


/* * Copyright 2008 Android4ME * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android4me.res; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; /** * @author Dmitry Skiba * * Parser for Android's binary xml files (axml). * * TODO: * * understand ? values */ public final class AXMLParser { /** * Types of returned tags. * Values are compatible to those in XmlPullParser. */ public static final int START_DOCUMENT =0, END_DOCUMENT =1, START_TAG =2, END_TAG =3, TEXT =4; /** * Creates object and reads file info. * Call next() to read first tag. */ public AXMLParser(InputStream stream) throws IOException { m_stream=stream; doStart(); } /** * Closes parser: * * closes (and nulls) underlying stream * * nulls dynamic data * * moves object to 'closed' state, where methods * return invalid values and next() throws IOException. */ public final void close() { if (m_stream==null) { return; } try { m_stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } if (m_nextException==null) { m_nextException=new IOException("Closed."); } m_stream=null; resetState(); } /** * Advances to the next tag. * Once method returns END_DOCUMENT, it always returns END_DOCUMENT. * Once method throws an exception, it always throws the same exception. * */ public final int next() throws IOException { if (m_nextException!=null) { throw m_nextException; } try { return doNext(); } catch (IOException e) { m_nextException=e; resetState(); throw e; } } /** * Returns current tag type. */ public final int getType() { return m_tagType; } /** * Returns name for the current tag. */ public final String getName() { if (m_tagName==-1) { return null; } return getString(m_tagName); } /** * Returns line number in the original XML where the current tag was. */ public final int getLineNumber() { return m_tagSourceLine; } /** * Returns count of attributes for the current tag. */ public final int getAttributeCount() { if (m_tagAttributes==null) { return -1; } return m_tagAttributes.length; } /** * Returns attribute namespace. */ public final String getAttributeNamespace(int index) { return getString(getAttribute(index).namespace); } /** * Returns attribute name. */ public final String getAttributeName(int index) { return getString(getAttribute(index).name); } /** * Returns attribute resource ID. */ public final int getAttributeResourceID(int index) { int resourceIndex=getAttribute(index).name; if (m_resourceIDs==null || resourceIndex<0 || resourceIndex>=m_resourceIDs.length) { return 0; } return m_resourceIDs[resourceIndex]; } /** * Returns type of attribute value. * See TypedValue.TYPE_ values. */ public final int getAttributeValueType(int index) { return getAttribute(index).valueType; } /** * For attributes of type TypedValue.TYPE_STRING returns * string value. For other types returns empty string. */ public final String getAttributeValueString(int index) { return getString(getAttribute(index).valueString); } /** * Returns integer attribute value. * This integer interpreted according to attribute type. */ public final int getAttributeValue(int index) { return getAttribute(index).value; } / implementation private static final class TagAttribute { public int namespace; public int name; public int valueString; public int valueType; public int value; } private final void resetState() { m_tagType=-1; m_tagSourceLine=-1; m_tagName=-1; m_tagAttributes=null; } private final void doStart() throws IOException { ReadUtil.readCheckType(m_stream,AXML_CHUNK_TYPE); /*chunk size*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_strings=StringBlock.read(new IntReader(m_stream,false)); ReadUtil.readCheckType(m_stream,RESOURCEIDS_CHUNK_TYPE); int chunkSize=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); if (chunkSize<8 || (chunkSize%4)!=0) { throw new IOException("Invalid resource ids size ("+chunkSize+")."); } m_resourceIDs=ReadUtil.readIntArray(m_stream,chunkSize/4-2); resetState(); } private final int doNext() throws IOException { if (m_tagType==END_DOCUMENT) { return END_DOCUMENT; } m_tagType=(ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream) & 0xFF);/*other 3 bytes?*/ /*some source length*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_tagSourceLine=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*0xFFFFFFFF*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_tagName=-1; m_tagAttributes=null; switch (m_tagType) { case START_DOCUMENT: { /*namespace?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*name?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); break; } case START_TAG: { /*0xFFFFFFFF*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_tagName=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*flags?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); int attributeCount=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_tagAttributes=new TagAttribute[attributeCount]; for (int i=0;i!=attributeCount;++i) { TagAttribute attribute=new TagAttribute(); attribute.namespace=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); attribute.name=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); attribute.valueString=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); attribute.valueType=(ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream)>>>24);/*other 3 bytes?*/ attribute.value=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_tagAttributes[i]=attribute; } break; } case END_TAG: { /*0xFFFFFFFF*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); m_tagName=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); break; } case TEXT: { m_tagName=ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); break; } case END_DOCUMENT: { /*namespace?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); /*name?*/ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream); break; } default: { throw new IOException("Invalid tag type ("+m_tagType+")."); } } return m_tagType; } private final TagAttribute getAttribute(int index) { if (m_tagAttributes==null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Attributes are not available."); } if (index>=m_tagAttributes.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid attribute index ("+index+")."); } return m_tagAttributes[index]; } private final String getString(int index) { if (index==-1) { return ""; } return m_strings.getRaw(index); } /// data private InputStream m_stream; private StringBlock m_strings; private int[] m_resourceIDs; private IOException m_nextException; private int m_tagType; private int m_tagSourceLine; private int m_tagName; private TagAttribute[] m_tagAttributes; private static final int AXML_CHUNK_TYPE =0x00080003, RESOURCEIDS_CHUNK_TYPE =0x00080180; }

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