lumia1520 越狱

I've had an iPhone since the iPhone 3G. My main personal phone is an iPhone 4S. I'm always checking out new phones, however, most recently the Blackberry Z10. The last time I tried a Windows Phone was a Lumia 800, where I made a list of apps I would need before I would ever consider switching from iPhone. I also checked out one of the first Windows Phones in 2010.

自从iPhone 3G以来,我就拥有iPhone。 我的主要个人电话是iPhone 4S。 我一直在检查新手机,但是最近才买到Blackberry Z10 。 我上次尝试使用Windows Phone的是Lumia 800,在此之前,我列出了需要使用的应用程序列表,然后才考虑从iPhone切换到Windows Phone。 我还签出了2010年首批Windows Phone之一。

My family is a mixed one, with two iPads, my wife's Lumia 920 phone, my iPhone 4S, the kids' iPod touches, a Surface RT, an Xbox and a PS3. I'm also spending a month testing a Samsung Galaxy S4.

我的家庭是一个混血儿,有两台iPad,我妻子的Lumia 920手机,我的iPhone 4S,孩子们的iPod touch,Surface RT,Xbox和PS3。 我还要花一个月的时间测试三星Galaxy S4。

However, last week a buddy loaned me a yellow Nokia Lumia 1020 running Windows Phone 8. A good friend recently switched to the 1020 solely for the camera. Let me repeat that. He has been #teamiphone since the beginning but he decided the camera was good enough to switch. That got my attention as my 4S camera kinda sucks. It's fine for Instagram but not for capturing two growing kids.

但是,上个星期,一个伙伴借给了我一台运行Windows Phone 8的黄色诺基亚Lumia1020。一个好朋友最近只为摄影机而改用1020。 让我重复一遍。 从一开始他就一直是#teamiphone,但他认为相机足以切换。 我的4S相机有点烂,这引起了我的注意。 对于Instagram来说很好,但不能捕获两个正在成长的孩子。

I swapped the SIM card from my iPhone and customized the crap out of my home screen. I can't stand defaults. Live Tiles really are the star of the Windows Phone.

我从iPhone上换了SIM卡,然后在主屏幕上自定义了废话。 我无法忍受默认设置。 Live Tiles确实是Windows Phone的明星。

I'll do a full review when I've spent time with this phone, but I can talk about the camera now. Insane.

我花了很多时间在使用这款手机后会进行全面的评论,但是现在我可以谈谈相机。 疯。

Full sized images are 7712x4352 and about 10 megs. The deal, it seems, isn't that you necessarily want to  keep the 34 megapixel images, but rather that you can zoom and crop them and still see thing clearly. Phrased differently, rather than an optical zoom, you take a super super high res image then digitally zoom. It's amazing. You can zoom in on a license plate from 100 feet away.

完整尺寸的图像是7712x4352和大约10兆。 看来,这似乎不是您一定要保留34百万像素的图像,而是可以缩放和裁剪它们并仍然清楚地看到事物。 采取不同的措词,而不是光学变焦,您将拍摄超高分辨率的图像,然后进行数字变焦。 太奇妙了。 您可以在100英尺远的地方放大车牌。

Here's an example (I've blurred these people as I don't know them).


Now, zooming in on the red car, digitally.


That's just a silly example. A more significant one is taking a picture of a group, then wanting to crop a shot of just some of the people and having it NOT looking like a crappy crop. These kind of operations are trivial.

那只是一个愚蠢的例子。 一个更重要的是拍摄一组的照片,然后只想裁剪一些人的镜头,而不是看起来像like脚的庄稼。 这些操作是微不足道的。

If you want to download the full 10 megabyte version of this image, I put it up on Azure Storage here and if you like, zoom around it on Zoom.It.

如果要下载此映像的完整10 MB版本,我将其放在此处的Azure存储中,如果愿意,请在Zoom.It上对其进行缩放。

Here's the original file, copied straight off the Lumia 1020 via a USB Cable.

这是原始文件,直接通过USB电缆从Lumia 1020复制而来。

Let's zoom in - only by cropping.


Seriously, I could do this all day.


And then cropping.


I also tried the Camera Grip for the Lumia 1020. It's an extended battery, grip and a button that makes the phone act more like a camera. You get the whole half-button press to focus" then "full press to snap" behavior. This also speeds up the shutter actuation feel to instantaneous, since the half-squeeze starts the focus. The continued full press is instant. It really feels like a Point and Shoot.

我还尝试了Lumia 1020的“相机握把”。它是扩展的电池,握把和按钮,使手机的作用更像相机。 您可以使整个半按钮按下以聚焦,然后“完全按下以捕捉”行为。这也加快了快门致动的瞬间,因为半挤压开始聚焦。持续的全按是瞬间的。像傻瓜相机

Disclaimer/Disclosure: I do work for Microsoft, in the Azure division. However, I am not my job. I review lots of tech and gadgets and I stand on my record of impartiality. I use what I like. This review (and future and past) is my own, and done on my own, outside of work. No one reviews or edits these. Misspellings and errors are mine.

免责声明/披露:我确实在Azure部门的Microsoft工作。 但是,我不是我的工作。 我回顾了许多技术和小工具,并且我坚持公正的记录。 我用我喜欢的东西。 这份评论(以及未来和过去)是我自己的,并且是在工作之外自己完成的。 没有人评论或编辑这些。 拼写错误和错误是我的。

I'll keep trying it out and explore the actual phone features, but I am deeply impressed with the camera. In order to consider switching though (and I assume you'd feel the same way) I would need:

我会继续尝试并探究手机的实际功能,但对相机印象深刻。 为了考虑进行切换(我想您会有同样的感觉),我需要:

  • 95% of the apps (or equivalents) that I use in an average week.


    • The addition of the 6tag Instagram app helped me a lot.

      6tag Instagram应用程序的添加对我很有帮助。

    • I wish there was a FitBit app that talked to the device. There's a Windows 8 app for FitBit, and FitBit has confirmed they're working on a Phone 8 version.

      我希望有一个与设备对话的FitBit应用程序。 有一个适用于FitBit的Windows 8应用程序,FitBit已确认他们正在使用Phone 8版本。

    • The Xbox games are nice, especially Batman. Xbox游戏很好,尤其是蝙蝠侠。
  • Reliable Bluetooth phone and audio in the cars my wife and I have


    • Streaming audio works fine in my Prius. Having some trouble with the phone, but working on it.在我的Prius中,流音频工作正常。 手机遇到了一些麻烦,但是正在研究中。
  • Good battery life


    • It's OK, but the camera flash definitely hurts the battery if you spend all day taking pics.可以,但是如果您整天拍照,相机闪光灯肯定会损坏电池。
  • Support for Google Mail and Calendar (personal) and Outlook (work)

    支持Google Mail和Calendar(个人)和Outlook(办公)

    • Check.检查一下

More review and details to come as I explore. Your thoughts?

我将继续探索更多评论和细节。 你的想法?


lumia1520 越狱

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