
/*** \mainpage libtest** \section intro_sec oFono telephony client APIs.** This library provides easy to use APIs to use by hiding all details.** \section install_sec Installation** \subsection Download the RPM package** Go to download page to download the RPM package.** \subsection Install** Run the following command in terminal to install:* \code* $rpm -ivh libtest-api.rpm* \endcode** \section usage_sec How to use this library** \subsection source Include in file** To use this library, you must include the headers in your source file:* \code* #include <test.h>* \endcode* If you use other interfaces, you must include it too, like message:* \code* #include <test.h>* #include <test-helper.h>* \endcode** \subsection compile How to compile** To build with this library you can use pkg-config to get link options:* \code* $pkg-config --cflags --libs test-api* \endcode*/
/*** \file test.h* \brief API interface test is in charge of path management** It provides APIs to query path list and to query properties for a specific path.** \note* This interface requirs to run in main loop thread because some GLib dependency.** Besides, you should keep main loop idle for most of times in order to get callbacks and make sure* libtest-api process signals successfully. This means you should put business logic into a separate* thread.*/
#ifndef _TEST_H
#define _TEST_H/*** \enum API_RESULT_CODE Indicating whether API operation succeed or fail.*/
enum API_RESULT_CODE {API_SUCCESS, /**< API call is successfully */API_FAILED, /**< API call is failed */
};/*** \brief Initialize libtest-api.** This function should be the first one to call when using libtest-api. It does essential initializations.* This function is synchronous.** \return #API_RESULT_CODE indicating whether this call success or failed.** \see test_deinit** \par Sample code:* \code* if (test_init() != OFONO_API_SUCCESS) {*     printf("error occurred, failed to init test\n");*     return;* }* // operations goes here* if (test_deinit() != OFONO_API_SUCCESS) {*     printf("failed to deinit \n");*     return;* }* \endcode*/
int test_init();/*** \brief Finalize libtest-api** This function is designated to be called when no longer needs libtest-api to release resources in libtest* and do some finalization.** \note* It is an error to call any APIs after calling test_deinit()** \return #API_RESULT_CODE indicating whether this call success or failed.** \see test_init*/
int test_deinit();/*** \brief Obtain current list of path ** \param [out] paths a pointer to an array of strings* \param [out] count indicating the count of path.** \note* This function will allocate memory for path array. So caller must free the array, but should not free each item.** \return #API_RESULT_CODE indicating whether this call success or failed.** \par Sample code:* \code*    char **path = NULL;*    int count = 0;*    test_get_paths(&path, &count);*    // use the path*    free(path);*    path = NULL;* \endcode*/
int test_get_paths(char ***paths, int *count);#endif




\mainpage [(title)]


/*! \mainpage My Personal Index Page** \section intro_sec Introduction** This is the introduction.** \section install_sec Installation** \subsection step1 Step 1: Opening the box** etc...*/


/** \mainpage My Personal Index Page** \section intro_sec Introduction** This is the introduction.** \section install_sec Installation** \subsection step1 Step 1: Opening the box** etc...*/

一般, JavaDoc以两个**开头:

/*** ... text ...*/

Qt 风格以*!开头

/*!* ... text ...*/

两种用法,注释块中间的星号是可选, 所以将注释块写成:

/*!... text ...



\section <section-name> (section title)

section-name为索引名,section title为章节的标题



\page <name> (title)


/*! \page page1 A documentation page\tableofcontentsLeading text.\section sec An example sectionThis page contains the subsections \ref subsection1 and \ref subsection2.For more info see page \ref page2.\subsection subsection1 The first subsectionText.\subsection subsection2 The second subsectionMore text.
*//*! \page page2 Another pageEven more info.

注意:里面的 \ref 是索引的意思。



 \code [ '{'<word>'}']


\code{.py}class Python:pass\endcode\code{.cpp}class Cpp {};\endcode



/*! \brief Brief description.**  Detailed description starts here.*/

如果JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF 被设置为 YES,则JavaDoc风格将注释块中的第一个句子视为简要描述, 这个句子可以以句号’.’、空格或者空行来结束:

/** Brief description which ends at this dot. Details follow*  here.*/



//!  A test class.
/*!A more elaborate class description.
class Test
{public://! An enum./*! More detailed enum description. */enum TEnum { TVal1, /*!< Enum value TVal1. */  TVal2, /*!< Enum value TVal2. */  TVal3  /*!< Enum value TVal3. */  } //! Enum pointer./*! Details. */*enumPtr, //! Enum variable./*! Details. */enumVar;  //! A constructor./*!A more elaborate description of the constructor.*/Test();//! A destructor./*!A more elaborate description of the destructor.*/~Test();//! A normal member taking two arguments and returning an integer value./*!\param a an integer argument.\param s a constant character pointer.\return The test results\sa Test(), ~Test(), testMeToo() and publicVar()*/int testMe(int a,const char *s);//! A pure virtual member./*!\sa testMe()\param c1 the first argument.\param c2 the second argument.*/virtual void testMeToo(char c1,char c2) = 0;//! A public variable./*!Details.*/int publicVar;//! A function variable./*!Details.*/int (*handler)(int a,int b);


Doxygen for C++使用说明——注释代码一相关推荐

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