
Attackers may have compromised three percent of T-Mobile’s 77 million customers on Monday, revealing personal information like addresses, phone numbers, and account numbers.

周一,攻击者可能泄露了T-Mobile 7700万客户中的3%,泄露了诸如地址,电话号码和帐号之类的个人信息。

Credit cards, passwords, and social security numbers were not accessed, according to T-Mobile. The company will notify affected customers via text message.

据T-Mobile称,信用卡,密码和社会安全号码均未被访问。 公司将通过短信通知受影响的客户。

Here’s Sean Keane, writing for CNet:

这是肖恩·基恩(Sean Keane),为CNet撰写文章:

The intrusion took place on Monday, and some customer data “may have been exposed” before the carrier’s cybersecurity team shut off access and reported the breach to law enforcement, it said in a statement.


That information included customer names, billing zip codes, phone numbers, email addresses, account numbers and account types (prepaid or postpaid). Credit card numbers, social security numbers and passwords weren’t accessed, the company noted.

该信息包括客户名称,账单邮政编码,电话号码,电子邮件地址,帐号和帐户类型(预付款或后付款)。 该公司指出,信用卡号码,社会安全号码和密码均未被访问。

Attackers having your address and account numbers may not sound like a big deal, but information like this is useful for social engineering attacks, where a scammer will call customer service pretending to be you.


And leaks like this keep happening. T-Mobile data was leaked just two years ago, via Experian. The T-Mobile website once allowed anyone with your phone number to access your account. So it’s easy to read something like this and think of it as routine, which points to just how common breaches are. That’s tragic in and of itself, really.

这样的泄漏不断发生。 T-Mobile的数据是在两年前通过Experian泄露的。 T-Mobile网站曾经允许拥有您电话号码的任何人访问您的帐户。 因此,很容易阅读这样的内容并将其视为例行程序,这表明常见的违规情况如何。 真的,那本身就是悲剧。

Photo credit: r.classen/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: r.classen / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/t-mobile-hacked-again-over-2-millions-account-numbers-and-addresses-potentially-leaked/



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