
Hi people. After the roadmap blog post about where we’re taking the core Unity tools, we thought it was time to give you guys a heads-up about what the future holds for the asset store. Like the other road map, this one talks about where we’d like to go – with a focus on editor integration – if we can’t get everything done in time for 3.5 we’ll ship what we have.

大家好 在路线图博客文章中介绍了我们将在何处使用Unity核心工具之后,我们认为现在是时候让大家对资产商店的未来有什么看法。 像其他路线图一样,本主题将讨论我们想去的地方-着重于编辑器集成-如果我们无法在3.5之前及时完成所有工作,我们将提供所拥有的东西。

The goal for the asset store has always been to be a quick and convenient way to get assets for games. With Unity 3.5, we’re taking a huge stride towards this.

资产商店的目标一直是成为一种快速便捷的获取游戏资产的方法。 借助Unity 3.5,我们正在朝着这个目标迈出一大步。

Part of 3.5 is a revamped object picker. The idea is that you will be able to quickly browse and assign all assets in your project – and available online – from one integrated window. Something like this:

3.5的一部分是经过改进的对象选择器。 这个想法是,您将能够从一个集成的窗口中快速浏览和分配项目中的所有资产,并且可以在线使用这些资产。 像这样:

lets you pick a material from your project, from free Asset Store materials or from the paid ones. Buying one is a simple as clicking it and hitting a buy button. If you feel spammed by this, simply collapse “Paid Assets” headline in the browser. Don’t want free stuff either? Just collapse that – and you’ve got only what’s in your project. 
可让您从项目,免费的Asset Store物料或付费物料中选择物料。 只需点击并点击购买按钮即可购买。 如果您对此感到迷惑,只需在浏览器中折叠“付费资产”标题。 也不要免费的东西吗? 只需将其折叠即可,而您只有项目中的内容。

In the ideal world, selecting a new floor material in the browser gets you a preview in the scene view – even if it’s a paid one. Assigning a new audio clip to an audio source lets you browse and buy from a huge collection of sounds (searchable by categories, tags, with live previews, etc.) – we’re trying to get this live as well.

在理想情况下,在浏览器中选择新的地板材料可以在场景视图中预览-即使它是付费的。 将新的音频剪辑分配给音频源后,您就可以浏览和购买大量声音(可按类别,标签,实时预览等进行搜索),我们也试图将其变为现实。

Let’s consider another example: Most of our users try GameObject->Create Other->Tree. Most do it exacly once. I wonder why:

让我们考虑另一个示例:大多数用户尝试使用GameObject-> Create Other-> Tree。 大多数都只执行一次。 我想知道为什么:

What if instead you got something like this:


I think that a game engine is not complete without content. This is our answer to that – no matter which project you have open, you’ll always have access to all our assets; trees, lens flares, etc. You will also have access to any paid trees on the Asset Store. This is great for users – they get a ton of assets presented without having to hunt for them. It’s also great for asset sellers; users don’t need to open up a specific browser window. If they want to find any paid lens flares, the choice is never more than one click away.
我认为没有内容的游戏引擎是不完整的。 这就是我们的答案–无论您打开哪个项目,您都将始终可以访问我们的所有资产; 树木,镜头光晕等。您还可以使用资产商店中的所有付费树木。 这对用户来说非常好-他们无需出示便可以获取大量资产。 这对资产出售者也很好。 用户无需打开特定的浏览器窗口。 如果他们想找到任何有偿的镜头光晕,那么选择一键即可。

To make this feel awesome, it needs to be smooth. As silk. We want single click payments to make sure the purchasing is as smooth as the selection. This brings me to the next point on our roadmap:

要使它感觉很棒,它必须平滑。 如蚕丝。 我们希望单次点击付款以确保购买和选择一样顺利。 这将我带入路线图的下一点:

Payments: Contrary to common belief, Unity doesn’t handle credit card transactions ourselves. It goes through a payment processor – something like this: Worldpay has a number of issues: It can only operate in an external browser window. US customers sometimes get extra surcharges. It just generally sucks.

付款:与通常的看法相反,Unity不会自行处理信用卡交易。 它通过付款处理器处理-如下所示:Worldpay存在许多问题:它只能在外部浏览器窗口中运行。 美国客户有时会额外收取附加费。 它通常很烂。

We looked around and picked CyberSource as a new payment gateway. They’ll be handling all the credit card dealings, but we can show it inside Unity. They also have an option where they provide the back-end for storing all CC info. They remember your credit card number, not us. This is good – just ask Sony ;)

我们环顾四周,并选择Cyber​​Source作为新的支付网关。 他们将处理所有信用卡交易,但我们可以 Unity 内部进行展示。 他们还提供了一个选项,可以提供用于存储所有抄送信息的后端。 他们会记住您的信用卡号,而不是我们。 这很好–只是问索尼;)

Sadly this switch means that PayPal is going away as a payment method. We are aware that some of you prefer to pay this way. Be assured that you are not forgotten and this is something we will attempt to address in the near future.

可悲的是,此开关意味着PayPal将不再作为一种付款方式。 我们知道,有些人更愿意以这种方式付款。 请确保您不会被遗忘,这是我们将在不久的将来尝试解决的问题。

To test out how much sales were affected by making a smoother workflow (and losing PayPal), we ran a 2-week test: half our users got the old system, half got the new one. The results showed that 52% of the transactions and revenue came through the new payment solution. This means that despite not supporting PayPal payments, it performs slightly better than the old system. And we can take the new one further. The old system is a dead end.

为了测试通过简化工作流程(并失去PayPal)对销售量的影响,我们进行了为期2周的测试:一半的用户使用了旧系统,一半的用户使用了新系统。 结果显示,52%的交易和收入来自新的支付解决方案。 这意味着,尽管不支持PayPal付款,但其性能还是比旧系统一些。 我们可以进一步推广新的。 旧系统是死胡同。

With the test over, we have reverted temporarily to the old solution while we prepare for full scale deployment of the new one.


Have fun, and make us proud (as if you didn’t already)!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/08/31/asset-store-road-map/



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