





1 控制层实现


* 关注/取消关注

* @param Request $request

* @return mixed


public function follow(Request $request)


$type = $request->input('type', 'follow'); // 1-关注-follow 2-取消关注-remove

$userId = $request->input('user_id', 0); // 我的用户ID

$otherId = $request->input('other_id', 0); // 我关注的用户ID

if ($userId == $otherId) {

return $this->response->apiResponse();


$this->testFollowService->follow($type, $userId, $otherId);

return $this->response->apiResponse();



* 我的关注/粉丝

* @param Request $request

* @return mixed


public function myFollowAndFans(Request $request)


$type = $request->input('type', 'follow'); // 1-关注-follow 2-粉丝-fans

$userId = $request->input('user_id', 0); // 我的用户ID

$page = $request->input('page', 1); // 页码

$limit = $request->input('limit', 10); // 每页显示条数

$res = $this->testFollowService->myFollowAndFans($userId, $type, $page, $limit);

return $this->response->apiResponse($res);


2 服务层实现


* 关注/取消关注

* @param string $type

* @param int $userId

* @param int $otherId

* @return mixed


public function follow($type = 'follow', int $userId, int $otherId)


// 关注

if ($type === 'follow') {

$this->testFollowRedis->zAddFollow($userId, $otherId);

$this->testFollowRedis->zAddFans($otherId, $userId);


// 取消关注

if ($type === 'remove') {

$this->testFollowRedis->zRemFollow($userId, $otherId);

$this->testFollowRedis->zRemFans($otherId, $userId);




* 我的关注/粉丝

* @param int $userId 当前登录用户的ID

* @param string $type 要获取的数据

* @param int $page 页码

* @param int $limit 限制条数

* @return array


public function myFollowAndFans(int $userId, $type = 'follow', $page = 1, $limit = 10)


$start = $limit * ($page - 1);

$end = $start + $limit - 1;

$res = [];

if ($type === 'follow') {

$res = $this->testFollowRedis->zRangeFollow($userId, $start, $end);


if ($type === 'fans') {

$res = $this->testFollowRedis->zRangeFans($userId, $start, $end);


return $res;



namespace App\Repository\Redis;

class TestFollowRedis extends AbstractRedis



* 关注key

* @var string


private $followKey = '%u:follow';


* 粉丝key

* @var string


private $fansKey = '%u:fans';


* 前缀


public function initPrefix()


return 'follow:';



* 增加关注

* @param $userId

* @param $otherId

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 5:55 下午


public function zAddFollow($userId, $otherId)


$this->redis->zAdd(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->followKey, $userId), time(), $otherId);



* 取消关注

* @param $userId

* @param $otherId

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 5:55 下午


public function zRemFollow($userId, $otherId)


$this->redis->zRem(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->followKey, $userId), $otherId);



* 我的关注 | 正序

* @param int $userId

* @param int $start

* @param int $end

* @return array

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 7:57 下午


public function zRangeFollow(int $userId, int $start = 0, int $end = 9)


return $this->redis->zRange(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->followKey, $userId), $start, $end);



* 我的关注 | 倒序

* @param int $userId

* @param int $start

* @param int $end

* @return array

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 7:57 下午


public function zRevRangeFollow(int $userId, int $start = 0, int $end = 9)


return $this->redis->zRevRange(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->followKey, $userId), $start, $end);



* 增加粉丝

* @param $userId

* @param $otherId

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 6:27 下午


public function zAddFans($userId, $otherId)


$this->redis->zAdd(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->fansKey, $userId), time(), $otherId);



* 移除粉丝

* @param $userId

* @param $otherId

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 6:27 下午


public function zRemFans($userId, $otherId)


$this->redis->zRem(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->fansKey, $userId), $otherId);



* 我的粉丝 | 正序

* @param int $userId

* @param int $start

* @param int $end

* @return array

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 7:56 下午


public function zRangeFans(int $userId, int $start = 0, int $end = 9)


return $this->redis->zRange(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->fansKey, $userId), $start, $end);



* 我的粉丝 | 倒序

* @param int $userId

* @param int $start

* @param int $end

* @return array

* @author ptg 2020/12/9 7:56 下午


public function zRevRangeFans(int $userId, int $start = 0, int $end = 9)


return $this->redis->zRevRange(sprintf($this->prefix . $this->fansKey, $userId), $start, $end);



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