## Prerequisites

- Linux or macOS
- Python 3
- PyTorch 0.4

""" Linux 下安装虚拟环境 """
# 升级 pip
pip install --upgrade pip# 安装必要的库
sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper# 配置环境1.创建目录用来存放虚拟环境mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs2.在~/.bashrc中添加行:export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvssource /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh3.运行:source ~/.bashrc# 查看虚拟机
virtualenv --version# 新建虚拟环境
mkvirtualenv <虚拟环境名称># 查看已存在的虚拟环境
workon# 使用指定的虚拟环境
workon <虚拟环境名称># 退出虚拟环境
deactivate# 有时候重启终端会出现:找不到 workon 的情况,
source virtualenvwrapper.sh
# 再输入 workon 就可以了# 删除虚拟环境
rmvirtualenv <虚拟环境名称>

## Getting Started
### Installation
- Install python libraries [dominate](https://github.com/Knio/dominate) and requests.
- 第一步,安装必要的库

pip install dominate requests

- If you plan to train with face datasets, please install dlib.

- * 如果想要在 face 的数据集上训练,安装额外的库

pip install dlib

- If you plan to train with pose datasets, please install [DensePose]

- 在 OpenPose 上训练

(https://github.com/facebookresearch/DensePose) and/or [OpenPose](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose).
- Clone this repo:

- 下载项目

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/vid2vid
cd vid2vid


### 测试阶段

- Docker Image
If you have difficulty building the repo, a docker image can be found in the `docker` folder.

### Testing

- Please first download example dataset by running `python scripts/download_datasets.py`.

- 下载测试用的样本数据集

python scripts/download_datasets.py


import os
from download_gdrive import *file_id = '1rPcbnanuApZeo2uc7h55OneBkbcFCnnf'
chpt_path = './datasets/'
# 定义路径
if not os.path.isdir(chpt_path):os.makedirs(chpt_path)
# 如果不存在此路径,则新建它
destination = os.path.join(chpt_path, 'datasets.zip')
# 定义目标路径
download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, destination)
# 下载文件到目标路径
unzip_file(destination, chpt_path)
# 解压缩文件



train_A        --实例分割mask,对应每一帧
train_B        --对应每个mask的真实视频帧(也就是目标生成)
train_inst     --区分视频帧的前景(如车、人等)与背景的mask测试数据
test_A         --实例分割mask,对应每一帧
test_inst      --区分视频帧的前景(如车、人等)与背景的mask



# ./vid2vid/data_understanding.py
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Imagedef understanding_cityscape(pth):# we will show the different pixel valuesdiff_pixels = []file = os.listdir(pth)[0]img = Image.open(os.path.join(pth, file)).convert('L')img_arr = np.array(img)H, W = img_arr.shapefor h in range(H):for w in range(W):pix = img_arr[h, w]if pix not in diff_pixels:diff_pixels.append(pix)print("There are totally {}/{} different values!".format(len(diff_pixels), H*W))print("They are: ")print(diff_pixels)if __name__ == '__main__':pth_cityscape = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'datasets', 'Cityscapes', 'train_A', 'seq0000')understanding_cityscape(pth_cityscape)

- Next, download and compile a snapshot of [FlowNet2](https://github.com/NVIDIA/flownet2-pytorch) by running `python scripts/download_flownet2.py`.

- 下面我们打算安装 FlowNet2 ,这应该是本项目最大的一个挑战。

1)下载 FlowNet2 项目;

python scripts/download_flownet2.py


2) 下载 FlowNet2 的预训练模型

python scripts/download_models_flownet2.py



# flownet2 中的 Readme 文件
# get flownet2-pytorch source
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/flownet2-pytorch.git
cd flownet2-pytorch# install custom layers
bash install.sh


cd ./networks/correlation_package
chmod u+x make.sh
cd ../resample2d_package
chmod u+x make.sh
cd ../channelnorm_package
chmod u+x make.sh
cd ..

原来是打算编译这三个文件夹下的C++ CUDA代码。


cd ./networks/correlation_package
chmod u+x make.sh


Compiling correlation kernels by nvcc...
rm: cannot remove '../_ext': No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "build.py", line 3, in <module>
    import torch.utils.ffi
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/ffi/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
    raise ImportError("torch.utils.ffi is deprecated. Please use cpp extensions instead.")
ImportError: torch.utils.ffi is deprecated. Please use cpp extensions instead.


如果使用pytorch 0.4的话,还需要安装 cffi,

pip install cffi

cd ./networks/resample2d_package
chmod u+x make.sh

cd ./networks/channelnorm_package
chmod u+x make.sh


cannot remove 'ChannelNorm_kernel.o': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '../_ext': No such file or directory


- Cityscapes 在CityScapes下测试
- Please download the pre-trained Cityscapes model by:

- 下载预训练模型

- 下载关于道路(street)转换的与训练模型


# vid2vid/scripts/street/download_models.py
import os
from download_gdrive import *file_id = '1MKtImgtnGC28EPU7Nh9DfFpHW6okNVkl'
chpt_path = './checkpoints/'
if not os.path.isdir(chpt_path):os.makedirs(chpt_path)
destination = os.path.join(chpt_path, 'models.zip')
download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, destination)
unzip_file(destination, chpt_path)

这整一个过程需要翻墙到Google Drive,所以需要VPN的支持;下载需要时间,此件可以看看其他的论文。

python scripts/street/download_models.py



每个文件夹下又有三个模型(.pth文件) 。

- To test the model (`bash ./scripts/street/test_2048.sh`):

- 测试 Cityscapes 的模型


python test.py --name label2city_2048 --label_nc 35 --loadSize 2048 --n_scales_spatial 3 --use_instance --fg --use_single_G# 其中,
# name指明保存文件夹名;
# label_nc指明类别数;
# loadSize是输入输出的图片长边大小;



- We also provide a smaller model trained with single GPU, which produces slightly worse performance at 1024 x 512 resolution.

- 我们也提供了一个更小的模型,处理图片大小为:1024x512.
- Please download the model by

python scripts/street/download_models_g1.py# 其代码内容如下:
import os
from download_gdrive import *file_id = '1QoE1p3QikxNVbbTBWWRDtIspg-RcLE8y'
chpt_path = './checkpoints/'
if not os.path.isdir(chpt_path):os.makedirs(chpt_path)
destination = os.path.join(chpt_path, 'models_g1.zip')
download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, destination)
unzip_file(destination, chpt_path)

- 首先下载对应的模型,同样我们还是在街道转换的任务上去做;这之后我们会下载一个新的模型,在路径“checkpoints”中。

- To test the model (`bash ./scripts/street/test_g1_1024.sh`):

- 完了后我们使用这么模型测试一下。运行脚本文件:"./scripts/street/test_g1_1024.sh"

python test.py --name label2city_1024_g1 --label_nc 35 --loadSize 1024 --n_scales_spatial 3 --use_instance --fg --n_downsample_G 2 --use_single_G



- You can find more example scripts in the `scripts/street/` directory.
- 你还可以找到更多的脚本。其实没有了,就这两个测试脚本;其他的是训练脚本。


# ./vid2vid/results/gif.py
from PIL import Image
import os
import numpy as np
import imageioif __name__ == '__main__':pth = os.getcwd()DIRS = os.listdir(pth)for DIR in DIRS:if os.path.isfile(DIR):continuepath = os.path.join(pth, DIR, 'test_latest', 'stuttgart_00')# target directoryfiles = os.listdir(path)fakes = []reals = []for file in files:if file[0:4] == 'real':reals.append(file)elif file[0:4] == 'fake':fakes.append(file)a = 28b = 33reals.sort(key= lambda x:int(x[a:b]))fakes.sort(key= lambda x:int(x[a:b]))'''print(len(reals))print(len(fakse))for real in reals:print(real)for fake in fakes:print(fake)'''L = len(reals)frames = []for i in range(L):real = reals[i]fake = fakes[i]# 获取文件名real = Image.open(os.path.join(path, real)).convert('RGB')real = np.array(real)fake = Image.open(os.path.join(path, fake)).convert('RGB')fake = np.array(fake)   # 读入图片,转换为numpy数组H, W = real.shape[0], real.shape[1]frame = np.zeros((H, 2*W, 3))frame[:, 0:W, :] = realframe[:, W:2*W, :] = fake   # 数组合并frames.append(frame.astype(np.uint8))# 添加# real = imageio.imread(os.path.join(path, reals[i]))# print(real)frames.append(frame)imageio.mimsave(DIR+'.gif', frames, 'GIF', duration = 0.1)# baocunwei gif tupian


- Faces

- 下面我们试着进行脸部生成的测试
- Please download the pre-trained model by:

- 首先是下载预训练的模型

python scripts/face/download_models.py

- To test the model (`bash ./scripts/face/test_512.sh`):

- 现在我们尝试测试这个模型,执行脚本文件:"#!./scripts/face/test_512.sh"

python test.py --name edge2face_512 --dataroot datasets/face/ --dataset_mode face --input_nc 15 --loadSize 512 --use_single_G



- 至于第三个任务,从Pose热值图向真实帧的转换,作者在对应的“vid2vid/scripts/pose”中并没有放置模型下载脚本,所以此处忽略。



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