本人电子工程EE专业,申请时发表/录用IEEE Trans 2片IEEE Letters 2片IET Journals 4片Elsievier Jouranls 4片。我这个专业基本上没有招博后的广告资源,所以申请的第一步是给和我研究领域相关的文章作者中象老板的直接发邮件陶瓷。第一批大概20封左右,都是发 给IEEE Fellow的,领域中的大牛,大树地下好乘凉嘛。陶瓷信+CV群发,

"I learned about your research on your homepage and your recent publications. Having achieved many goals in my career of sensor array processing and statistical signal processing and believing that there would be a good fit between my research experience and interests and your research, I am interested in a postdoctoral position in your lab, and have enclosed my Curriculum Vitae for your review and consideration.

I would like to know whether there is any postdoc position available in your lab. I will contact you in one week to answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information from me.

Greatly look forward to speaking with you soon."


"Thanks for your interest in working with us. We really appreciate that Our work is working on signal processing, sensor network and information fusion. Your background on statistical signal processing is close to our research interest. Our group is currently working mostly on sensor network and information fusion. Do you have any experience on these topics?"


"In year period 2004-2007, my current research group is working on the topic sensor network. With collaboration of other researcher in my group, I also have knowledge of some other sensor network-related topics, e.g., energy-based sensor/target position estimation/tracking, consensus algorithm for distributed sensor fusion."


"I would like to check if you have received the below cited message, and I would appreciate if you are considering me as to work a postdoctoral fellow in your lab."


"Thanks for your email. I received the your previous email as well. It is good to know that you are also experienced in sensor network research. I wonder can we set up a teleconference meeting so that we can have direct conversation?"


"Certainly. I am glad to talk with you. How about using a software like 'windows live messenger' or 'skype', in which way we may possibly make a video conversation?

As there has about over ten time differences between China and your city (I am not clear about what the exact figure is), can we discuss and arrange a time that is convenient for both of us for this conversation?"





"Thank you sending me the copies of your papers that have been accepted 
for publication and a proposal for your future research work.

Dr. ... and I have given a careful consideration to your request for 
working in a postdoctoral position at ..... We have 
also briefly reviewed your papers that have already been published or 
accepted for publication, as well as your proposal for postdoctoral 
research. I'm pleased to inform you that we have decided to offer you 
a postdoctoral position under the joint supervision of Dr. ...
and myself with an annual support of $36,000.

Please inform us as soon as possible of your acceptance of the above 
Upon receipt of your acceptance of the offer, we will make a 
recommendation to the Dean of Engineering and Computer Science of 
...., Dr. ...., to issue you an official letter 
of offer that can be used to acquire a work permit and an entry visa.

In your future correspondence to me, please also include Professor 
...., whose email address is ....... Hope to hear from you soon."

本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2230282&fpage=1


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