Snow Globe – Pink Martini

雪球世界– 粉色马提尼酒

Why are snow globes so darn mesmerizing?


Let’s be honest: the little plastic scenes inside are usually crudely manufactured and painted. They're much less realistic than any postcard.

实话实说:里面的小塑料场景通常是未经加工和涂漆的。 它们比任何明信片都不太现实。

Yet somehow we find ourselves staring into that tiny maelstrom for far longer than we’d look at even the most brilliantly composed postcard. Why?

然而,以某种方式,我们发现自己凝视着那个微小的漩涡的时间远远超过了我们看到的最辉煌的明信片。 为什么?

It seems to be the movement. None of the individual snowflakes are important, but that random, swirling cloud seems to create a sense of place and 3D space in our brain. The whole is more than the sum of the tacky little parts.

这似乎是运动。 单个雪花都不重要,但是随机的,旋转的云似乎在我们的大脑中产生了位置感和3D空间。 整体不仅仅是粘性小部分的总和。

Snow globes are a little ‘brain hack’.


什么是电影摄影机? (What’s a Cinemagraph?)

Cinemagraphs are like ‘snow globes for web designers’. They take a small section of video and craft it into a loop that doesn’t have an obvious start and finish. When used well, a cinemagraph can evoke a sense of time and place that a single image simply can’t.

电影胶片就像“网页设计师的雪球”。 他们将一小段视频制作成一个没有明显开始和结束的循环。 如果使用得当,电影胶片会让人联想到单一图像根本无法呈现的时间和地点感。

The term ‘Cinemagraph’ was coined back in 2011 by photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck. They’ve made an artform out of choosing just the right elements to animate in their news, fashion and lifestyle images.

“ 电影摄影 ”一词最早是由摄影师Kevin Burg和Jamie Beck于2011年创造的。 他们通过选择合适的元素来制作新闻,时尚和生活方式图片的动画,从而形成了一种艺术形式。

Wafting coffee steam


Of course, Burg and Beck didn’t invent the idea of a loop. But they did realize that it is sometimes more valuable to animate the peripheral elements, than the subject of the photo. For instance, the subject of the image above is a breakfast scene – not the steam. Yet somehow those wispy coffee clouds recall some sunny breakfast in our past.

当然,伯格和贝克没有发明循环的想法。 但是他们确实意识到,有时对外围元素进行动画处理比摄影的主题更有价值。 例如,上图的主题是早餐场景,而不是蒸汽。 然而,那些淡淡的咖啡云使我们回想起过去的阳光明媚的早餐。

It feels more like a memory than a photo. Which is both weird and cool.

感觉更像是回忆而不是照片。 既奇怪又酷。

网页设计中的电影 (Cinemagraphs in Web Design)

Although full-motion video backgrounds are a big trend, clever use of cinemagraphs is a fantastic ‘bang-for-buck’ option.


SitePoint author, Wes McDowell uses cinemagraphs brilliantly on his The Deep End Design site – just two-seconds of looped MP4 video.

SitePoint的作者Wes McDowell在他的The Deep End Design网站上巧妙地使用了电影摄影作品 -仅两秒钟的循环MP4视频。

His landing page shows a serious, urban hipster absorbed in his laptop. Though our man is motionless – deep in thought – we’re also aware of a passing train reflected in the window. The motion adds energy and a deeper sense of space to the page.

他的着陆页显示了一个严肃的城市潮人沉迷于他的笔记本电脑。 尽管我们的男人一动不动-思想沉思-我们也意识到窗户上反射着一列经过的火车。 动作为页面增添了活力和更深的空间感。

The Deep End Design inset.


But, as the train reflection is superimposed across his face, it’s also hard not to associate the train with the guy’s state of mind. He is focussed on his task, solving problems, making decisions, driven forward. A still photo of the same scene simply could not do that.

但是,由于火车反射叠加在他的脸上,因此很难将火车与他的心​​态联系起来。 他专注于自己的任务,解决问题,做出决定,不断前进。 同一场景的静止照片根本无法做到这一点。

On one level, the animation means nothing at all – but, on another level, quite a lot.


我可以制作自己的电影吗? (Can I make my own Cinemagraphs?)

Sure you can. There are a number of ways to make your own cinemagraph. The finished product is usually either animated GIF or looped MP4. The trick is to mask the animation to small, contained areas of the image (like the coffee steam above). The majority of the image should behave exactly like a flat photo.

你当然可以。 有很多方法可以制作自己的电影。 成品通常是动画GIF或循环播放的MP4。 技巧是将动画蒙版到较小的图像包含区域(例如上方的咖啡蒸汽)。 图像的大部分应表现得完全像一张平面照片。

的Photoshop (Photoshop)

If you own a late model version of Photoshop, you can build one from scratch. Photojojo wrote a great tutorial on the cinemagraph process a few years ago.

如果您拥有Photoshop的最新模型版本,则可以从头开始构建。 几年前,Photojojo写了一部很棒的电影摄影教程 。

There are also a number of purpose-built tools available.


Flixel (Flixel)



Flixel is a specialist tool comprising of a MacOS application linked to a cloud service. It has a selection of very fine-grained editing functions you won’t find in many other tools.

Flixel是一个专业工具,由链接到云服务的MacOS应用程序组成。 它提供了许多非常细粒度的编辑功能,在许多其他工具中都找不到。

It’s not cheap, but if you need to produce cinemagraphs regularly, Flixel is the ‘go-to’ tool.


眨 (Blink)

Microsoft Research has a Windows app called Blink that has a bunch of handy features – among them, the ability to create cinemagraphs.

微软研究院拥有一个名为Blink的Windows应用程序 ,该应用程序具有许多便捷的功能-其中包括创建电影照片的功能。

面具艺术 (MaskArt)

If you’re looking for a free option to try cinemagraphs, and you have access to an iOS device, I can recommend MaskArt for iOS user.

如果您正在寻找免费的选项来尝试看电影,并且可以使用iOS设备,那么我可以为iOS用户推荐MaskArt 。

MaskArt – Masking the motionless areas

MaskArt –遮盖静止区域

It’s easy to use.


  1. Shoot a few seconds of video. Use a tripod and timer if possible so the camera doesn’t move.拍摄几秒钟的视频。 如果可能,请使用三脚架和定时器,以免照相机移动。
  2. Adjust the timeline sliders at the bottom to edit the sequence length.调整底部的时间轴滑块以编辑序列长度。
  3. By default all motion is ‘masked out’. Use you finger to cut away the areas you want to see animate.默认情况下,所有运动均被“屏蔽”。 用手指切掉要看动画的区域。
  4. When you’re happy with the result, you can export it as either GIF, video or even Live Photo.对结果感到满意时,可以将其导出为GIF,视频或实时照片。

Some Cinemagraph apps (i.e. like Flixel) allow you to seamlessly blend the starting and ending frames to help hide the loop. Maskart seems to lack that ability at the moment. But it’s a free and easy-to-use, so it’s hard to be critical.

一些Cinemagraph应用程序(例如Flixel)可让您无缝混合起始帧和结束帧以帮助隐藏循环。 Maskart目前似乎缺乏这种能力。 但这是一个免费且易于使用的工具,因此很难批评。

I think there are some nifty applications (like Wes’s) for this idea. Check it out and let me know what you come up with.

我认为这个想法有一些不错的应用(例如Wes)。 检查一下,让我知道您的想法。

Originally published in the SitePoint Design Newsletter.




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