
Net neutrality is the practice of all websites on the Internet being treated equally. For many the idea of net neutrality is based around the idea of censorship and Governmental control of which websites are accessible in a particular country. However, in a vote this week another idea surrounding net neutrality has been bought to our attention – the speed at which websites can be delivered on a connection. This week the FCC has ruled that website owners can now effectively pay for priority on the Internet, enabling their websites to be delivered at faster speeds than others. Rather than working to restrict access to certain websites, paid priority should work to deliver a better experience for consumers.

网络中立是互联网上所有网站受到同等对待的惯例。 对于许多人来说,网络中立的思想是基于审查和政府控制在特定国家/地区可访问哪些网站的思想。 但是,在本周的一次投票中,有关网络中立性的另一个想法引起了我们的注意,即通过连接交付网站的速度。 FCC本周裁定,网站所有者现在可以有效地为Internet上的优先级付费,从而使其网站的交付速度比其他网站更快。 付费优先级应该是为消费者提供更好的体验,而不是限制访问某些网站。

支付优先流量 (Paying for priority traffic)

At the heart of the ruling will be the option for website owners to pay for priority traffic so that their content will be delivered to end-users at faster speeds. It is envisaged that streaming media companies will be able to pay additional fees to connection providers in order to have their traffic delivered at faster speeds, which for them will boost the end-user experience with the overall result likely to be an increase in users.

该裁决的核心是网站所有者可以为优先流量付费,以便他们的内容以更快的速度交付给最终用户。 可以设想,流媒体公司将能够向连接提供商支付额外的费用,以便以更快的速度交付其流量,这对于他们而言将提高最终用户的体验,总体结果可能是用户数量的增加。

As far back as February, Netflix and Comcast had already announced a deal that would see Netflix traffic being sent directly to Comcast. Prior to this deal, traffic had been routed through a third-party company, Cogent Communications, who lack the infrastructure necessary to handle the Netflix traffic and so the customer experience was being hampered. Delivering the traffic directly to Comcast will result in much faster speeds and higher quality content for the end-user.

早在2月,Netflix和Comcast就已经宣布了一项协议,将Netflix的流量直接发送到Comcast。 在这笔交易之前,流量是通过第三方公司Cogent Communications路由的,该公司缺乏处理Netflix流量所需的基础架构,因此客户体验受到了阻碍。 将流量直接传递到Comcast将为最终用户带来更快的速度和更高质量的内容。

防范不公平的速度 (Guarding against unfair speeds)

For many the worry is that their websites will be relegated to being delivered to slow connections that could impact on the end-user experience, but FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has moved to calm the fears, saying that the agency would not allow unfair or ‘commercially unreasonable’ business practices. Website owners should not be worried about losing traffic or providing a less than satisfactory end-user experience, rather the ruling is designed to provide funding to increase the capacity of connections from large companies such as Netflix that rely on high-bandwidth connections to deliver their services. There is the suggestion that this is a vote to “slow the web”, but so far there has been no evidence to suggest that this will happen – if anything websites will only get faster as the technology to deliver them improves.

对于许多人来说,担心的是他们的网站将被降级为可能影响最终用户体验的慢速连接,但是FCC主席汤姆·惠勒(Tom Wheeler)已平息了担忧,称该机构将不允许不公平或“商业化”。不合理的商业行为。 网站所有者不必担心会丢失流量或提供不太令人满意的最终用户体验,而该裁决旨在提供资金以增加大型公司(例如Netflix)的连接能力,这些公司依靠高带宽连接来交付他们的服务。服务。 有建议认为这是“减慢网络速度”的投票,但是到目前为止,还没有证据表明这种情况会发生–如果任何网站的交付速度会随着技术的提高而变得更快。

Whether this spells in the end of net neutrality is another question. Whilst it does mean that websites will be treated differently, it doesn’t mean that some websites will be accessible and others won’t be. Rather for now this move is a way in which consumers will be able to enjoy a better experience when accessing the content they enjoy most.

这是否意味着网络中立性的终结是另一个问题。 这的确意味着将对网站进行不同的对待,但这并不意味着某些网站将可访问,而另一些则不会。 到目前为止,此举是让消费者在访问他们最喜欢的内容时可以享受更好体验的一种方式。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/is-this-the-end-of-net-neutrality/



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