ios 图像翻转

Human eyes are very receptive to visual representations. Similarly, computer vision enables systems to understand and process images.

人眼很容易接受视觉表现。 同样,计算机视觉使系统能够理解和处理图像。

Core Image and Vision are the two main pillars of Computer Vision in iOS. During WWDC 2020 Apple pushed the envelope for both of them.

Core Image和Vision是iOS中计算机视觉的两个主要Struts。 在WWDC 2020期间,苹果公司为两者推波助澜。

Core Image in iOS 14 now includes a few new built-in filters for image processing. Specifically, we have a CIColorThreshold filter to convert an image into just black and white by setting threshold value as well as another CIColorThresholdOtsu which determines the appropriate threshold from the image’s histogram.

iOS 14中的Core Image现在包括一些用于图像处理的新内置过滤器。 具体来说,我们有一个CIColorThreshold过滤器,可以通过设置阈值将图像转换为黑白图像,以及另一个CIColorThresholdOtsu ,它可以根据图像的直方图确定适当的阈值。

More importantly, we can now compare two images using the new CIColorAbsoluteDifference filter — our main focus in this article.


In the following sections, we’ll explore the use cases that can be achieved by analyzing the difference between images.


绝对像差 (Absolute Image Difference)

This image processing task involves computing the absolute difference of each pixel across two images and adding them up.


In doing so, we get a new transformed image that shows the variations across the two images.


In the new Core Image filter, if the two images are exactly, the same, our output image would be black.

在新的Core Image滤镜中,如果两个图像完全相同,则我们的输出图像将为黑色。

By comparing color differences across images we can:


  • Analyze video frames. For example, we can determine if the frames are consistent or there’s some shadow in any of the frames.分析视频帧。 例如,我们可以确定帧是否一致或任何帧中是否有阴影。
  • Anamoly detection to find outliers that can be missed by the naked eye. This is useful for spotting differences between images such as if a credit card or currency note has missing symbols.进行异常检测以找到肉眼可能遗漏的异常值。 这对于发现图像之间的差异很有用,例如信用卡或纸币的符号是否缺失。

Next up, we’ll explore a few examples of comparing two images.


核心图像过滤器:CIColorAbsoluteDifference (Core Image Filter: CIColorAbsoluteDifference)

Let’s create a new SwiftUI application that performs image processing.


Core Image requires setting the input CIImage(which we’ll convert from UIImage) onto the CIFilter. Subsequently, we can set thresholds if any, and retrieve the outputImage instance from the filter. That outputImage instance is basically a copy of the inputImage which is then passed into CIContext’s function createCGImage to perform the transformation.

Core Image需要将输入CIImage (我们将从UIImage转换为输入)设置到CIFilter 。 随后,我们可以设置阈值(如果有),并从过滤器中检索outputImage实例。 这outputImage例如基本的副本inputImage ,然后传递到CIContext的功能createCGImage执行转换。

CIContext is where all the image processing takes place.


发现SwiftUI中图像之间的差异 (Spot The Difference Between Images in SwiftUI)

The following example shows the classic “spot the difference in images” puzzle. But with computer vision.

以下示例显示了经典的“发现图像差异”难题。 但是具有计算机视觉。

CIFilter.colorAbsoluteDifference() creates the CIFilter and we passed the two images on it.


We can also transform the two images into grayscale before comparing them.


水印检测/提取 (Watermark Detection/Extraction)

It’s common to come across a task where you need to ensure that a watermark or logo overlay is set over the image. Again, using the CIColorAbsoluteDifference we can determine that as shown below:

通常需要执行一项任务,以确保在图像上设置水印或徽标覆盖。 同样,使用CIColorAbsoluteDifference我们可以确定如下所示:

信用卡异常检测 (Credit Card Anomaly Detection)

Scanning credit cards in our mobile applications and extracting the digits is a fairly common computer vision task.


We can further leverage the power of the above Core Image Filter to determine if the credit card’s image hasn’t tampered. Moreover, we can keep a reference credit card image that’s blank and compare it with a scanned image to only extract the digits.

我们可以进一步利用上述“核心图像过滤器”的功能来确定信用卡图像是否未被篡改。 此外,我们可以保留空白的参考信用卡图像,并将其与扫描的图像进行比较,以仅提取数字。

The following example shows how to do both of these things:


Screengrabs by author

In the left-hand side image, to fully detect if outlier/anomaly is present using computer vision, we can extend the above example by comparing the output image with an opaque black image.


The full source code of the above SwiftUI + CoreImage application is available in this Github Repository.

上面的SwiftUI + CoreImage应用程序的完整源代码可在此Github存储库中找到 。

结论 (Conclusion)

Apple’s image processing framework CoreImage is handy for image transformations and augmentations when preparing datasets.


We discussed a new filter CIColorAbsoluteDifference available in iOS 14 that compares two images by the color of each pixel(without the need of OpenCV).

我们讨论了iOS 14中提供的新滤镜CIColorAbsoluteDifference该滤镜通过每个像素的颜色比较两个图像(无需OpenCV)。

This is useful in spotting blemishes across images, determining and removing duplicate images from a video or dataset.


That’s it for this one. Thanks for reading.

这就是它了。 谢谢阅读。


ios 图像翻转


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