
InfluxDB是一个由InfluxData开发的开源时序型数据库[note 1]。它由Go写成,着力于高性能地查询与存储时序型数据。InfluxDB被广泛应用于存储系统的监控数据,IoT行业的实时数据等场景。

引用来自维基百科 - InfluxDB

刚接触InfluxDB一段时间,感叹到了作为一个时序数据库的特性,简单易用。虽接触不久,但却勾起了我的强烈兴趣,是一个值得深入研究的数据库。后续也将会深入其底层实现,先打了flag在这 ^ _ ^

















### Welcome to the InfluxDB configuration file.# The values in this file override the default values used by the system if
# a config option is not specified. The commented out lines are the configuration
# field and the default value used. Uncommenting a line and changing the value
# will change the value used at runtime when the process is restarted.# Once every 24 hours InfluxDB will report usage data to usage.influxdata.com
# The data includes a random ID, os, arch, version, the number of series and other
# usage data. No data from user databases is ever transmitted.
# Change this option to true to disable reporting.
reporting-disabled = true# Bind address to use for the RPC service for backup and restore.
bind-address = ""###
### [meta]
### Controls the parameters for the Raft consensus group that stores metadata
### about the InfluxDB cluster.
###[meta]# Where the metadata/raft database is storeddir = "G:/influxdb/influxdb-1.7.0-1/meta"# Automatically create a default retention policy when creating a database.# retention-autocreate = true# If log messages are printed for the meta service# logging-enabled = true###
### [data]
### Controls where the actual shard data for InfluxDB lives and how it is
### flushed from the WAL. "dir" may need to be changed to a suitable place
### for your system, but the WAL settings are an advanced configuration. The
### defaults should work for most systems.
###[data]# The directory where the TSM storage engine stores TSM files.dir = "G:/influxdb/influxdb-1.7.0-1/data"# The directory where the TSM storage engine stores WAL files.wal-dir = "G:/influxdb/influxdb-1.7.0-1/wal"# The amount of time that a write will wait before fsyncing.  A duration# greater than 0 can be used to batch up multiple fsync calls.  This is useful for slower# disks or when WAL write contention is seen.  A value of 0s fsyncs every write to the WAL.# Values in the range of 0-100ms are recommended for non-SSD disks.# wal-fsync-delay = "0s"# The type of shard index to use for new shards.  The default is an in-memory index that is# recreated at startup.  A value of "tsi1" will use a disk based index that supports higher# cardinality datasets.# index-version = "inmem"# Trace logging provides more verbose output around the tsm engine. Turning# this on can provide more useful output for debugging tsm engine issues.# trace-logging-enabled = false# Whether queries should be logged before execution. Very useful for troubleshooting, but will# log any sensitive data contained within a query.query-log-enabled = true
[retention]# Determines whether retention policy enforcement enabled.enabled = true# The interval of time when retention policy enforcement checks run.check-interval = "30m"###
### [shard-precreation]
### Controls the precreation of shards, so they are available before data arrives.
### Only shards that, after creation, will have both a start- and end-time in the
### future, will ever be created. Shards are never precreated that would be wholly
### or partially in the past.[shard-precreation]# Determines whether shard pre-creation service is enabled.enabled = true# The interval of time when the check to pre-create new shards runs.check-interval = "10m"# The default period ahead of the endtime of a shard group that its successor# group is created.advance-period = "30m"###
### Controls the system self-monitoring, statistics and diagnostics.
### The internal database for monitoring data is created automatically if
### if it does not already exist. The target retention within this database
### is called 'monitor' and is also created with a retention period of 7 days
### and a replication factor of 1, if it does not exist. In all cases the
### this retention policy is configured as the default for the database.[monitor]# Whether to record statistics internally.store-enabled = true# The destination database for recorded statisticsstore-database = "_internal"# The interval at which to record statisticsstore-interval = "10s"###
### [http]
### Controls how the HTTP endpoints are configured. These are the primary
### mechanism for getting data into and out of InfluxDB.
###[http]# Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.enabled = true# Determines whether the Flux query endpoint is enabled.flux-enabled = false# The bind address used by the HTTP service.bind-address = ":8086"# Determines whether user authentication is enabled over HTTP/HTTPS.# auth-enabled = false# The default realm sent back when issuing a basic auth challenge.# realm = "InfluxDB"# Determines whether HTTP request logging is enabled.# log-enabled = true# Determines whether the HTTP write request logs should be suppressed when the log is enabled.# suppress-write-log = false



InfluxDB里面的数据点(例如2015-04-16T12:00:00Z 5)类似于SQL数据库的行;


1、InfluxDB - 维基百科
2、InfluxDB在windows下的安装和配置 - Linux大学
3、InfluxDB中文文档 - GitBook
4、InfluxDB - 教程中心 - 阿里云
5、InfluxDB - GitHub
6、InfluxDB安装与配置(Linux) - 博客园


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