The latest version of Windows 10 is the May 2020 Update, version “2004,” which was released on May 27, 2020. Microsoft releases new major updates every six months.

Windows 10的最新版本是2020年5月更新,即“ 2004”版本,该更新于2020年5月27日发布。Microsoft每六个月发布一次新的主要更新。

These major updates can take some time to reach your PC since Microsoft and PC manufacturers do extensive testing before fully rolling them out. Let’s take a look at what’s included in the latest version, how to find out what version you’re running, and how you can skip the wait and get the most recent version if you don’t already have it.

这些重大更新可能需要一些时间才能到达您的PC,因为Microsoft和PC制造商在全面推出之前进行了大量测试。 让我们看一下最新版本中包含的内容,如何查找正在运行的版本以及如何跳过等待并获得最新版本(如果尚未安装)。

最新版本是2020年5月更新 (The Latest Version Is the May 2020 Update)

The latest version of Windows 10 is the May 2020 Update. This is Windows 10 version 2004, and it was released on May 27, 2020. This update was codenamed “20H1” during its development process, as it was released in the first half of 2020.

Windows 10的最新版本是2020年5月更新 。 这是Windows 10版本2004,于2020年5月27日发布。此更新在其开发过程中的代号为“ 20H1”,于2020年上半年发布。

Windows 10’s May 2020 Update includes a new Cortana experience (with typing!), more control over optional Windows updates, faster Windows file search, improved bandwidth controls for Windows Update, and a cloud download feature for reinstalling Windows. Those are just a few of the included features.

Windows 10的2020年5月更新包括新的Cortana体验(带有键入!),对可选Windows更新的更多控制,更快的Windows文件搜索,改进的Windows Update带宽控制以及用于重新安装Windows的云下载功能。 这些只是其中的一些功能。

For developers, the May 2020 Update brings version 2.0 of the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It now includes an actual Linux kernel compiled by Microsoft for maximum compatibility with Linux software.

对于开发人员而言,2020年5月更新带来了适用于Linux的Windows子系统2.0版 。 现在,它包含由Microsoft编译的实际Linux内核,以最大程度地与Linux软件兼容。

如何检查您是否拥有最新版本 (How to Check if You Have the Latest Version)

To see which version of Windows 10 you have, open your Start menu, and then click the gear-shaped “Settings” icon to open the Settings app. You can also fire up the app by pressing Windows+I.

若要查看Windows 10的版本 ,请打开“开始”菜单,然后单击齿轮形的“设置”图标以打开“设置”应用程序。 您还可以通过按Windows + I来启动应用程序。

Head to System > About in the Settings window, and then scroll down toward the bottom to the “Windows Specifications” section.

转到“设置”窗口中的“系统”>“关于”,然后向下滚动至底部至“ Windows规格”部分。

A version number of “2004” indicates that you’re using the May 2020 Update. This is the latest version. If you see a lower version number, you’re using an older version.

版本号“ 2004”表示您正在使用2020年5月更新。 这是最新版本。 如果看到较低的版本号,则说明您使用的是旧版本。

If you see a higher version number than 2004 on your system, you’re likely running an unstable Insider Preview version of Windows.

如果您在系统上看到的版本号高于2004,则可能运行的Windows Insider Preview版本不稳定。

如何更新到最新版本 (How to Update to the Latest Version)

When Microsoft provides the update to your PC, it automatically installs itself. But Microsoft doesn’t offer new Windows updates to all PCs at once. Instead, Microsoft rolls them out slowly over time, after both Microsoft and the various PC manufacturers check to see if they cause problems with different hardware configurations. If your PC doesn’t get the update, Microsoft isn’t entirely confident it will work on your hardware just yet.

当Microsoft向您的PC提供更新时,它会自动安装。 但是Microsoft不会立即为所有PC提供新的Windows更新。 相反,在Microsoft和各种PC制造商都检查它们是否导致不同的硬件配置问题之后,Microsoft会随着时间的推移慢慢推出它们。 如果您的PC没有获得更新,Microsoft不会完全确定它是否可以在您的硬件上运行。

However, you can override this and choose to install the update anyway. After all, you can always downgrade back to your current version of Windows 10 if you have any problems, assuming you choose to do so within ten days after upgrading. There’s some risk here, but you are still installing a stable operating system update.

但是,您可以覆盖此设置,并选择仍然安装更新 。 毕竟,如果您有任何问题,只要选择在升级后的十天内执行此操作,就始终可以降级到当前版本的Windows 10 。 这里存在一些风险,但是您仍在安装稳定的操作系统更新。

To install the update anyway, you can now head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click the “Check for Updates” button. If a stable version of Windows 10 is available, Windows Update may offer to download and install it—even if it hasn’t been rolled out to your PC yet. Look for a “Download and install now” link below a notice about a “Feature Update” being available for your PC.

无论如何要安装更新,您现在可以转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows Update”,然后单击“检查更新”按钮。 如果有可用的Windows 10稳定版本,则Windows Update可能会提供下载和安装它的方法-即使尚未将其发布到您的PC中。 在有关PC可用“功能更新”的通知下方,查找“立即下载并安装”链接。


You can also visit Microsoft’s Download Windows 10 page to update. Click the “Update now” button to download the Update Assistant tool, and then run the tool. It will upgrade your PC to the latest version of Windows 10—even if the update wasn’t offered to you via Windows Update. The tool may still refuse to install the update if your some issues need to be fixed with your PC’s configuration first. You can either wait or try to troubleshoot the problem yourself.

您也可以访问Microsoft的Windows 10下载页面进行更新。 单击“立即更新”按钮以下载更新助手工具,然后运行该工具。 它将您的PC升级到Windows 10的最新版本-即使没有通过Windows Update提供更新。 如果首先需要通过PC的配置解决某些问题,则该工具仍可能拒绝安装更新。 您可以等待,也可以尝试自己解决问题 。


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