


typedef struct {

int a;

int b;

} my_struct;

my_struct *new_struct()


my_struct *struct_instance = (my_struct *)malloc(sizeof(my_struct));

memset(struct_instance, 0, sizeof(my_struct));

return struct_instance;


int modify_struct(my_struct *ms) {

ms->a = 1;

ms->b = 2;

return 0;


void print_struct_c(my_struct *ms) {

printf("my_struct {\n"

" a = %d\n"

" b = %d\n"

"}\n", ms->a, ms->b);


从Python获取指针,调用执行分配的C函数,然后可以将其传递给将其作为参数的其他C函数。import ctypes

lib_file_path = <<< path to lib file >>>

# Very simple example of how to declare a ctypes structure to twin the

# C library's declaration. This doesn't need to be declared if the Python

# code isn't going to need access to the struct's data members.

class MyStruct(ctypes.Structure):

_fields_ = [('a', ctypes.c_int),

('b', ctypes.c_int)]

def print_struct(s):

# Print struct that was allocated via Python ctypes.

print("my_struct.a = %d, my_struct.b = %d" % (s.a, s.b))

def print_struct_ptr(sptr):

# Print pointer to struct. Note the data members of the pointer are

# accessed via 'contents'.

print("my_struct_ptr.contents.a = %d, my_struct_ptr.contents.b = %d"

% (sptr.contents.a, sptr.contents.b))

my_c_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_file_path)

# If you don't need to access the struct's data members from Python, then

# it's not necessary to declare MyStruct above. Also, in that case,

# 'restype' and 'argtypes' (below) can be set to ctypes.c_void_p instead.

my_c_lib.new_struct.restype = ctypes.POINTER(MyStruct)

my_c_lib.modify_struct.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(MyStruct)]

# Call C function to create struct instance.

my_struct_c_ptr = my_c_lib.new_struct()




# Allocating struct instance from Python, then passing to C function.

my_struct_py = MyStruct(0, 0)




# Data members of Python allocated struct can be acessed directly.

my_struct_py.a = 555

my_c_lib.print_struct_c(ctypes.byref(my_struct_py)) # Note use of 'byref()'

# to invoke c function.


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