<1> 队列并发操作的同步问题;(安全性)
<2> 部分情况下,希望在读取队列后进行队列回写操作。(比如进行数据分析按一帧一帧进行解析的时候,发现队列里缓存数据不足一帧,此时就需要回写,等再有数据保存到队列)

下面先提出 <1> 的解决方法,使用互斥锁和信号量,给出简单例子:


pthread_mutex_init(&mutex);thread1:...pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);WriteQueue(q, wbuf, writelen);pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);...thread2:...pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);ReadQueue(q, rbuf, &readlen);pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);...


sem_init(&sem);thread1:...sem_wait(&sem);WriteQueue(q, wbuf, writelen);sem_post(&sem);...thread2:...sem_wait(&sem);ReadQueue(q, rbuf, &readlen);sem_post(&sem);...


至于方案 <2> 的解决方法,在 queue.c 中添加一个回写函数就好啦,原理也很简单,把读指针移动到之前的位置就可以啦。需要考虑的就是回写的长度大于队列当前读指针距离队列头的位置时的处理,详细可以参见我下面的代码:

unsigned int RecoverReadQueue(Queue *q, unsigned int len)
{unsigned int ret = 0;unsigned int rest = q->read;if (rest >= len){q->read -= len;}else{q->read = q->size - (len - rest);}q->space -= len;return ret;



#ifndef _QUEUE_H
#define _QUEUE_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>/*** Queue - queue structure* @buf: queue buffer* @read: position of read* @write: position of write* @size: buffer size* @space: writable buffer size*/
typedef struct {unsigned char *buf;unsigned int read;unsigned int write;unsigned int size;unsigned int space;bool OverFlow;
} Queue;#define Avail(q) (q->size - q->space)extern bool Queue_Empty(Queue *q);
extern bool Queue_Full(Queue *q);
extern unsigned int RecoverReadQueue(Queue *q, unsigned int len);
extern void Queue_Init(Queue *q, int size);
extern void Queue_Destroy(Queue *q);
extern bool AddQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char val);
extern bool DelQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char *val);
extern unsigned int WriteQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len);
extern unsigned int ReadQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len);#endif


/** Queue operation API - 1.1** Copyright (C) 2016 SoldierJazz (SoldierJazz@163.com)** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or* modify it. **/#include "queue.h"/*** Queue_Init - init a queue* @q: pointer of queue* @size: size of buffer in queue** Must be called when started. */
void Queue_Init(Queue *q, int size)
{q->buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * size);memset(q->buf, 0x00, size);q->read = 0;q->write = 0;q->size = size;q->space = size;q->OverFlow = false;
}/*** Queue_Destroy - destroy a queue* @q: pointer of queue*/
void Queue_Destroy(Queue *q)
}/*** Queue_Empty - tests whether a queue is empty* @q: the queue to test*/
bool Queue_Empty(Queue *q)
    return (q->space == q->size);
}/*** Queue_Full - tests whether a queue is full* @q: the queue to test*/
bool Queue_Full(Queue *q)
    return (q->space == 0);
}/*** AddQueue - add a byte to queue* @q: the queue to add to* @val: the char to add*/
bool AddQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char val)
{if (!Queue_Full(q)) {q->buf[q->write] = val;q->write = (q->write + 1) % q->size;q->space--;
        return true;}
    return false;
}/*** DelQueue - delete a byte from queue* @q: the queue to delete from* @val: the char deleted*/
bool DelQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char *val)
{if (!Queue_Empty(q)) {*val = q->buf[q->read];q->read = (q->read + 1) % q->size;q->space++;
        return true;}
    return false;
}/*** WriteQueue - write buffers to queue* @q: the queue to write in* @buf: pointer of write buffer* @len: length of write buffer*/
unsigned int WriteQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
{unsigned int ret = 0;unsigned int rest = q->size - q->write;if (!Queue_Full(q)) {if (q->space >= len) {ret = len;if (rest >= len) {memcpy(q->buf + q->write, buf, len);q->write = (q->write + len) % q->size;q->space -= len;} else {memcpy(q->buf + q->write, buf, rest);q->write = 0;memcpy(q->buf, buf + rest, len - rest);q->write = len -rest;q->space -= len;}} else {ret = q->space;if (rest >= q->space) {memcpy(q->buf + q->write, buf, q->space);q->write = (q->write + q->space) % q->size;q->space = 0;} else {memcpy(q->buf + q->write, buf, rest);q->write = 0;memcpy(q->buf, buf + rest, q->space - rest);q->write = q->space -rest;q->space = 0;}}   }
    return ret;
}/*** RecoverReadQueue - recover len of buffer from queue* @q: the queue to recover from* @len: recover length*/
unsigned int RecoverReadQueue(Queue *q, unsigned int len)
{unsigned int ret = 0;unsigned int rest = q->read;if (rest >= len){q->read -= len;}else{q->read = q->size - (len - rest);}q->space -= len;
return ret;
}/*** ReadQueue - read buffers from queue* @q: the queue to read from* @buf: pointer of read buffer* @len: read length*/
unsigned int ReadQueue(Queue *q, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
{unsigned int rest = q->size - q->read;unsigned int ret = 0;if (!Queue_Empty(q)) {if (Avail(q) >= len) {ret = len;if (rest >= len) {memcpy(buf, q->buf + q->read, len);q->read = (q->read + len) % q->size;q->space += len;} else {memcpy(buf, q->buf + q->read, rest);q->read = 0;memcpy(buf + rest, q->buf, len - rest);q->read = len -rest;q->space += len;}
            return len;} else {ret = Avail(q);if (rest >= Avail(q)) {memcpy(buf, q->buf + q->read, Avail(q));q->read = (q->read + Avail(q)) % q->size;q->space = q->size;} else {memcpy(buf, q->buf + q->read, rest);q->read = 0;memcpy(buf + rest, q->buf, Avail(q) - rest);q->read = Avail(q) -rest;q->space = q->size;}}}
    return ret;

1. 《循环队列及C语言实现<一>》
2. 《循环队列及C语言实现<二>》
3. 《循环队列及C语言实现<三>》


  1. 循环队列及C语言实现二

    在我的上一篇博文中已经讲到循环队列的特点作用以及C语言实现,当然实现和操作的方式比较简单,在实际项目应用中略显粗糙.因此,这一篇提供一个进阶篇的实现与操作接口.具体函数作用可以参见我的注释部分,使用的 ...

  2. 循环队列及C语言实现一

    循环队列是为了充分利用内存,进行数据操作的一种基本算法.具体实现方式可划分为:链式队列和静态队列,这里所谓的静态是指在一片连续的内存区域进行数据操作.本文只讲述静态队列,也是最简单的实现方式,链式队列 ...

  3. 循环队列c语言的实现,循环队列的C语言实现

    生活中有很多队列的影子,比如打饭排队,买火车票排队问题等,可以说与时间相关的问题,一般都会涉及到队列问题:从生活中,可以抽象出队列的概念,队列就是一个能够实现"先进先出"的存储结构 ...

  4. 数据结构(严蔚敏)之五——循环队列(c语言实现)

    在这里我先强调几点概念: 1.在非空队列中,头指针始终指向队列头元素,而尾指针始终指向队列尾元素的下一个位置. 2.在单队列中我们判断队列是否为空的条件是:Q.front==Q.rear;而在循环队列 ...

  5. 顺序循环队列类c#语言,C#--循环队列的顺序存储

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Cons ...

  6. leetcode 622——设计循环队列

    leetcode 622--设计循环队列(C语言提交) 题目链接:leetcode 622--设计循环队列 题目描述: 设计你的循环队列实现. 循环队列是一种线性数据结构,其操作表现基于 FIFO(先 ...

  7. c语言数组方式实现静态循环队列

    1 循环队列原理图 2 结构体设计 3 运行结果图 4 完整源代码 #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> /*这是一个c语言用数组方式实现循 ...

  8. 循环队列–C语言实现–数据结构

    循环队列–C语言实现–数据结构 目录 循环队列C语言实现数据结构 目录 一 要求 二 循环队列 三 循环队列的算法设计 1 建立循环队列 2 置空队列 3 入队 4 出队 5 打印队 四 程序 1 程 ...

  9. c语言循环队列入列算法,C语言——循环队列和链队列的基本运算

    // 循环队列 #include #include "SeqQue.h" // 循环队列的基本运算 /* const int maxsize = 20; typedef struc ...


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