




​编辑3.配置cmake libyuv相关的链接编译等







官方地址 https://chromium.googlesource.com/libyuv/libyuv

如果打不开打不开,可以去 github 上下载:https://github.com/lemenkov/libyuv






然后下面的集成流程是根据Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 2版本进行的,不同版本可以稍有差异



3.配置cmake libyuv相关的链接编译等

首先我的cmake路径和libyuv是在同一目录下,这个老版本android studio和新版本有所差异,注意分辨,和下面的cmake中配置libyuv路径有关,然后我这边是以同一目录下进行配置的,配置文件如下所示:

# For more information about using CMake with Android Studio, read the
# documentation: https://d.android.com/studio/projects/add-native-code.html# Sets the minimum version of CMake required to build the native library.cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6.0)# Declares and names the project.project("xxx")# Creates and names a library, sets it as either STATIC
# or SHARED, and provides the relative paths to its source code.
# You can define multiple libraries, and CMake builds them for you.
# Gradle automatically packages shared libraries with your APK.set(baseCppPath "libyuv")SET(ly_src_dir ${baseCppPath})
FILE(GLOB_RECURSE ly_source_files ${ly_src_dir}/*.cc)
LIST(SORT ly_source_files)add_library( # Sets the name of the library.liveassistant# Sets the library as a shared library.SHARED# Provides a relative path to your source file(s).${ly_source_files}native-lib.cpp)include_directories(${baseCppPath}/include)# Searches for a specified prebuilt library and stores the path as a
# variable. Because CMake includes system libraries in the search path by
# default, you only need to specify the name of the public NDK library
# you want to add. CMake verifies that the library exists before
# completing its build.find_library( # Sets the name of the path variable.log-lib# Specifies the name of the NDK library that# you want CMake to locate.log)# Specifies libraries CMake should link to your target library. You
# can link multiple libraries, such as libraries you define in this
# build script, prebuilt third-party libraries, or system libraries.target_link_libraries( # Specifies the target library.xxx# Links the target library to the log library# included in the NDK.jnigraphics${log-lib})如果想详细了解上面cmake配置的具体内容可参考:https://gonglipeng.blog.csdn.net/article/details/120026867





#include <jni.h>

#include <string>

#include <libyuv.h>

#include <android/bitmap.h>


extern "C"


Java_xxx_xxx_xxx_xxx_YuvNativeUtil_rotate(JNIEnv *env, jclass thiz, jobject y,

                                                          jobject u,

                                                          jobject v, jint yStride, jint uStride,

                                                          jint vStride,

                                                          jobject yOut, jobject uOut, jobject vOut,

                                                          jint yOutStride, jint uOutStride,

                                                          jint vOutStride,

                                                          jint width, jint height,

                                                          jint rotationMode) {

    uint8_t *yNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(y);

    uint8_t *uNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(u);

    uint8_t *vNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(v);

    uint8_t *yOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yOut);

    uint8_t *uOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uOut);

    uint8_t *vOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vOut);

    libyuv::I420Rotate(yNative, yStride,

                       uNative, uStride,

                       vNative, vStride,

                       yOutNative, yOutStride,

                       uOutNative, uOutStride,

                       vOutNative, vOutStride,

                       width, height,





static {




   public static YuvFrame rotate(Image image, int rotationMode) {

       YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(image.getWidth(),

               image.getHeight(), rotationMode);
















       return outFrame;


   public static YuvFrame rotate(YuvFrame yuvFrame, int rotationMode) {

       YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(yuvFrame.getWidth(),

               yuvFrame.getHeight(), rotationMode);
















       return outFrame;


   private static native void rotate(ByteBuffer y,

                                     ByteBuffer u,

                                     ByteBuffer v,

                                     int yStride,

                                     int uStride,

                                     int vStride,

                                     ByteBuffer yOut,

                                     ByteBuffer uOut,

                                     ByteBuffer vOut,

                                     int yOutStride,

                                     int uOutStride,

                                     int vOutStride,

                                     int width,

                                     int height,

                                     int rotationMode);



class YuvFrame {

    lateinit var y: ByteBuffer; private set

    lateinit var u: ByteBuffer; private set

    lateinit var v: ByteBuffer; private set

    var yStride: Int = 0private set

    var uStride: Int = 0private set

    var vStride: Int = 0private set

    var width: Int = 0private set

    var height: Int = 0private set

    fun fill(

        y: ByteBuffer,

        u: ByteBuffer,

        v: ByteBuffer,

        yStride: Int,

        uStride: Int,

        vStride: Int,

        width: Int,

        height: Int

    ) {

        this.y = y

        this.u = u

        this.v = v

        this.yStride = yStride

        this.uStride = uStride

        this.vStride = vStride

        this.width = width

        this.height = height


    fun fill(image: Image) {

        for (i in 0 until 3) {

            when (i) {

                0 -> {

                    y = image.planes[i].buffer

                    yStride = image.planes[i].rowStride


                1 -> {

                    u = image.planes[i].buffer

                    uStride = image.planes[i].rowStride


                2 -> {

                    v = image.planes[i].buffer

                    vStride = image.planes[i].rowStride




        width = image.width

        height = image.height


    /** experimental method */

    fun fill(width: Int, height: Int, data: ByteArray) {

        this.width = width

        this.height = height

        val yArr = ByteArray(width * height)

        val uArr = ByteArray(width * height / 4)

        val vArr = ByteArray(width * height / 4)

        System.arraycopy(data, 0, yArr, 0, yArr.size)

        System.arraycopy(data, yArr.size, uArr, 0, uArr.size)

        System.arraycopy(data, yArr.size + uArr.size, vArr, 0, uArr.size)

        y = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(yArr.size).put(yArr)

        u = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(uArr.size).put(uArr)

        v = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(vArr.size).put(vArr)





    fun asArray(): ByteArray {

        var array: ByteArray

        val yPos = y.position()

        val uPos = u.position()

        val vPos = v.position()

        try {

            array =

                ByteBuffer.allocate(y.capacity() + u.capacity() + v.capacity()).put(y).put(u).put(v)





        catch (e: Exception) {

            array = ByteArray(size())

            y.get(array, 0, y.remaining())


            u.get(array, y.remaining(), u.remaining())


            v.get(array, y.remaining() + u.remaining(), v.remaining())



        return array


    fun size() = y.remaining() + u.remaining() + v.remaining()

    fun free() {

        y = ByteBuffer.allocate(1)

        u = ByteBuffer.allocate(1)

        v = ByteBuffer.allocate(1)

        yStride = 0

        uStride = 0

        vStride = 0

        width = 0

        height = 0





extern "C"


Java_xxx_xxx_xxx_utils_YuvNativeUtil_mirrorH(JNIEnv *env, jclass thiz, jobject y,

                                                           jobject u,

                                                           jobject v, jint yStride, jint uStride,

                                                           jint vStride,

                                                           jobject yOut, jobject uOut, jobject vOut,

                                                           jint yOutStride, jint uOutStride,

                                                           jint vOutStride,

                                                           jint width, jint height) {

    uint8_t *yNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(y);

    uint8_t *uNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(u);

    uint8_t *vNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(v);

    uint8_t *yOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yOut);

    uint8_t *uOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uOut);

    uint8_t *vOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vOut);

    libyuv::I420Mirror(yNative, yStride,

                       uNative, uStride,

                       vNative, vStride,

                       yOutNative, yOutStride,

                       uOutNative, uOutStride,

                       vOutNative, vOutStride,

                       width, height);


public static YuvFrame mirrorH(Image image) {

        YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());















        return outFrame;


    public static YuvFrame mirrorH(YuvFrame yuvFrame) {

        YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(yuvFrame.getWidth(),
















        return outFrame;


    public static YuvFrame mirrorV(Image image) {

        YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
















        return outFrame;


    public static YuvFrame mirrorV(YuvFrame yuvFrame) {

        YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(yuvFrame.getWidth(),

















        return outFrame;


    private static native void mirrorH(ByteBuffer y,

                                       ByteBuffer u,

                                       ByteBuffer v,

                                       int yStride,

                                       int uStride,

                                       int vStride,

                                       ByteBuffer yOut,

                                       ByteBuffer uOut,

                                       ByteBuffer vOut,

                                       int yOutStride,

                                       int uOutStride,

                                       int vOutStride,

                                       int width,

                                       int height);



extern "C"



        JNIEnv *env, jclass thiz, jobject y, jobject u, jobject v,

        jint yStride, jint uStride, jint vStride,

        jobject yOut, jobject uOut, jobject vOut,

        jint yOutStride, jint uOutStride, jint vOutStride,

        jint srcWidth, jint srcHeight, jint dstWidth, jint dstHeight, jint filterMode) {

    uint8_t *yNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(y);

    uint8_t *uNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(u);

    uint8_t *vNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(v);

    uint8_t *yOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yOut);

    uint8_t *uOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uOut);

    uint8_t *vOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vOut);

    libyuv::I420Scale(yNative, yStride,

                      uNative, uStride,

                      vNative, vStride,

                      srcWidth, srcHeight,

                      yOutNative, yOutStride,

                      uOutNative, uOutStride,

                      vOutNative, vOutStride,

                      dstWidth, dstHeight,



public static YuvFrame scale(Image image, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int filerMode) {

    YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(dstWidth, dstHeight);


















    return outFrame;


public static YuvFrame scale(YuvFrame yuvFrame, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int filerMode) {

    if (dstHeight <= 0 || dstWidth <= 0) {

        return null;


    YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(dstWidth, dstHeight);


















    return outFrame;


private static native void scale(ByteBuffer y,

                                 ByteBuffer u,

                                 ByteBuffer v,

                                 int yStride,

                                 int uStride,

                                 int vStride,

                                 ByteBuffer yOut,

                                 ByteBuffer uOut,

                                 ByteBuffer vOut,

                                 int yOutStride,

                                 int uOutStride,

                                 int vOutStride,

                                 int srcWidth,

                                 int srcHeight,

                                 int dstWidth,

                                 int dstHeight,

                                 int filterMode);



extern "C"


Java_xxx_xxx_xxx_utils_YuvNativeUtil_crop(JNIEnv *env, jclass thiz, jbyteArray src_,

                                                        jobject yOut, jobject uOut, jobject vOut,

                                                        jint yOutStride, jint uOutStride,

                                                        jint vOutStride,

                                                        jint width, jint height, jint dst_width,

                                                        jint dst_height, jint left,

                                                        jint top) {


    if (left + dst_width > width || top + dst_height > height) {




    if (left % 2 != 0 || top % 2 != 0) {



    jint src_length = env->GetArrayLength(src_);

    jbyte *src_i420_data = env->GetByteArrayElements(src_, NULL);

    uint8_t *yOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yOut);

    uint8_t *uOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uOut);

    uint8_t *vOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vOut);

    libyuv::ConvertToI420((const uint8_t *) src_i420_data, width*height*3/2,

                          (uint8_t *) yOutNative, yOutStride,

                          (uint8_t *) uOutNative, uOutStride,

                          (uint8_t *) vOutNative, vOutStride,

                          left, top,

                          width, height,

                          dst_width, dst_height,

                          libyuv::kRotate0, libyuv::FOURCC_NV21);



 * 裁剪,下面必须为偶数 不然画面会有问题


 * @param src

 * @param image

 * @param cropWidth  必须为偶数

 * @param cropHeight 必须为偶数

 * @param left       必须为偶数

 * @param top        必须为偶数

 * @return


public static YuvFrame crop(byte[] src, Image image, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, int left,

                            int top) {

    YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(cropWidth, cropHeight);












            left, top);

    return outFrame;


public static YuvFrame crop(byte[] src, YuvFrame yuvFrame, int cropWidth, int cropHeight,

                            int left,

                            int top) {

    YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(cropWidth, cropHeight);












            left, top);

    return outFrame;



 * yuv数据的裁剪操作


 * @param src        原始数据

 * @param width      原始的宽

 * @param height     原始的高

 * @param dst_width  输出的宽

 * @param dst_height 输出的高

 * @param left       裁剪的x的开始位置,必须为偶数,否则显示会有问题

 * @param top        裁剪的y的开始位置,必须为偶数,否则显示会有问题


public static native void crop(byte[] src, ByteBuffer yOut,

                               ByteBuffer uOut,

                               ByteBuffer vOut,

                               int yOutStride,

                               int uOutStride,

                               int vOutStride,

                               int width,

                               int height, int dst_width, int dst_height, int left, int top);



     * q: 为什么要转换成NV21

     * a: 因为NV21是android系统的默认格式,而且NV21是YUV420SP格式,这种格式的特点是占用空间小,传输和存储都比较方便,适合移动设备

     * <p>

     * q: 为什么要转换成YUV420SP

     * a: 因为YUV420SP是NV21的一种变换格式,YUV420SP的特点是可以直接用于MediaCodec编码,而NV21不行

     * <p>

     * q: 为什么要转换成YUV420P

     * a: 因为YUV420P是YUV420SP的一种变换格式,YUV420P的特点是可以直接用于FFmpeg编码,而YUV420SP不行


     * @param image

     * @return


    public static byte[] getNV21FromImage(Image image) {

        long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight();

        int i420Size = w * h * 3 2;

        int picel1 = ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.NV21);

        int picel2 = ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888);

        Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

        //remaining0 = rowStride*(h-1)+w => 27632= 192*143+176

        int remaining0 = planes[0].getBuffer().remaining();

        int remaining1 = planes[1].getBuffer().remaining();

        //remaining2 = rowStride*(h/2-1)+w-1 =>  13807=  192*71+176-1

        int remaining2 = planes[2].getBuffer().remaining();


        int pixelStride = planes[2].getPixelStride();

        int rowOffest = planes[2].getRowStride();

        byte[] nv21 = new byte[i420Size];

        byte[] yRawSrcBytes = new byte[remaining0];

        byte[] uRawSrcBytes = new byte[remaining1];

        byte[] vRawSrcBytes = new byte[remaining2];




        if (pixelStride == w) {


            System.arraycopy(yRawSrcBytes, 0, nv21, 0, rowOffest * h);

            System.arraycopy(vRawSrcBytes, 0, nv21, rowOffest * h, rowOffest * h / 2 1);

        else {

            byte[] ySrcBytes = new byte[w * h];

            byte[] uSrcBytes = new byte[w * h / 2 1];

            byte[] vSrcBytes = new byte[w * h / 2 1];

            for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {

                //源数组每隔 rowOffest 个bytes 拷贝 w 个bytes到目标数组

                System.arraycopy(yRawSrcBytes, rowOffest * row, ySrcBytes, w * row, w);


                if (row % 2 == 0) {


                    if (row == h - 2) {

                        System.arraycopy(vRawSrcBytes, rowOffest * row / 2, vSrcBytes, w * row / 2, w - 1);

                    else {

                        System.arraycopy(vRawSrcBytes, rowOffest * row / 2, vSrcBytes, w * row / 2, w);




            System.arraycopy(ySrcBytes, 0, nv21, 0, w * h);

            System.arraycopy(vSrcBytes, 0, nv21, w * h, w * h / 2 1);


        return nv21;



extern "C"


Java_com_example_liveassistant_utils_YuvNativeUtil_convertToI420(JNIEnv *env, jclass thiz,

                                                                 jobject y, jobject u,

                                                                 jobject v, jint yStride,

                                                                 jint uStride, jint vStride,

                                                                 jint srcPixelStrideUv,

                                                                 jobject yOut, jobject uOut,

                                                                 jobject vOut,

                                                                 jint yOutStride, jint uOutStride,

                                                                 jint vOutStride,

                                                                 jint width, jint height) {

    uint8_t *yNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(y);

    uint8_t *uNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(u);

    uint8_t *vNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(v);

    uint8_t *yOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(yOut);

    uint8_t *uOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(uOut);

    uint8_t *vOutNative = (uint8_t *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(vOut);

    libyuv::Android420ToI420(yNative, yStride,

                             uNative, uStride,

                             vNative, vStride,


                             yOutNative, yOutStride,

                             uOutNative, uOutStride,

                             vOutNative, vOutStride,

                             width, height);


public static YuvFrame convertToI420(Image image) {

    YuvFrame outFrame = FramesFactory.INSTANCE.instanceYuv(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
















    return outFrame;


private static native void convertToI420(ByteBuffer y,

                                         ByteBuffer u,

                                         ByteBuffer v,

                                         int yStride,

                                         int uStride,

                                         int vStride,

                                         int srcPixelStrideUv,

                                         ByteBuffer yOut,

                                         ByteBuffer uOut,

                                         ByteBuffer vOut,

                                         int yOutStride,

                                         int uOutStride,

                                         int vOutStride,

                                         int width,

                                         int height);


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  8. Android项目中集成华为账号登录、支付

    最近项目中集成了华为账号登录与支付的功能,把踩过的坑和过程记录下来. 先看下支付效果图: 支付价格0.01请忽略,因为这是为了测试用的. 刚开始接到这个项目的时候我很奇怪,为什么要集成华为支付呢,原有 ...

  9. Android项目持续集成之Jenkins的使用

    原址 Jenkins拥有的特性包括:  1. 易于安装-只要把jenkins.war部署到servlet容器,不需要数据库支持.  2. 易于配置-所有配置都是通过其提供的web界面实现.  3. 集 ...


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