在RStudio中,我使用tmap_leaflet函数制作了一张传单地图,其中根据变量的值对某些多边形进行了着色,并在多边形的顶部打印了一些粗线,这些变量将变量的值分为三类。 我希望它成为Rmd文件的一部分,该文件可以很好地编织,并且在RStudio弹出窗口中输出正确,但是在自动保存的html文件中缺少杂物。

这是用R studio编写的Rmd文件的可复制示例:

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

library(tigris) #to download a USA map



library(tmap) #to build the map

library(tmaptools) #for function append_data

library(ggplot2) #to produce the grobs

library(leaflet) # for setView function

#download the usa map shapefile as an sf file


#keep only the 48 contiguous States of the US which will be the background of the map



"Puerto Rico",

"Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands",

"United States Virgin Islands" ,


"American Samoa"

)) )

#data I want to plot on the map for four states

#the colour of the polygons of these States will depend on the value of Total_Number

#the grob for each state will be a pie chart showing the breakdown of the total number in the three categories, the percentages of which are also provided


Total_Number = c(800, 1200, 1700, 2100),

Perc_Cat1 = c(30, 40, 50, 60),

Perc_Cat2 = c(10, 20, 30, 10),

Perc_Cat3 = c(60, 40, 20, 30))

#create an sf object for the four states I have data for

usStates_sf %

filter(STUSPS %in% c("WA", "CA", "FL", "NJ") ) %>%

append_data(dat_df, key.shp = "STUSPS", key.data = "STATE")

#to make grobs, data need to be in long format


varying = list(3:5),

timevar = "Category",

v.names = "Perc",

idvar = "STATE",


#Category needs to be defined as factor so that scale_fill_manual() in ggplot() works as intended


#define the colours of the piechart


#make the grobs


dat_df_long$STATE), function(x) {

ggplotGrob( ggplot(x, aes(x="", y=-Perc, fill= Category)) +

geom_bar(width=1, stat="identity") +

scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +

scale_fill_manual( values = cat_cols) +

theme_ps(plot.axes = FALSE) +

coord_polar("y", start=0) #to transform bar to pie



#to produce a static map


#background of the map:

tm_shape(us48_geo) + tm_polygons( col="white") +

#polygons of the four states I have data for coloured depending on the value of Total_Number

tm_shape(usStates_sf) +


palette = "YlOrBr",

title ="Total Number",

contrast = 0.7,

id = "STUSPS",

popup.vars = c("Total Number" = "Total_Number")) +

#add the grobs (piecharts) for each State




legend.shape.show = FALSE,

legend.size.is.portrait = TRUE,

shapes.legend = 22,

id = "STUSPS",

popup.vars = c("Category 1 (%)" ="Perc_Cat1",

"Category 2 (%)" = "Perc_Cat2",

"Category 3 (%)" = "Perc_Cat3") ) +



labels= levels(dat_df_long$Category),

title="Category") +

tm_layout(legend.stack = "horizontal" )

#render the static map into a leaflet map

leafletmap % setView(-96, 37.8, zoom=4)




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