
相关说明: MessageBox prevent RoutedEvent routing

Hi Fortnum,

I performed a test based on your sample code and did see the problem on my side.

The reason is that the messagbox takes the focus from the window when it pops up. Thus, the UI elements in the routed event chain won't receive the routed event any more.

As you can see, this behavior is by design. We can only show a modeless window from within the preview mouse related routed event handler. Unfortunately, it doesnt' fit in your case because you must show a modal window to ask the user whether to bubble the routed event chain. My suggestion is to show the messagebox from within the MouseLeftButtonDown event handler of the InnerButton. If the user chooses No, exit the event handler directly. For example:

void InnerButton_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)


if (MessageBox.Show("Continue the event processing?","Confirmation",MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)


// do some work here




Hope this helps.

If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.


Linda Liu


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