
类型家庭 (Type Families)

Type families are ranges of typeface designs. Each family is a variation of a basic style of alphabet. There are hundreds or maybe even thousands of typeface families.

字体族是字体设计的范围。 每个家庭都是基本字母样式的变体。 有数百个甚至数千个字体家族。



历史 (History)

The concept families of type hadn’t formed when typefaces were first invented, and all fonts were roman designs. During the early years of the 16th century, cursive type was introduced. Cursive was also called italic, named after Italy, where the idea was popularized. Romans were one style of type and italics were another, like serif and sans serif, and there were still no typeface families.

最初发明字体时,尚未形成类型的概念族,并且所有字体均为罗马式设计。 在16世纪初期,引入了草书类型。 草书也被称为斜体,以意大利的名字命名,在意大利得到了推广。 罗马人是一种字体,斜体是另一种字体,例如衬线字体和无衬线字体,仍然没有字体家族。

标点 (Punctuation)

Punctuation gives type emotion, and gives indications on when to stop, slow down, and much more.


字体家族有七种类型 (There are seven types of font families)

  • Old Style老式
  • Transitional过渡性的
  • Modern现代
  • Slab Serif平板衬线
  • Sans Serif无衬线字体
  • Decorative装饰性
  • Script-Cursive脚本草书

组合字体 (Combining Typefaces)

字体配对基础 (Font Pairing Basics)

Which fonts look good together and which ones don’t? If you’ve ever struggled with this question, you’re not alone. Learn how to pair different fonts and styles by getting familiar with these clever combos!

哪些字体看起来不错,哪些字体不好? 如果您曾经在这个问题上苦苦挣扎,那么您并不孤单。 熟悉这些巧妙的组合,学习如何配对不同的字体和样式!

一步一步尝试这些步骤 (Try these steps one by one)

  • Pair a regular and bold font to create a subtle contrast配对常规字体和粗体字体以创建微妙的对比
  • Balance a script font with a bold font平衡脚本字体和粗体字体
  • Pair a tall and short font to create visual interest配对高矮字体以产生视觉吸引力
  • Pair fonts with different weights to create a strong contrast配对具有不同粗细的字体以产生强烈的对比度
  • Pair a regular and italic font to create emphasis配对常规和斜体字体以突出显示重点

There are no hard and fast rules for choosing typefaces, but you can often avoid having to choose new typefaces by styling an existing typeface to create a visual hierarchy. When in doubt, keep it simple.

选择字体没有严格的规则,但是您通常可以通过对现有字体进行样式设置以创建视觉层次结构来避免选择新字体。 如有疑问,请保持简单。

Designers follow different philosophies to determine when and how to combine typefaces.


锚点或角色字体 (Anchor or Role Typeface)

If your project involves large amounts of text, choose an anchor typeface for the body text. This anchor typeface will guide the rest of your design choices as you make continuous tests and refinements for different combinations of typefaces against your anchor.

如果您的项目涉及大量文本,请为主体文本选择锚定字体。 当您对锚定字体的不同组合进行连续测试和改进时,此锚定字体将指导您的其余设计选择。

对比字体 (Contrasting Typefaces)

For text-light projects, having clear hierarchical roles for a font is not as great a concern as visual impact. Pair contrasting typefaces such as serif plus sans-serif. Designers often share their favorite typeface pairs, so search and experiment until you create a pleasing result.

对于具有文本功能的项目,字体具有清晰的层次结构角色并没有视觉影响那么大。 配对对比字体,例如衬线字体和无衬线字体。 设计师通常会共享他们最喜欢的字体对,因此请进行搜索和实验,直到创建令人愉悦的结果为止。

字体家族 (Typeface Families)

Many type foundries create typefaces with extensive extra features like multiple weights and cases, decorative glyphs, serif and sans-serif versions, etc. You can use a single type family like this to ensure consistent design while creatively using those extra features to provide extra emphasis or decoration that might otherwise require another typeface. Typeface families are often a great compromise of visual consistency and typographic flexibility.

许多类型代工所创建的字体具有广泛的附加功能,例如多个重量和大小,装饰字形,衬线和无衬线版本等。您可以使用这样的单个类型家族来确保一致的设计,同时创造性地使用这些附加功能来提供额外的强调或可能需要其他字体的装饰。 字体家族通常是视觉一致性和印刷灵活性的巨大折衷。

类型分类 (Type Classifications)

Almost all typefaces fall into one group or another. This system of classifying typefaces developed in the nineteenth century. Each typeface has it’s own visual structure, influences, intent and historical significance.

几乎所有字体都归为一组。 这种字体分类系统是在19世纪发展起来的。 每种字体都有其自己的视觉结构,影响,意图和历史意义。

The basic classification of typefaces is as follows:


  • Serifs: These typefaces have small extensions, which embellish the basic structure of a typeface. Serif typefaces have existed since the beginning of type. They are visible in Old style and Humanist type serifs like Garamond. Baskerville, another serif typeface belongs to the transitional era. Bodoni and Rockwell are part of Modern and Slab serif(Egyptian) styled typefaces.

    衬线 :这些字体具有小的扩展名,可修饰字体的基本结构。 自字体开始以来就存在衬线字体。 它们以Garamond之类的Old style和Humanistic类型的衬线可见。 Baskerville,另一种衬线字体属于过渡时期。 Bodoni和Rockwell是Modern和Slab serif(埃及)样式字体的一部分。

  • Sans-serif : Sans means without. These typefaces are devoid of those small extensions, hence without serif. Examples include Gill sans which has Humanist connotations, Helvetica with it’s transitional characteristics and so on.

    Sans-serif :Sans意味着没有。 这些字体没有那些小的扩展名,因此没有衬线。 例子包括具有人文主义内涵的Gill sans,具有过渡性特征的Helvetica等。

  • Script: Letter forms developed in close relation to human handwriting are script typefaces. They are flexible in nature with varying stroke widths. Example : Bistro Script, Shelly, Minstral etc.

    文字 :与人类笔迹密切相关的字母形式是文字字体。 它们本质上是灵活的,具有不同的笔触宽度。 例如:Bistro Script,Shelly,Minstral等。

  • Blackletter : A bold script style of calligraphy used heavily during the renaissance. Example: Fraktur

    布莱克利特(Blackletter) :文艺复兴时期大量使用的大胆的书法体。 示例:Fraktur

  • Decorative: Typefaces which do not fit in other categories are decorative in nature. Built for specific use cases which largely consist of headlines, posters etc.

    装饰性 :不适合其他类别的字体本质上是装饰性的。 专为主要由标题,海报等组成的特定用例而构建。

In addition, three main groups to classify type corresponding to different time periods in art and literature are as follows:


  • Humanist letter forms belong to the renaissance period of around 15th & 16th century. They closely mimic calligraphy and human hand movement. Old serifs followed humanist letter forms. Examples of humanist type are : Sabon, Centaur, Adobd Jenson, Gill Sans etc.

    人文主义的字母形式属于大约15和16世纪的文艺复兴时期。 他们紧密地模仿书法和人类的手部动作。 旧的衬线采用人文主义的字母形式。 人文主义类型的例子有:Sabon,Centaur,Adobd Jenson,Gill Sans等。

  • Transitional letter forms are part of the baroque era. They represent a transition from old style humanist typefaces to modern typefaces. Examples are : Baskerville, Times Roman, Helvetica etc.

    过渡字母形式是巴洛克时代的一部分。 它们代表了从老式人文字体到现代字体的过渡。 例如:Baskerville,Times Roman,Helvetica等。

  • Modern letter forms, are part of the enlightenment period of around 18th-19th century. They depict a radical shift from traditional typography to a more abstract design. Examples are : Bodoni, Futura etc.

    现代字母形式是18至19世纪启蒙时期的一部分。 他们描绘了从传统字体到更抽象的设计的根本转变。 例如:Bodoni,Futura等。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/typography-type-families-classifications-and-combining-typefaces/



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