We can add a drop shadow to any HTML element using the CSS property box-shadow. Here's how.

我们可以使用CSS属性box-shadow将阴影添加到任何HTML元素。 这是如何做。

添加基本​​投影 (Adding a Basic Drop Shadow)

Let's first set up some basic HTML elements to add our drop shadows to:


<div id="box1" class="box">Box1</div>
<div id="box2" class="box">Box2</div>
<div id="box3" class="box">Box3</div>

Then add some basic CSS:


p {padding: 10px;
.box {padding: 20px;width: 50%;margin: 30px auto;background: #000;color: #fff;

The result is just three black boxes that will be easy for us to add drop shadows to by calling their unique id's:


To add a basic drop shadow, let's use the box-shadow property on the Box 1:

要添加基本的阴影,请使用Box 1上的box-shadow属性:

/* offset-x | offset-y | color */
#box1 {box-shadow: 6px 12px yellow;

We have 3 parameters here. The first 2 are, respectively, the x-offset and y-offset. They set the location of the drop shadow.

这里有3个参数。 前两个分别是x偏移和y偏移。 他们设置阴影的位置。

The offset is relative to the origin, which in HTML is always the top left corner of an element. A positive x-offset will move the shadow to the right, and a positive y-offset will move the shadow downwards.

偏移量是相对于原点的,原点在HTML中始终是元素的左上角。 正x偏移将阴影向右移动,正y偏移将阴影向下移动。

The third parameter is the color of your drop shadow.


Keep in mind that although we used <div> elements here, the box-shadow property can be applied to any other HTML element as well.


添加模糊半径 (Adding a Blur Radius)

If we want the shadow to look a little more realistic, we will want to experiment with the blur-radius parameter.


This parameter controls how much to blur the shadow such that it becomes bigger and lighter. Let's apply it to Box 2:

此参数控制模糊程度以使其变大和变亮的程度。 让我们将其应用于方框2:

/* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | color */
#box2 {box-shadow: 6px 12px 4px red;

The value of 4px sets the radius of the blur to apply to our drop shadow.


添加传播半径 (Adding a Spread Radius)

If we want to control the size of the shadow, we can use the spread-radius parameter which controls how much a shadow grows or shrinks.


Let's add a spread radius of 8px to Box 2:


/* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | spread-radius | color */
#box2 {box-shadow: 6px 12px 4px 8px red;

Remember the order of these parameters!


在单个属性中组合多个阴影 (Combining Multiple Shadows in a Single Property)

If we want to get fancy, we can add multiple drop shadows to an element using a single box-shadow property.


Let's do that with Box 3 by simultaneously adding a blue and green drop shadow:


/* Any number of shadows, separated by commas */
#box3 {box-shadow: 6px 12px 2px 2px blue, -6px -12px 2px 2px green;

奖励:创建插入阴影 (Bonus: Create an Inset Shadow)

While it will not create a drop shadow, the inset parameter can also be used with the box-shadow property.


As the name suggests, this parameter creates an inset shadow (i.e. shadow inside a box).


The inset parameter can be placed either at the beginning or the end of the box-shadow property. Here we demonstrate its use with a blockquote element.

可以将inset参数放在box-shadow属性的开头或结尾。 在这里,我们通过blockquote元素演示其用法。



<blockquote><q>The key to success is to start before you're ready.</q><p>&mdash; Marie Forleo</p>



blockquote {width: 50%;margin: 50px auto;padding: 20px;font-size: 24px;box-shadow: inset 10px 5px black;

Of course you can add some blur and spread to enhance the shadow, or even multiple shadows:


box-shadow: inset 10px 5px 25px 5px black, 5px 5px 12px 2px black;

With the box-shadow property, we can easily make elements on a web page stand out to create a nice 3D lighting effect.


If you want to do some experimenting yourself, here's a code pen I created with the examples used in this tutorial.

如果您想做一些实验,请使用我在本教程中使用的示例创建的一支代码笔 。

Play around and see what you can come up with!


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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/css-tutorial-drop-shadow/

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