arduino UNO R3/ESP8266连接MCP2515 CAN


// demo: CAN-BUS Shield, receive data with interrupt mode, and set mask and filter
// when in interrupt mode, the data coming can't be too fast, must >20ms, or else you can use check mode
// loovee, 2014-7-8#include <SPI.h>#define CAN_2515
// #define CAN_2518FD// Set SPI CS Pin according to your hardware#if defined(SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL) && defined(CAN_2518FD)
// For Wio Terminal w/ MCP2518FD RPi Hat:
// Channel 0 SPI_CS Pin: BCM 8
// Channel 1 SPI_CS Pin: BCM 7
// Interupt Pin: BCM25
const int SPI_CS_PIN  = BCM8;
const int CAN_INT_PIN = BCM25;
#else// For Arduino MCP2515 Hat:
// the cs pin of the version after v1.1 is default to D9
// v0.9b and v1.0 is default D10
const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;
const int CAN_INT_PIN = 2;//INT表示中断的pin
#endif#ifdef CAN_2518FD
#include "mcp2518fd_can.h"
mcp2518fd CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin
#endif#ifdef CAN_2515
#include "mcp2515_can.h"
mcp2515_can CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin
#endif                              unsigned char flagRecv = 0;
unsigned char len = 0;
unsigned char buf[8];
char str[20];void setup() {SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.begin(115200);while(!Serial){};attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CAN_INT_PIN), MCP2515_ISR, FALLING); // start interrupt(attachInterrupt()函数是用于为Arduino开发板设置和执行ISR(中断服务程序)用的//ISR(中断服务程序)顾名思义就是中断Arduino当前正在处理的事情而优先去执行中断服务程序。当中断服务程序完成以后,再回来继续执行刚才执行的事情。中断服务程序对监测Arduino输入有很大的用处。)while (CAN_OK != CAN.begin(CAN_500KBPS)) {             // init can bus : baudrate = 500kSERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("CAN init fail, retry...");delay(100);}SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("CAN init ok!");/*set mask, set both the mask to 0x3ff*/CAN.init_Mask(0, 0, 0x3ff);                         // there are 2 mask in mcp2515, you need to set both of themCAN.init_Mask(1, 0, 0x3ff);/*set filter, we can receive id from 0x04 ~ 0x09*/CAN.init_Filt(0, 0, 0x04);                          // there are 6 filter in mcp2515CAN.init_Filt(1, 0, 0x05);                          // there are 6 filter in mcp2515CAN.init_Filt(2, 0, 0x06);                          // there are 6 filter in mcp2515CAN.init_Filt(3, 0, 0x07);                          // there are 6 filter in mcp2515CAN.init_Filt(4, 0, 0x08);                          // there are 6 filter in mcp2515CAN.init_Filt(5, 0, 0x09);                          // there are 6 filter in mcp2515
}void MCP2515_ISR() {flagRecv = 1;SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("flagRecv is trigger!!!");
}void loop() {if (flagRecv) {                // check if get dataflagRecv = 0;                // clear flagCAN.readMsgBuf(&len, buf);    // read data,  len: data length, buf: data bufSERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------");SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("Get Data From id: ");SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println(CAN.getCanId());for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // print the dataSERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("0x");SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(buf[i], HEX);SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("\t");}SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println();}
}/*********************************************************************************************************END FILE


// demo: set_mask_filter_send
// this demo will show you how to use mask and filter
#include <SPI.h>#define CAN_2515
// #define CAN_2518FD// Set SPI CS Pin according to your hardware#if defined(SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL) && defined(CAN_2518FD)
// For Wio Terminal w/ MCP2518FD RPi Hat:
// Channel 0 SPI_CS Pin: BCM 8
// Channel 1 SPI_CS Pin: BCM 7
// Interupt Pin: BCM25
const int SPI_CS_PIN  = BCM8;
const int CAN_INT_PIN = BCM25;
#else// For Arduino MCP2515 Hat:
// the cs pin of the version after v1.1 is default to D9
// v0.9b and v1.0 is default D10
//const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;//arduino UNO R3
//const int CAN_INT_PIN = 2;//arduino UNO R3
const int SPI_CS_PIN = D8;//ESP8266
const int CAN_INT_PIN = D2;//ESP8266
#endif#ifdef CAN_2518FD
#include "mcp2518fd_can.h"
mcp2518fd CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin
#endif#ifdef CAN_2515
#include "mcp2515_can.h"
mcp2515_can CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin
#endif  void setup() {SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.begin(115200);while(!Serial){};while (CAN_OK != CAN.begin(CAN_500KBPS)) {             // init can bus : baudrate = 500kSERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("CAN init fail, retry...");delay(100);}SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("CAN init ok!");
}unsigned char stmp[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};void loop() {for (int id = 0; id < 10; id++) {// memset(stmp, id, sizeof(stmp));                 // set id to send data buffCAN.sendMsgBuf(id, 0, sizeof(stmp), stmp);delay(1000);}delay(1000);}/*********************************************************************************************************END FILE


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