

STL 英文back()解释:

reference& back();
const_reference& back() const;

Access last element

Returns a reference to the last element in the queue. This is the "newest" element in the queue (i.e. the last element pushed into the queue).
This member function effectively calls member back of the underlying container object.


STL 英文front()解释:

reference& front();
const_reference& front() const;

Access next element

Returns a reference to the next element in the queue.

The next element is the "oldest" element in the queue and the same element that is popped out from the queue when queue::pop is called.

This member function effectively calls member front of the underlying container object.


// queue::front
#include <iostream>       // std::cout
#include <queue>          // std::queueint main ()
{std::queue<int> myqueue;myqueue.push(77);myqueue.push(16);std::cout<<myqueue.back()<<std::endl;std::cout<<myqueue.front()<<std::endl;myqueue.pop();std::cout<<myqueue.back()<<std::endl;std::cout<<myqueue.front()<<std::endl;myqueue.pop();std::cout<<myqueue.back()<<std::endl;std::cout<<myqueue.front()<<std::endl;std::cout << "myqueue.front() is now " << myqueue.front() << '\n';return 0;

queue::front - C++ Reference


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