
Do you use your PC as a eBook reader?  Kindle for PC makes it easy to read thousands of books from the Kindle Store on your computer. What you may not know is that is also works with .mobi format too, so you can increase the amount of books you can read.

您是否将PC用作电子书阅读器? Kindle for PC可让您轻松在计算机上的Kindle商店中阅读数千本书。 您可能不知道的是,它也也适用于.mobi格式,因此您可以增加可以阅读的书籍数量。

Amazon has jumpstarted the eBook market with their popular Kindle device.  Last fall Amazon unveiled Kindle for PC, and we reviewed how you can Read Kindle Books On Your Computer with Kindle for PC.  Whether or not you own a Kindle or other eBook reader, this is a great way to take advantage of the thousands of eBooks available from the Kindle Store today. It supports azw, prc, and tpz format, which are sold from the Kindle store, but it also supports Mobipocket (.mobi) eBooks that are not DRM protected.  Here’s how you can add them to Kindle for PC so you can easily read them on your PC

亚马逊凭借其受欢迎的Kindle设备Swift启动了电子书市场。 去年秋天,亚马逊推出了PC版Kindle,并且我们回顾了如何使用Kindle PC版在计算机上阅读Kindle图书 。 无论您是否拥有Kindle或其他电子书阅读器,这都是一种利用当今Kindle商店提供的数千种电子书的好方法。 它支持Kindle商店出售的azw,prc和tpz格式,但它也支持不受DRM保护的Mobipocket(.mobi)电子书。 您可以通过以下方式将它们添加到PC版Kindle,以便轻松在PC上阅读它们

Getting Started:


First, make sure you have Kindle for PC (link below) installed on your computer.

首先,请确保计算机上已安装Kindle for PC( 下面的链接 )。

Sign in with your Amazon account when you first run it.


Kindle for PC lets you easily read eBooks downloaded from the Kindle Store, but it doesn’t have any way to add other eBooks directly from the program.

Kindle for PC可让您轻松阅读从Kindle商店下载的电子书,但是它无法直接从该程序添加其他电子书。

To add eBooks, you can sometimes download and double-click on the books, and they will open in Kindle for PC and be automatically added to the library.  However, this does not always seem to work.

要添加电子书,有时您可以下载并双击这些书,它们将在Kindle for PC中打开并自动添加到库中。 但是,这似乎并不总是有效。

So instead, browse to your Documents folder (simply click on the Documents link on your Start menu), and double-click on the My Kindle Content folder.


This folder contains all the Kindle books you have downloaded.  If you have other eBooks you would like to add to Kindle for PC, simply drag-and-drop or copy and paste them into this folder.  Here we have a .mobi formatted book downloaded from the Gutenberg Project that we’re dragging into the folder.

此文件夹包含您已下载的所有Kindle书籍。 如果您想将其他电子书添加到PC版Kindle,只需将其拖放或复制并粘贴到此文件夹中即可。 在这里,我们有一本.mobi格式的书,该书是从Gutenberg Project下载的,我们将其拖到该文件夹​​中。

Now, close and reopen Kindle for PC.  It should now show your new eBook right beside the eBooks you have downloaded from the Kindle Store.

现在,关闭并重新打开Kindle for PC。 现在,它应该在您从Kindle商店下载的电子书旁边显示新的电子书。

These eBooks work just the same as the ones downloaded from the Kindle store, and you can change font size and add bookmarks just as with other eBooks.


The eBooks downloaded this way may show up with either a Amazon logo or a mobile device icon.  You should only see the mobile device icon on .mobi files formatted for mobile devices; other ones should show up with the Amazon logo.  In this screen, Pilgrim’s Progress is a standard .mobi book, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a mobipocket book, and the others are downloaded from the Kindle Store.

以这种方式下载的电子书可能显示有亚马逊徽标或移动设备图标。 您应该仅在针对移动设备格式化的.mobi文件上看到移动设备图标; 其他的应该显示亚马逊徽标。 在此屏幕上,《朝圣者的进步》是一本标准的.mobi书籍,《夏洛克·福尔摩斯历险记》是一部Mobipocket书籍,其他书籍则是从Kindle商店下载的。



This is a great way to read eBooks from across the internet on Kindle for PC.  Wikipedia’s Kindle page has a list of websites that offer eBooks formatted for the Kindle, so be sure to check it out for more books.

这是在PC版Kindle上通过互联网阅读电子书的好方法。 Wikipedia的Kindle页面上有提供针对Kindle格式化的电子书的网站列表,因此请务必查看以获取更多书籍。



Download Kindle for PC

下载Kindle for PC

List of websites that offer eBooks that will work on Kindle – via Wikipedia





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