




ker 核的大小不能过大,例如,以lena图为例,ker的len为20时,会导致无法复原。

ker 核的生成可参考以下matlab的实现



/*--------------------------- motion blur and demotion blur --------------------------------*/
// 此代码用于实现模糊运动的添加与消除。
// 原理:在已知模糊运动核的前提下,可通过核线性卷积的形式对图像添加运动模糊,
//       反之也可利用该核精确的去除该运动模糊。
// 说明:本例代码是在梳理前人代码的基础上整理得到,仅使用了C++常用库与opencv2.4.5
//       AddMotionBlur的createLinearFilter函数在opencv3+版本中已经去除,故而建议只用opencv2+
//       ker 核的大小不能过大,例如,以lena图为例,ker的len为20时,会导致无法复原。
// Input:
//      彩色三通道图像,在读取时转化为灰度图
// output:
//      添加运动模糊的单通道灰度图,或去除运动模糊后的单通道灰度图
// version: 1.0
// date: 2018/6/6
// by xie qunyi
// 转载请注明:
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespace std;
using namespace cv;// Create an image of complex number type (2 channels to store
// real part and imaginary part) from an input grayscale image
// src : single channel grayscale image input
// dst : two channel complex image output
void i2z(cv::Mat src, cv::Mat& dst)
{//convert the image to float type, create another one filled with zeros, //and make an array of these 2 imagescv::Mat im_array[] = { cv::Mat_<float>(src), cv::Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_32F) };//combine as a 2 channel image to represent a complex number type imagecv::Mat im_complex; cv::merge(im_array, 2, im_complex);//copy to destinationim_complex.copyTo(dst);
}// convert a 2 channel complex image to a single channel grayscale image
// by getting magnitude
// src : two channel complex image input
// dst : single channel grayscale image output
void z2i(cv::Mat src, cv::Mat& dst)
{//split the complex image to 2cv::Mat im_tmp[2]; cv::split(src, im_tmp);//get absolute valuecv::Mat im_f; cv::magnitude(im_tmp[0], im_tmp[1], im_f);//copy to destinationim_f.copyTo(dst);
}// return complex image C = A./B
// if A = a+b*i and B = c+d*i;
// then C = A./B = ((a*c+b*d)/(c^2+d^2))+((b*c-a*d)/(c^2+d^2))*i
cv::Mat complexDiv(const cv::Mat& A, const cv::Mat& B)
{cv::Mat A_tmp[2]; cv::split(A, A_tmp);cv::Mat a, b;A_tmp[0].copyTo(a);A_tmp[1].copyTo(b);cv::Mat B_tmp[2]; cv::split(B, B_tmp);cv::Mat c, d;B_tmp[0].copyTo(c);B_tmp[1].copyTo(d);cv::Mat C_tmp[2];cv::Mat g = (c.mul(c)+d.mul(d));C_tmp[0] = (a.mul(c)+b.mul(d))/g;C_tmp[1] = (b.mul(c)-a.mul(d))/g;cv::Mat C;cv::merge(C_tmp, 2, C);return C;
}// add motion blur to the src image
// motion degree is depended on the kernel ker
// ker can be product by matlab func : fspecial
// matlab code : {LEN = 3; THETA = 0; ker = fspecial('motion', LEN, THETA);}
cv::Mat AddMotionBlur(const cv::Mat& src, const cv::Mat& ker)
{   // convert to float datacv::Mat sample_float;src.convertTo(sample_float, CV_32FC1);// motion blurcv::Point anchor(0, 0);double delta = 0;cv::Mat dst = cv::Mat(sample_float.size(), sample_float.type());Ptr<cv::FilterEngine> fe = cv::createLinearFilter(sample_float.type(), ker.type(), ker, anchor,delta, BORDER_WRAP, BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0));fe->apply(sample_float, dst);return dst;
}// remove motion blur which is added by the special kernel ker
// the same function in matlab is:
// {[hei,wid,~] = size(blurredimage);If = fft2(blurredimage);
//  Pf = fft2(ker,hei,wid); deblurred = ifft2(If./Pf);}
cv::Mat DemotionBlur(const cv::Mat& src, const cv::Mat& ker)
{ // IfMat blurred_co; i2z(src, blurred_co);Mat If;dft(blurred_co, If);// PfMat im_complex_ker; cv::Mat tmp = cv::Mat::zeros(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC1);ker.copyTo(tmp(cv::Rect(0,0,ker.cols,ker.rows)));Mat tmp_co;i2z(tmp, tmp_co);Mat Pf;dft(tmp_co, Pf);// If./Pfcv::Mat im_co = complexDiv(If, Pf);//Convert the DFT result into grayscaleMat im_de;dft(im_co, im_de, DFT_INVERSE+DFT_SCALE); Mat im_deblur; z2i(im_de, im_deblur);return im_deblur;
}int main(int argc, char** argv){// 读取测试样例const std::string ImageName = "./lena.jpg";cv::Mat DemoImage = cv::imread(ImageName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);// 运动模糊核float kernel[1][3] = {{0.333333333,0.33333333,0.33333333}};cv::Mat ker = cv::Mat(1, 3, CV_32FC1, &kernel);// 添加运动模糊cv::Mat blur = AddMotionBlur(DemoImage, ker);cv::imwrite("./blur.jpg", blur);// 去除运动模糊cv::Mat deblur = DemotionBlur(blur, ker);cv::imwrite("./deblur.jpg", deblur);return 0;

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