


3.初步测试, 15*15格子 什么都不摆 耗时 2 毫秒 (a*算法在没有障碍物的情况下基本上要遍历所有的路径,所以在这种情况下是最耗时的)

(蓝:start 绿:end 红:障碍 黄:路径)


XXAStar = {}local function removeChild(parent,child) --table 删除子local list = parentfor k,v in pairs(list) doif v == child thentable.remove(list,k)return listendend
local function getRoundPos(pos,closeList,openList) --寻找周围合法点,不在open 也不在closelocal px = pos.xlocal py = pos.ylocal list = {{x=px ,y=py+1},     --上{x=px-1 ,y=py},        --左{x=px+1    ,y=py},        --右{x=px   ,y=py-1},  --下}local returnList = {}for _,v in pairs(list) doif v.x >= 1 and v.y >= 1 then --地图范围内if v.x <= XXAStar.size.width and v.y <= XXAStar.size.height thenif closeList[v.x][v.y] == 0 then --排除closelistlocal isInOpen = nilfor _,v1 in pairs(openList) do  --排除open列表if v1.x == v.x and v1.y == v.y thenisInOpen = v1endendif isInOpen == nil thentable.insert( returnList,v )else --如果在open中 需要更新查看F是否更小local newG = pos.g + (math.abs(pos.x - v.x) + math.abs(pos.y - v.y) )if newG < isInOpen.g thenisInOpen.parent = posisInOpen.g = newGendendendendendendreturn returnList
local function countFGH(startpos,endpos,list) --计算 FGH--  G = 从 起点   移动到 指定点--  H = 从 指定点 移动到 终点--  F = G + Hlocal minF = nilfor _,v in pairs(list) doif v.g == nil thenv.g = math.abs(startpos.x - v.x) + math.abs(startpos.y - v.y)v.h = math.abs(v.x - endpos.x) + math.abs(v.y - endpos.y)v.f = v.g+v.hendif minF == nil thenminF = vendif v.f < minF.f thenminF = vendendreturn minF
function XXAStar:init()--寻路二维数组self.size = {width=0,height=0}    --尺寸self.pathList = {}                 --路径数据self.startPos = nil              --起始点self.endPos = nil             --终止点self.openList = {}                self.closeList = {}
function XXAStar:getPath(width,height,startpos,endpos,closeList)--初始化self:init()self.size.width = widthself.size.height = heightfor j=1,width,1 doself.pathList[j] = {}self.closeList[j] = {}for i=1,height,1 doself.pathList[j][i] = { type = 0 }self.closeList[j][i] = 0endendself.startPos = startposself.endPos = endpos--1.起始点加入到open列表中table.insert(self.openList,self.startPos)--2.将障碍物放到close列表for k,v in pairs(closeList) doself.pathList[v.x][v.y].type = 1self.closeList[v.x][v.y] = 1end--8.回溯路径local resultList = {}local lastPos = self:countPath(self.startPos)if lastPos == nil then return {}endwhile(true)doif lastPos.parent == nil thenbreakendif lastPos.parent.x == self.startPos.x and lastPos.parent.y == self.startPos.y thenbreakendtable.insert( resultList,{x=lastPos.parent.x,y=lastPos.parent.y} )lastPos = lastPos.parentendreturn resultList
function XXAStar:countPath( firstPos )--3.根据起点寻找周围相邻点,排除障碍物local roundlist = getRoundPos(firstPos,self.closeList,self.openList)--4.把起点从openlist中移除,加入到closelistself.openList = removeChild(self.openList,firstPos)self.closeList[firstPos.x][firstPos.y] = firstPos--5.找到的点加入到openlistfor _,v in pairs(roundlist) dov.parent = firstPostable.insert(self.openList,v)--6 查看是否找到了终点if v.x == self.endPos.x and v.y == self.endPos.y thenreturn vendend--7.计算 FGH 并得到f最小的值local minF = countFGH(self.startPos,self.endPos,self.openList)if minF == nil then--已经没有未遍历的点了return nilelsereturn self:countPath(minF)end


function XXAStar:getPath(width,height,startpos,endpos,closeList)
--width,height    尺寸
--startpos        起始点
--endpos          终止点
--closeList       障碍物
]]--local usePosList = XXAStar:getPath(15,15,{x=1,y=1},{x=15,y=15},closeList)
if table.getn(usePosList) == 0 thenXXLog("没有找到路径")
else--TODO--usePosList 路径的坐标点集合

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