颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试 介绍

颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

很简单。这场比赛表现出同样的颜色块,除了只有一个。只要找一块不同颜色。支持总共128种颜色.有两种游戏模式。-摸有限-时间有限比较你的游戏水平与其他玩家。如果你达到最后一级140,你是最好的颜色鉴别器。请显示你的颜色的感觉!------------------------------------------*请把赛后休息了一定的时间,以保护你的视力。*本游戏是免费的,不包含任何刺激的内容,因此任何人都可以享受它。*关于翻译的评论总是受欢迎的。*如果您有任何疑问或错误报告,给我们发电子邮件。-----------------------[English]This game shows blocks of the same color except one block. Look for one box that appears in a different color. All 128 colors are supported, and the color name is displayed below the block.There are two game modes:- Tap count limit mode - Time-out modeIn the 'Statistics' menu, the user's color discrimination ability values are displayed as accumulated statistical values.You can compare game levels to other players' levels.Also, it is possible to view statistical data by color based on your game play.When you reach the last level 140, you can become the best color master.Show the color sense!------------------------------------------* Please take a break after the game for a certain amount of time to protect your eyesight.* This game is free, and does not contain any stimulating content, so anyone can enjoy it.* Comments on translations are always welcome.* If you have any questions or bug reports, please e-mail us. mars.crews@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/marswares

来自应用汇: 颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试 http://www.appchina.com/app/com.marscrewsapp.colorsensemaster?from=spi-desc

颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试 历史版本

颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 2.6.0

大小: 2.57 M

Language Translation Updated.


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 2.5.0

大小: 2.50 M

User interface changes

Add an in-app purchase (removing ads)

Bug fixed for Android 4.4 belows


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 2.4.0

大小: 2.43 M

User interface changes

Add an in-app purchase (removing ads)


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 2.2.0

大小: 2.29 M

- Time-Limit mode style has changed.

- The old and new version of the Leaderboard have been separated.

- The maximum user level has been changed to 100.

- Minor bug fixed.


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 2.1.0

大小: 2.27 M

1) Security enhancements2) The old and new version of the Leaderboard have been separated.3) Downgrade difficulty


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 1.1.9

大小: 2.53 M

- Challenge the highest level 150.- Various colors have been added.


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 1.1.7

大小: 2.53 M

1) Game Level was updated to 140.2) In touch limit mode, the correct answer is displayed at the end of game.


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试

版本: 1.1.6

大小: 2.90 M

1) Game Level was updated to 140.2) In touch limit mode, the correct answer is displayed at the end of game.


颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试 版本更新

Language Translation Updated.

颜色 大师 (Color Sense Master) - 颜色测试 类似游戏

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