



2、如果再次启动VMware的WindowsVista系统失败,尝试右键虚拟机出错的系统->Settings->Hardware->Hard Disk->Utilities->Map->映射虚拟硬盘到Z:/


经实验此办法以失败结束。如果有遇到Cannot open the disk '*.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks itdepends on.Reason: Failed to lock the file错误的朋友不妨也试一下。如果您实验成功了,请给我们留言,以便我们进行更好的技术交流


使用记事本打开*.VMX文件上加上一行代码disk.locking= "FALSE",重新启动该虚拟机。

使用方法二,问题得到解决,重新启动VMware正常启动,不会再出现Cannot open the disk '*.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks itdepends on.Reason: Failed to lock the file.错误。

VMware “Cannot open the disk ‘XXXXXX.vmdk’or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.”

From time to time, I want to copy just theminimum files for a VMware virtual machine: the two .vmdk files and the .vmxfile. After moving those files to a new location or deleting a snapshot file,attempting to boot the virtual machine returns the following error message:

Cannot open the disk ‘XXXXXX.vmdk’ or oneof the snapshot disks it depends on.

Reason: The system cannot find the filespecified.

I’ve found that following the steps belowfixes the problem and allows me to boot the virtual machine as it existed atthe time of creation. DO NOT USE these steps if you need to retain any changesto the machine:

Open the *.vmx file in a text editor andfind the line that refers to the old snapshot file, which will look somethinglike:

scsi0:0.fileName = “XXXXXX-000002.vmdk”


ide0:0.fileName = “XXXXXX-000002.vmdk”

Change the value to the filename of the~1kb .vmdk file (which happens to be the same as the name of the VM). Forexample, if your virtual machine was named “Windows XP Professional”, the linewould read:

scsi0:0.fileName = “Windows XPProfessional.vmdk”

Power on the VM. It should boot normally,but because the snapshot file is missing, the machine will boot to an earlierstate.

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