨:make no complains


 传统文化:traditional culture 民族文化:national culture  中华文明的象征:the embody/symbol of Chinese civilization  文化习俗:cultural customs   文化遗产:cultural legacy/heritage  文化传承:cultural inheritance 文化交流:cultural exchange    文化融合:cultural integration 文化冲突:cultural conflict/shock   国际文化交流:intercultural communication 文化底蕴:the rich cultural deposits      弘扬民族文化:promote national culture 传统节日:traditional Chinese Festivals including the Spring Festival,the Lantern Festival ,the Dragon Boat Day and the Mid-Autumn Day


 爱国主义教育:education in patriotism   创新精神:be innovation-minded;to have a creative mind    辍学/失学青少年:school dropout/leaver 德才兼备:to combine ability with character;equal stress on integrity and ability 发挥学生的主动性、创造性:to give scope to students' initiative and creativeness   复合型人才:interdisciplinary talents   公开课:open class    考研热:the crazy for graduate school;graduate mania    培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力:to cultivate the ability of analyzing and solving concrete problems independently 培养学生自学能力:to foster students' ability to study on their own  启发学生独立思考的能力:to help develop the ability of students to think things out for themselves   人才枯竭:exhausting of human resources   社会实践:social practice    填鸭式教学:forced-feeding method of teaching 协调发展:coordinated and balanced development    研究生:graduate student   义务教育:compulsory education;free education    因材施教:teach students according to their aptitude(天资,天赋)    应届毕业生:graduating student    优化教师队伍:optimize(使最优化) the teaching staff     社会文明:social civilization   生态文明:ecological civilization    公共秩序:social orders  和谐:living in harmony with others/nature;a harmonious society  平等:equality  法治:abide by laws   敬业:dedicate oneself to work    诚信:honesty/integrity 友善:friendliness/kindness  幸福感:happiness/fulfillment/achievement/self-realization  知足常乐:having a contended mind 创业:start one's own business   创新:innovation  经济一体化:economic integration    城市化:urbanization   城乡平衡:the balance between the development of urban and rural areas


 互联网+:the fundamental role of the Internet in the society  网络安全:the network security    信息泄露:the leakage of personal information    谣言:rumor    隐私:privacy    信息泛滥:the explosion of information   在线购物/教育/服务:online shopping/education/services    电子商务:e-commerce/business   互联网的普及:the popularization of the Internet


 琴棋书画:jean chess calligraphy and painting  戏曲:traditional opera   皮影戏:chinese shadow play    剪纸:paper cuttings   泥塑艺术:clay sculpture    编织工艺:knitting technology   木偶:puppet    杂技:acrobatics   风筝:kite    舞龙舞狮:lion and dragon dance  花灯:flower-lantern   雕刻:engrave/sculpture   折纸:paper folding   戏剧脸谱:opera masks



病毒性肺炎:viral pneumonia
国际关注的突发公共卫生事件:Public Health Emergency of International Concern
人传人:person-to-person/human-to-human transmission
潜伏期:incubation/latent period
无症状的潜伏期:silent incubation period
超级传播者:super spreader
传播方式:mode of transmission
传染途径:route of transmission
交叉感染:cross infection
易感人群:vulnerable/susceptible population
确诊病例:confirm case
疑似病例:suscepted case
疫区:affected area
发病率:incidence rate
死亡率:mortality rate
治愈率:recovery rate
致死率:fatality rate
核酸检测:nucleic acid testing(NAT)
预防措施:preventive measure
戴口罩:to wear a mask
勤洗手:to wash your hands often/carefully
避免去人多的地方:avoid crowds
减少外出:to make fewer trips outside
控制人口流动:to curb population flow
取消大型聚会:to cancel mass gatherings


全面建成小康社会:to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respect
发展是脱贫的解决方案:Development is the solution to eradicating poverty.
脱贫目标:the goal of poverty alleviation
脱贫政策:poverty relief policies
贫困人口:poverty-stricken populations
贫困地区:poverty-stricken areas
取得脱贫攻坚战的全面胜利:to win a complete victory in the battle against poverty
贫困率:poverty ratio
精准扶贫:targeted poverty alleviation
参加职业培训:to take up vocation training
提高技能:enhance skills
增加收入:boost incomes



  • A number of factors might contribute to(lead to/account for) the phenomenon…
  • The change in … largely results from the fact that…


  • Too much stress placed on … may lead to …
  • It make no sense to argue for…


  • The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.
  • A and B has several points in common.


  • It will exercise a profound influence upon/on…
  • Its consequence can be so great that…


  • Many nation have been faced with the problem of…
  • According to a recent survey,…
  • With the rapid development of…


  • It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop…


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    在备考2020年上半年大学英语四级词汇的时候,小编建议各位考生,在背单词的过程中,可以使用图书,也可以同时使用手机单词软件来背诵,通过不同途径也能够在一定程度上加深对单词的记忆.当同学们掌握了一定的单 ...

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