code warri

In the city of Warri, Delta state of Nigeria, there is a saying that goes “Warri nor dey carry last, if e hard well well na draw”. This translates to “Warri is never behind in the scheme of things (events)”.

在尼日利亚三角洲州的沃里市,有句俗话说:“ 如果不努力就不抽头, 沃里也不会背叛 ”。 这就是“ 沃里在事物(事件)的计划中永不落后”。

Not oblivious to the fact that technology is changing the course of events across cities, nations, and the world, a group of tech enthusiasts (code named Warri Tech Network), led by Paul Okoro, organized the Warri Tech Awareness week 2018, #wataw18.

保罗·奥科罗 ( Paul Okoro )领导的一群技术爱好者(代号为Warri Tech Network )(组织代号Warri Tech Network )组织了2018年的Warri Tech Awareness Week, #wataw18 。

The Warri Tech Network is driven by the cardinal goals of:

Warri Tech Network的主要目标是:

  1. Developing a vibrant tech ecosystem in the city.在城市中发展充满活力的科技生态系统。

2. Exposing the technological solutions from Warri to the world.


3. Inspiring the youths in Warri to make career choices in tech, like becoming software developers.


4. Encouraging the adoption of technology in the city and the state through collaborations with the Delta state government.


Armed with these goals, they embarked on a week-long awareness campaign. The campaign, which began on January 29, 2018, came to a climax on February 3, 2018 with a summit — The Warri Tech Event.

带着这些目标,他们开始了为期一周的宣传运动。 该活动始于2018年1月29日,并于2018年2月3日举行了一次峰会-Warri Tech Event,达到了高潮。

During the course of the week, the team organized sensitization campaigns like paying visits to a radio station, some business owners, and an interactive session with college students of the Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, Delta state.


2018年2月3日,星期六— Warri Tech Awareness活动 (Saturday, February 3, 2018 — the Warri Tech Awareness event)

A tech awareness event with an attendance of over 50 persons cut across college students, software developers, and a representation from the Delta state government was exciting and inspiring.


It was especially inspiring to have a representative of the commissioner for science and technology deliver the keynote address.


The panel session on Creating a Tech-Enabling Environment in Warri gives credence to the fact that there are seasoned professionals in every city. For instance, I got to meet one of the panelists, Omawumi Eyekpimi, an Android developer and writer based in Warri.

在Warri中创建技术支持环境的小组会议证明了每个城市都有经验丰富的专业人员这一事实。 例如,我遇到了一个小组成员Omawumi Eyekpimi ,他是一位来自Warri的Android开发人员和作家。

重要要点 (Key Takeaways)

  1. Setting up a tech community requires just a few passionate individuals who are willing to contribute their time and resources. And the rest will be history.建立一个技术社区只需要几个热情的人,他们愿意贡献自己的时间和资源。 其余的将成为历史。
  2. People are in search of knowledge and direction. If you have that knowledge, you can help them see further by allowing them to stand on your shoulders.人们正在寻找知识和方向。 如果您具有这些知识,则可以通过允许他们站在您的肩膀上来帮助他们进一步了解。
  3. It turned out that Warri has some amazing software developers. I had an awesome time listening to them talk about their solutions during the technological product exhibition.事实证明,沃里有一些了不起的软件开发人员。 我度过了很棒的时光,听他们在技术产品展览会上谈论他们的解决方案。

Learning to code is one of the major steps you’d take when switching into a career in technology. A vibrant tech community can help accelerate your growth. You can sign up with freeCodeCamp and start the journey to becoming a web developer.

学习编码是您转变为技术职业时要采取的主要步骤之一。 充满活力的技术社区可以帮助您加速发展。 您可以注册freeCodeCamp并开始成为Web开发人员的旅程。

You can join the freeCodeCamp Warri study group. I created this group some time ago, and I look forward to having coffee with campers who are in Warri.

您可以加入freeCodeCamp Warri学习小组 。 我前一段时间创建了这个小组,我期待与Warri的露营者一起喝咖啡。

Follow the twitter handle of Warri Tech Network and be a part of the birthing of a tech ecosystem in Warri. You can also reach out to Paul Okoro and Omawumi Eyekpimi.

关注Warri Tech Network的Twitter句柄,并成为Warri中一个技术生态系统诞生的一部分。 您还可以联系Paul Okoro和Omawumi Eyekpimi 。

Here is a link to the photos from the event.

这是活动照片的链接 。


code warri

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