摘 要
关键词 北宋 三司 经济 政治 军事 礼仪
Sansi in Northern Song Dynasty is the composition made up of salt and iron department,
Duzhi department and the Ministry of Revenue. It sprout in the middle and early Tang dynasty,
established in the late Tang dynasty, developed initially in the Five dynasties, perfected in the
early Northern Song Dynasty, declined and ended in the changing period of Xifeng Northern
Song dynasty. It is the most important central financial ministries and decision-making body
for important government affairs before the Yuanfeng restructure in Northern Song dynasty. In
the paper, the relation between the Sansi and the politics, military and ceremonial matters
before the Yuanfeng restructure is discussed centering on economic management of Sansi. In
order to facilitate the research, the paper takes the management of the emperors, ministers and
Sansi on the economy, politics, military and etiquette as the main line.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into five parts,
namely five chapters. The first chapter is the development and changes of Sansi. In this part,
two aspects are discussed. First, it sorts out the rudiment, establishment and initial
development of Sansi in Northern Song dynasty, clarifies the development of Sansi before
Northern Song dynasty; Secondly, the changes and development of Sansi in Northern Song
dynasty is discussed. This stage is divided into two parts; one is to study the change of the
internal organization of Sansi and the establishment and development of external financial
management agency during the Xifeng reform. It is not difficult to see from the development
and change of Sansi that the development of an institution lies in the continuously
development of its internal advantages and the improvement of institutions, on the contrary,
the decline of an institution lies in the constant expansion of its disadvantage and the constant
loss of its management power. When the internal dynamic can not continue to promote its
development, it is possible to be replaced by a new one. With the continuous reduction of
scope of internal management and the increase of powers of other external economic
management agencies, Sansi undergone transformation during the Xifeng reform, which
mainly due to the lack of internal motivation for development and loose and inefficient
management. The second chapter is the relationship between Sansi and the economy. As a
new-born institution, Sansi that managing money is a subversion to the traditional fiscal
management mode centered on ministry of revenue. Financial management is the core
function of many of its functions. The dissertation on it is mainly divided into two parts: one
is the relationship between Sansi and the external economic management agencies, which
mainly discusses the relation of the Neicangku and Sansi and Zhuanyunsi managing the local
financial institutions on empeor’s behalf. In terms of the relationship between Sansi and
Neicangku, on the one hand, Sansi is the important guarantee agencies for the collecting of
goods and materials of Neicangku. The emperor requires Sansi to further secure the supply of
Neicangku through the management of the local economy, ensuring the stable income of
Neicangku. On the other hand, Neicangku become a standby library for development of Sansi
under the emperor's administration. When the activities such as royal activities, military
supplies and relief activities suffer difficulties, the emperor always appropriate and borrow
money from Neicangku to carry through the activities. After all, Sansi not only belong to the
nation, but also the emperor. Similarly, in respect of the relation between Sansi and the local
finance, Sansi on the one hand ensure the supply to local economy and the nation through the
management of Zhuangyunsi, on the other hand the central government's control over the
local economy has been strengthened through the designation of operation mode, number and
personal of local economy and the management of operation officer. Secondly is about the
relationship between Sansi and the internal three economy departments, that is, the emperor,
minister and Sansi achieve the normal operation of the national economy through the
management on iron and salt department, Duzhi department and the ministry of revenue. The
management on internal Sansi is mainly reflected on the management of internal cases and
balances of Sansi. In the economic management, Sansi mainly serve three roles: one is the
executive of imperial edict and system, the other is the manager of specific financial affairs;
and the third is the important decision-makers of economic policy. The third chapter is about
the relationship between Sansi and politics. This chapter focuses on the relationship between
Sansi and emperor and the prime minister before Yuanfeng reform, the supervision of Sansi
on the internal, and the external on Sansi, the salary and the promotion of political positions
of Sansi officials. In the specific management, the imperial edict often directly determines the
changes of Sansi and the promotion of Sansi officials. After all, the emperor has absolute
leadership and supervision over Sansi. However Sansi are in charge of the operation of the
central finance and often put forward some proposals promoting social and political stability
and social development, and exert monitor and restrictions to the affairs of the royal family to
a certain extent. The relationships between Sansi and the prime minister are mainly reflected
on three aspects: first,the political status of the prime minister is higher than Sansi, so
Sansishi is the best candidates for the prime minister; second, the prime minister has right to
inquire about the promotion of Sansi, to a large extent, it determines the political future of
Sansi officials. Third is that Sansi separate part of political, economic and military powers of
the prime minister. For the internal supervision of Sansi, it should be a closed line from the
formulation of management system, the implementation of the system to the operation of
supplies, management of account book and the summary of the experience, etc. Each link can
not be separated from supervision. However, due to the high degree of centralization of
financial power of Sansi, the complication of the running of affairs and the multiple changes
of the organization itself, the implementation of the internal supervision of Sansi have been
seriously affected. The internal supervision of Sansi is mainly manifested in the formulation
of related systems, the establishment of internal regulatory agencies and the supervision of
internal officials in Sansi. Internal supervision is not only the matter of Sansi, but also the
management of imperial power over Sansi. External supervision over Sansi is the focus of this
research, including the supervision of Sansi to emperor, parallel agencies and ministers and
the supervision of junior officials over Sansi. Besides, the salary and promotion of Sansi
officials are also studied in this chapter. The salary of Sansi officials in Song dynasty mainly
includes Qingshou and Tianzhi. Qingshou includes materials pays, clothes and Lumi; Tianzhi
includes donations and daily necessities. As an important post in Northern song dynasty, Sansi
official received much more money than the salaries they deserved in their official rank. The
materials pay and clothe for Sansi official vary with the official positions, tianzhi serves as the
make up in Song dynasty. There are various reasons for the promotion of Sansi officials,
which mainly involve the emperor's edict, examination and the Minister's recommendation. In
the society governed by man, the promotion of Sansi officials mainly depend on the will of
emperor. The relationship between Sansi and military are discussed in Chapter four. Some
ministers in the Song Dynasty believed that the separate management of Sansi, the prime
minister and privy is not conducive to the army building, which is the main reason for the
failure of war. However, Sansi is closed linked to the supply of military expenditure, military
material, the manufacture of military weapons and the formulation of military policies. The
study on it is also an indispensable part of the research on the military in Northern Song
Dynasty. The study also found that Sansi is not only responsible for the supply and planning
of the vast majority of the materials and cost in military activities, but also the Sansi officials
often serve as military officials and participate in the formulation of some military policies.
The relations between Sansi and military are mainly manifested in two aspects: one is that
Sansi is the main planners of the military expenditures; the other is that it is the important
guarantors of the military supplies. Besides, Sansi is also the important participants in military
decision-making. The essay will also study on the relationship between Qunmusi and Sansi.
The two mainly focus on the military and are mainly characterized by political and economic
relations. In chapter five, the relation between Sansi and the etiquette in Song Dynasty is
discussed. Etiquette as the continuation of politics is one of the indispensable and important
contents in the study of the political activities of Sansi officials. The study on the rituals of
Sansi officials will help to the reproduction and in-depth study of the political life in the
middle and early of Northern Song Dynasty, which is divided into two parts in the thesis:
Firstly, the main etiquette enjoyed by the Sansi officials in the Song dynasty is discussed.
Sansi is an important part of the entire management system of the Song Dynasty, its officials
enjoyed both the same etiquette as other officials and the special etiquette because of their
special status. This section mainly studies the etiquette among the Sansi officials and the the
main external etiquette they enjoyed. These external rituals mainly include the etiquette of
closing door, court attendance, guide from, reject with thanks and statement to emperor; Sansi
officials occupy a very important position in all kinds of etiquette and the etiquette also
changed at different times. First is to discuss the preferential treatment Sansi official enjoyed.
The benefits enjoyed by Sansi officials mainly include obtaining their official positions
according to the status of their elder members of a family, dinners and banquets, funeral gifts
and reward, which have different concrete manifestations in different periods.
The advent of Sansi is both the product of the specific stage before the reform in middle
and later Tang dynasty to Yuanfeng and the economic product of transformation from the
political structure with the system of Three Councils and Six Boards as the core to the economic
management architecture centered on Sansi. It is also the political product derived from the
separation of the power of prime minister after the Anshi rebellion to strengthen the imperial
power, and the military product of cracking down on the armed independent regime and
retrieving the financial power from the local to the central government. The establishment of
Sansi in Song dynasty contributes the unique economic management pattern of erfu and Sansi,
which originate from financial power, political power and military power before the Yuanfeng
reform. The three agencies supervise each other to achieve the balance of power which is
conducive the rule of imperial power and long-term political stability. The establishment of
Sansi in Song Dynasty was a bold reform in the history of fiscal management in China, which is
clearly different from the financial institutions in other dynasties. It played an important role in
the economic management of ancient China and accumulated rich experience for future
generations in financial administration and political reform.
Key words Northern Song Dynasty Sansi Economic Political Military Etiquett




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