Denys Prykhodov/Shutterstock.comDenys Prykhodov /

Want iMessage for Android or Windows? Unfortunately, you’re out of luck. Apple’s Messages app works only on Apple devices like Macs, iPhones, and iPads. No third-party apps can connect to iMessage. However, some good alternatives have similar functionality.

想要Android或Windows的iMessage吗? 不幸的是,你不走运。 Apple的Messages应用程序仅在Mac,iPhone和iPad等Apple设备上运行。 没有第三方应用程序可以连接到iMessage。 但是,一些好的替代方案具有相似的功能。

Apple doesn’t offer Messages on the web, either. That’s a shame—it could be part of the iCloud website like iCloud Drive, Notes, and Find My iPhone are.

苹果也不在网上提供消息。 真可惜-它可能是iCloud网站的一部分,例如iCloud Drive,Notes和“查找我的iPhone”。

无效的解决方案(远离iPadian) (Solutions That Don’t Work (Stay Away from iPadian))

Search for “iMessage on PC” or something similar on the web, and you’ll discover many websites offering a handful of bad solutions for running iMessage on a Windows PC. Here’s why they don’t work.

搜索“ PC上的iMessage”或在Web上类似的内容,您会发现许多网站都提供了一些不好的解决方案,无法在Windows PC上运行iMessage。 这就是为什么它们不起作用的原因。

Some websites recommend you use Chrome Remote Desktop or another remote desktop tool. Yes, if you have a Mac, you can leave that Mac running, access it remotely from a PC, and use the Messages app (or any other Mac app) over the remote desktop connection. If you have a spare Mac lying around, this will work—but you probably don’t. This is a silly solution for almost everyone.

有些网站建议您使用Chrome远程桌面或其他远程桌面工具 。 是的,如果您拥有Mac,则可以让该Mac运行,从PC远程访问它,并通过远程桌面连接使用Messages应用程序(或任何其他Mac应用程序)。 如果您有备用Mac,这可以使用-但您可能不会。 对于几乎每个人来说,这都是一个愚蠢的解决方案。

The same websites recommend you download something called “iPadian,” which is an “iOS and iPad simulator.” At first glance, it looks like a way to run the iPad’s iOS operating system on your desktop. But that’s deceiving. It isn’t an emulator—it’s a “simulator” that can’t actually run real iOS apps. You can’t run Messages or any other apps. You can run some fake apps designed to look like an iPad. For this, the company behind iPadian charges money.

相同的网站建议您下载名为“ iPadian”的东西,这是“ iOS和iPad模拟器”。 乍一看,它看起来像是一种在桌面上运行iPad的iOS操作系统的方法。 但这是欺骗。 它不是模拟器,而是实际上不能运行真正的iOS应用程序的“模拟器”。 您无法运行消息或任何其他应用。 您可以运行一些看起来像iPad的假冒应用程序。 为此,iPadian背后的公司要收费。

Stay away from iPadian. It doesn’t work at all, and it’s a waste of money. Sadly, there’s no way to run iMessage on a PC.

远离iPadian。 它根本不起作用,而且浪费金钱。 可悲的是,无法在PC上运行iMessage。

如何在Android上使用iMessage(与Mac一起使用) (How to Use iMessage on Android (with a Mac))


If you own a Mac and have an Android phone, here’s a solution you can look into. AirMessage promises “iMessage for Android,” and it delivers. It’s a little complicated, though, and involves conscripting a Mac you own to function as a server.

如果您拥有Mac并拥有Android手机,则可以考虑以下解决方案。 AirMessage承诺“适用于Android的iMessage”,并且可以交付。 不过,这有点复杂,并且涉及到将您拥有的Mac用作服务器。

Here’s how it works: You need a Mac, where you’ll install the AirMessage server. That Mac must remain running and connected to the internet at all times. You then install the AirMessage app on your Android phone. You can access iMessage through AirMessage on Android—your Mac does the heavy lifting; the AirMessage app communicates with it. As the device that’s actually connected to iMessage, your Mac is just sending messages back and forth.

工作原理如下:您需要一台Mac,用于安装AirMessage服务器。 Mac必须始终保持运行并连接到Internet。 然后,您在Android手机上安装AirMessage应用。 您可以通过Android上的AirMessage访问iMessage。 AirMessage应用与其通信。 作为实际连接到iMessage的设备,您的Mac只是来回发送消息。

For Mac owners with Android phones, AirMessage could be tempting. But you’ll want an always-on Mac with a stable internet connection. It’s an ordeal.

对于使用Android手机的Mac所有者,AirMessage可能很有吸引力。 但是,您将需要一台始终在线的Mac,它具有稳定的互联网连接。 这是一个磨难。

This isn’t an ideal solution—but it’s the best you can do. It won’t be worth it for most people.

这不是理想的解决方案,但这是您可以做的最好的事情。 对于大多数人来说,这是不值得的。

如何在装有Android手机的PC上发短信 (How to Text from a PC with an Android Phone)

If you have an Android phone and a Windows PC, you can text from your PC with the Your Phone app built into Windows 10. That’s one of the big draws of Apple’s Messages app—if you have an iPhone, you can text with your Mac. Well, if you have an Android phone, you can text from your Windows 10 PC.

如果您有Android手机和Windows PC,则可以使用Windows 10中内置的“您的电话”应用程序从PC中发送文本。 这是Apple Messages应用程序的一大亮点-如果您有iPhone,则可以使用Mac进行短信。 好吧,如果您有Android手机,则可以从Windows 10 PC发送短信。

You can even text from your PC with people using Apple’s Messages app, assuming they have an iPhone. You’ll just be one of those “green bubble” people, and you won’t have access to iMessage features like group iMessages and screen effects.

您甚至可以与使用Apple的Messages应用程序的人通过PC发送短信,前提是他们拥有iPhone。 您将只是其中的“绿泡泡”人物之一 ,并且将无法使用iMessage功能,例如群组iMessages和屏幕效果 。

If you don’t use Windows 10, you can use another app like PushBullet to text from your PC. This is web-based, so it works on Windows 7 devices, Chromebooks, Linux systems, and even Macs.

如果您不使用Windows 10,则可以使用其他应用程序(例如PushBullet) 从PC上发送文本 。 这是基于Web的,因此可以在Windows 7设备,Chromebook,Linux系统甚至Mac上运行。

尝试其他短信应用 (Try Other Text Messaging Apps)

While iMessage doesn’t work on Android or a Windows PC, many other text-messaging apps do. You could try to get your iMessage-using friends to switch to something like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, or any of the many other chat apps out there.

尽管iMessage在Android或Windows PC上不起作用,但许多其他文本消息应用程序也可以。 您可以尝试让使用iMessage的朋友切换到WhatsApp , Facebook Messenger , Telegram或其他许多聊天应用程序中的任何一种。

That may be a tall order if everyone else is using iMessage—but, in a mixed friend group with some iPhone users and some Android users, agreeing on a solution that everyone can use makes sense.


那FaceTime呢? (What about FaceTime?)

There’s no way to use FaceTime on a Windows PC or Android phone, either. That’s a shame because Steve Jobs promised to make FaceTime “an open industry standard” back in 2010 when it was announced. Apple hasn’t done so and hasn’t said anything about the promise since.

在Windows PC或Android手机上都无法使用FaceTime。 真可惜,因为史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)承诺在2010年宣布FaceTime成为“开放的行业标准”。 自那以后,Apple尚未这样做,也没有对承诺发表任何评论。


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