不能转换到我的类( cannot be cast to my class)

I have some problems with getting my object from a JSON string.

I got the class Product

public class Product {private String mBarcode;private String mName;private String mPrice;public Product(String barcode, String name, String price) {mBarcode = barcode;mName = name;mPrice = price;}public int getBarcode() {return Integer.parseInt(mBarcode);}public String getName() {return mName;}public double getPrice() {return Double.parseDouble(mPrice);}

From my server I get an ArrayList<Product> in JSON String representation. For example:


This String is generated like this:

public static <T> String arrayToString(ArrayList<T> list) {Gson g = new Gson();return g.toJson(list);

To get my Object back I use this function:

public static <T> ArrayList<T> stringToArray(String s) {Gson g = new Gson();Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<T>>(){}.getType();ArrayList<T> list = g.fromJson(s, listType);return list;

But when calling

String name = Util.stringToArray(message).get(i).getName();

I get the error cannot be cast to object.Product

What am I doing wrong? It looks like it created a List of LinkedTreeMaps but how do i convert those into my Product Object?


In my opinion, due to type erasure, the parser can't fetch the real type T at runtime. One workaround would be to provide the class type as parameter to the method.

Something like this works, there are certainly other possible workarounds but I find this one very clear and concise.

public static <T> List<T> stringToArray(String s, Class<T[]> clazz) {T[] arr = new Gson().fromJson(s, clazz);return Arrays.asList(arr); //or return Arrays.asList(new Gson().fromJson(s, clazz)); for a one-liner

And call it like:

String name = stringToArray(message, Product[].class).get(0).getName();
问 题



  public class Product {private String mBarcode; private String mName; private String mPrice; public Product(String barcode,String name,String price){mBarcode = barcode; mName = name; mPrice = price;
} public int getBarcode(){return Integer.parseInt(mBarcode);
} public String getName(){return mName;
} public double getPrice(){return Double.parseDouble(mPrice);

从我的服务器,我得到一个 ArrayList< Product> in JSON字符串表示形式。例如:

  [{“mBarcode”:“123”,“mName”:“Apfel”,“mPrice”:“ “mBarcode”:“89325982”,“mName”:“ :“Birne”,“mPrice”:“1.5555”}] 
  public static< T> String arrayToString(ArrayList< T> list){Gson g = new Gson(); return g.toJson(list);


  public static< T> ArrayList< T> stringToArray(String s){Gson g = new Gson();
类型listType = new TypeToken< ArrayList< T>>(){}。getType(); ArrayList< T> list = g.fromJson(s,listType); return list;


  String name = Util.stringToArray(message).get(i).getName(); 






  public static< T>列表< T> stringToArray(String s,Class< T []> clazz){T [] arr = new Gson()。fromJson(s,clazz); return Arrays.asList(arr); //或者返回Arrays.asList(new Gson()。fromJson(s,clazz));


 字符串名称= stringToArray(消息,Product []类).get(0).getName 

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