
First of all, whether a job is satisfying or not is a subjective matter, because one that satisfies the needs of some may be troubling to others.

if you definition of job satisfaction has to do with a high salary, or social status, then a job

first of all, whether a job is satisfying or not is a subjective matter, because one that satisfies the needs of some may be troubling to others. if your definition of job satisfaction has to do with a high salary or social status, then you can seek to change your job if a job does not provide such conditions. However, when you find your job not pleasing just because you do not get along with your colleagues or boss, but at the same your position promises a bright future, it is advisable that you accept the situation.


First of all, whether a job is satisfying or not is a subjective manner, because one that satisfies the needs of some may be troubling to others. If your definition of job satisfaction has to do with a high salary or social status, then you can seek to change your job if it does not provide such conditions. However, when you find your job

export earnings

export earnings


in constrast

in constrast 这个是对比的意思

in constrast


brought about

brought about

brought about

illustrates, shows



men and women 's participation

physical activities

in Australia

in 2010

biggest gender difference

the biggest difference was between 35 to 44-year-old males and females.

XXX mem

the percentage of

52.8% of men …

The percentage of men who… is…

the percentage of mem who… is…

staring with the age groups where figures for involvements in sports favor women, approximately 53% of adults females aged 35 to

starting with the age groups where the figures for involvement in sports favor women, approximately 53% of adult females aged 35 to 64 took part in physical exercising, while the perentages of their male counterparts stood at 39.5% for 35

turning now to the youngest and oldest participants, young men aged 15 to 24 were more actively engaged

there are two trends available in the mini

max and min



driving force for productivity

since the building of skyscrapers,

advancement of medical facilities

economic development

social and personal factors

damaging the country


scholarship to attract more science students.

may be lowered

due todiminishing







nowadays, many people are concened that the number of

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

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; for example, …

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; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

; for example, …

the style of chinese may different

difficuties in language

discuss both sides

5 billion dollars

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