
If you have all manner of devices—iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, even Android—then you know that in order to easily type on them, you probably need a Bluetooth keyboard. But if you don’t have a Bluetooth keyboard, a simple app lets you use the integrated keyboard on your MacBook with lots of other devices.

如果您拥有各种设备(iPhone,iPad,Apple TV甚至Android),那么您就会知道,为了轻松键入它们,您可能需要蓝牙键盘。 但是,如果您没有蓝牙键盘,则可以通过一个简单的应用程序将MacBook上的集成键盘与许多其他设备一起使用。

The app is called Typeeto, and it can be found in the Mac App Store for $12.99. While may seem like a lot, it’s a lot less than buying a separate Bluetooth keyboard, and is better suited for an uninterrupted workflow because you can seamlessly switch between your devices.

该应用程序称为Typeeto,可以在Mac App Store中以$ 12.99的价格找到。 尽管看起来很多,但它比单独购买蓝牙键盘要少得多,并且更适合不间断的工作流程,因为您可以在设备之间进行无缝切换。

Essentially, Typeeto uses the same Bluetooth connection as you would for a separate keyboard, except with Typeeto, you don’t have to pair to one device, then disconnect and pair to another. Typeeto basically does that job for you, automatically connecting and disconnecting whenever you want to switch devices.

本质上,Typeeto使用与单独键盘相同的蓝牙连接,但Typeeto除外,您不必配对至一台设备,然后断开连接并配对至另一台设备。 Typeeto基本上可以为您完成这项工作,只要您要切换设备,它就会自动连接和断开连接。

第一步:将设备与MacBook配对 (Step One: Pair Your Devices to Your MacBook)

Before you can begin using Typeeto, you first need to make sure all the devices you want to type on are paired to your Mac over Bluetooth. If you use an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, then you can pair in the usual method. First open the Bluetooth settings on the device you want to pair to make sure it is discoverable, then open the Bluetooth panel on your Mac, find your phone or tablet, and click “Pair”.

在开始使用Typeeto之前,首先需要确保所有要键入的设备都已通过蓝牙与Mac配对。 如果您使用iPhone,iPad或Android设备,则可以采用通常的方法进行配对 。 首先在要配对的设备上打开蓝牙设置,以确保可以被发现,然后在Mac上打开蓝牙面板,找到您的手机或平板电脑,然后单击“配对”。

You will need to confirm the code shown on your Mac’s screen is the same one on your phone or tablet, then tap “Pair” to confirm the request.


On the Apple TV, you will need to first let your Mac know it wants to pair with it. Begin by opening the Settings on your home screen.

在Apple TV上,您首先需要让Mac知道它想要与其配对。 首先打开主屏幕上的设置。

Next, click “Remotes and Devices”.


On the Remotes and Devices screen, click “Bluetooth”.


You need to make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your Mac, then select it on the Apple TV’s Bluetooth screen.

您需要确保Mac上启用了蓝牙,然后在Apple TV的蓝牙屏幕上选择它。

On your Mac, you will receive a pairing request, click “Pair” to complete the process.


You will now be connected to your Apple TV.

现在,您将连接到Apple TV。

第二步:与Typeeto连接 (Step Two: Connect with Typeeto)

Once paired with anything, Typeeto will prompt you that your device is connected and you can begin typing.


When Typeeto is actively connected to a device, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen.


As you pair more devices to your Mac, Typeeto’s list of available devices will grow. Whenever you want to switch to a different device, click on the icon in the menu bar and select it.

当您将更多设备与Mac配对时,Typeeto的可用设备列表将会增加。 每当您要切换到其他设备时,请单击菜单栏中的图标并选择它。

You can reconnect to any device at any time by selecting it from the menu bar or clicking on the icon in the Dock.


Typeeto also has some preferences you may want to peruse. The General options let you assign a keyboard shortcut so you can use Typeeto to paste text to the device, which may be a bit more practical in lieu of the universal clipboard feature, especially if you don’t have macOS Sierra installed.

Typeeto还有一些您可能想仔细阅读的首选项。 General选项可让您分配键盘快捷键,以便您可以使用Typeeto将文本粘贴到设备上,这可以代替通用剪贴板功能更实用,尤其是在未安装macOS Sierra的情况下。

You can manage any devices you have paired to your Mac and subsequently use with Typeeto, such as renaming them, adding quick launch keyboard shortcuts (very useful for quick switching), and the ability to forget devices.


Finally, you can change the theme from light to dark.


All this does is change how the screen overlay appears.


The biggest caveat with Typeeto is that it costs $12.99. If you look on Amazon for Bluetooth keyboards, many can be found for around $20. As we explained earlier however, the downside to that is you have to manually connect and disconnect each time you want to use the keyboard with another device. Either that, or you have to use multiple keyboards, which is impractical, expensive, and takes up valuable desk space.

Typeeto最大的警告是它的价格为12.99美元。 如果您在亚马逊上寻找蓝牙键盘 ,可以找到很多,价格约为20美元。 但是,正如我们前面解释的那样,缺点是每次您想将键盘与其他设备一起使用时,必须手动连接和断开连接。 要么,要么您必须使用多个键盘,这是不切实际,昂贵且占用宝贵的桌面空间的。

The nicest thing about Typeeto is that it just works. Perhaps that most difficult aspect is actually pairing your devices to use with it. Once that process was complete, however, we had no problem jumping from Apple TV to iPad to iPhone. Moreover, if you also have Android devices, you can use Typeeto with those as well.

关于Typeeto的最好的事情就是它可以正常工作。 也许最困难的方面实际上是将设备与之配对使用。 但是,一旦该过程完成,我们就可以毫无问题地从Apple TV过渡到iPad,再过渡到iPhone。 此外,如果您还拥有Android设备,则也可以将Typeeto与这些设备一起使用。

You’re not on the hook for $12.99 immediately. You can try Typeeto for 7 days by downloading it directly from the website. That way, you can then at least see how it works and whether it is right for you.

您无需立即支付$ 12.99的费用。 您可以从网站上直接下载 Typeeto 7天。 这样,您至少可以看到它是如何工作的以及它是否适合您。




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