作者:GWD 时间:2019.8.22





注:很多#ifndef这类代码,分析的时候先跳过这些看最后需要的,然后在source insight中看哪些没被定义。

void main_loop (void)
#ifndef CFG_HUSH_PARSERstatic char lastcommand[CFG_CBSIZE] = { 0, };int len;int rc = 1;int flag;
#endif#if defined(CONFIG_BOOTDELAY) && (CONFIG_BOOTDELAY >= 0)char *s;int bootdelay;
#ifdef CONFIG_PREBOOTchar *p;
#ifdef CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMITunsigned long bootcount = 0;unsigned long bootlimit = 0;char *bcs;char bcs_set[16];
#endif /* CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMIT */#if defined(CONFIG_VFD) && defined(VFD_TEST_LOGO)ulong bmp = 0;     /* default bitmap */extern int trab_vfd (ulong bitmap);#ifdef CONFIG_MODEM_SUPPORTif (do_mdm_init)bmp = 1; /* alternate bitmap */
#endiftrab_vfd (bmp);
#endif  /* CONFIG_VFD && VFD_TEST_LOGO */#ifdef CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMITbootcount = bootcount_load();bootcount++;bootcount_store (bootcount);sprintf (bcs_set, "%lu", bootcount);setenv ("bootcount", bcs_set);bcs = getenv ("bootlimit");bootlimit = bcs ? simple_strtoul (bcs, NULL, 10) : 0;
#endif /* CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMIT */#ifdef CONFIG_MODEM_SUPPORTdebug ("DEBUG: main_loop:   do_mdm_init=%d\n", do_mdm_init);if (do_mdm_init) {char *str = strdup(getenv("mdm_cmd"));setenv ("preboot", str);  /* set or delete definition */if (str != NULL)free (str);mdm_init(); /* wait for modem connection */}
#endif  /* CONFIG_MODEM_SUPPORT */#ifdef CONFIG_VERSION_VARIABLE{extern char version_string[];setenv ("ver", version_string);  /* set version variable */}
#endif /* CONFIG_VERSION_VARIABLE */#ifdef CFG_HUSH_PARSERu_boot_hush_start ();
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETEinstall_auto_complete();
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_PREBOOTif ((p = getenv ("preboot")) != NULL) {
# ifdef CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYEDint prev = disable_ctrlc(1);  /* disable Control C checking */
# endif# ifndef CFG_HUSH_PARSERrun_command (p, 0);
# elseparse_string_outer(p, FLAG_PARSE_SEMICOLON |FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP);
# endif# ifdef CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYEDdisable_ctrlc(prev);    /* restore Control C checking */
# endif}
#endif /* CONFIG_PREBOOT */#if defined(CONFIG_BOOTDELAY) && (CONFIG_BOOTDELAY >= 0)s = getenv ("bootdelay");bootdelay = s ? (int)simple_strtol(s, NULL, 10) : CONFIG_BOOTDELAY;debug ("### main_loop entered: bootdelay=%d\n\n", bootdelay);# ifdef CONFIG_BOOT_RETRY_TIMEinit_cmd_timeout ();
# endif /* CONFIG_BOOT_RETRY_TIME */#ifdef CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMITif (bootlimit && (bootcount > bootlimit)) {printf ("Warning: Bootlimit (%u) exceeded. Using altbootcmd.\n",(unsigned)bootlimit);s = getenv ("altbootcmd");}else
#endif /* CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMIT */s = getenv ("bootcmd");debug ("### main_loop: bootcmd=\"%s\"\n", s ? s : "<UNDEFINED>");if (bootdelay >= 0 && s && !abortboot (bootdelay)) {
# ifdef CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYEDint prev = disable_ctrlc(1);  /* disable Control C checking */
# endif# ifndef CFG_HUSH_PARSERrun_command (s, 0);
# elseparse_string_outer(s, FLAG_PARSE_SEMICOLON |FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP);
# endif# ifdef CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYEDdisable_ctrlc(prev);    /* restore Control C checking */
# endif}# ifdef CONFIG_MENUKEYif (menukey == CONFIG_MENUKEY) {s = getenv("menucmd");if (s) {
# ifndef CFG_HUSH_PARSERrun_command (s, 0);
# elseparse_string_outer(s, FLAG_PARSE_SEMICOLON |FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP);
# endif}}
#endif /* CONFIG_MENUKEY */
#endif  /* CONFIG_BOOTDELAY */#ifdef CONFIG_AMIGAONEG3SE{extern void video_banner(void);video_banner();}
#endif/** Main Loop for Monitor Command Processing*/
#ifdef CFG_HUSH_PARSERparse_file_outer();/* This point is never reached */for (;;);
#elsefor (;;) {
#ifdef CONFIG_BOOT_RETRY_TIMEif (rc >= 0) {/* Saw enough of a valid command to* restart the timeout.*/reset_cmd_timeout();}
#endiflen = readline (CFG_PROMPT);flag = 0;   /* assume no special flags for now */if (len > 0)strcpy (lastcommand, console_buffer);else if (len == 0)flag |= CMD_FLAG_REPEAT;
#ifdef CONFIG_BOOT_RETRY_TIMEelse if (len == -2) {/* -2 means timed out, retry autoboot*/puts ("\nTimed out waiting for command\n");
# ifdef CONFIG_RESET_TO_RETRY/* Reinit board to run initialization code again */do_reset (NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
# elsereturn;       /* retry autoboot */
# endif}
#endifif (len == -1)puts ("<INTERRUPT>\n");elserc = run_command (lastcommand, flag);if (rc <= 0) {/* invalid command or not repeatable, forget it */lastcommand[0] = 0;}}
#endif /*CFG_HUSH_PARSER*/





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