
简介 Introduce

Given the alignments of all the training sentence pairs, we add an alignment distance cost to the objective function.



Given an alignment matrix A for a sentence pair (x, y) in Figure 2 (a), where we have an end-of-source-sentence token <\eos> = xL, and we align all the unaligned target words (y3∗ in this example) to <\eos> , also we force ym* (end-of-target-sentence) to be aligned to xL with probability one.

Then we conduct two transformations to get the probability distribution matrices ((b) and © in Figure 2).

(b) (c)分别对应归一化和数据平滑


Given the original alignment matrix A, we create a matrix A∗ with all points initialized with zero. Then, for each alignment point At,i = 1, we update A∗ by adding a Gaussian distribution, g(µ, σ), with a window size w (t-w, … t … t+w).
Take the A1,1 = 1 for example, we have A1,1 * += 1, A1,2 * += 0.61, and A1,3 * += 0.14, with w=2, g(µ, σ)=g(0, 1). Then we normalize each row and get ©.





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